LEAD-24651 Cystaran CCCS Brochure Digital V1 PROOFED HH 10.12


WHAT TO EXPECT AT AN EYE EXAM• The initial test for corneal crystals will probably involve a slit lampmicroscope (shown on the right), which is a bright light with a microscopethat’s used with most eye exams• The slit lamp microscope can show whether you have crystals in yourcorneas and help the ophthalmologist give an estimate of how densely theyare packed• They may use a CCCS to describe how many crystals are present, whichstand for corneal cystine crystal score• A CCCS goes from 0 (no crystals) to 3 (heavily packed with crystals) inincrements of 0.25In the United States, around 600 children and adultshave cystinosis. All of them will develop corneal crystals2

0.0FPONEED HIGH RES IMAGESThere are no corneal crystals present inthis patient’s eyeDoctors can detect crystals as early as 16 monthsin some cystinosis patients3


• The initial test for corneal crystals will probably involve a slit lamp

microscope (shown on the right), which is a bright light with a microscope

that’s used with most eye exams

• The slit lamp microscope can show whether you have crystals in your

corneas and help the ophthalmologist give an estimate of how densely they

are packed

• They may use a CCCS to describe how many crystals are present, which

stand for corneal cystine crystal score

• A CCCS goes from 0 (no crystals) to 3 (heavily packed with crystals) in

increments of 0.25

In the United States, around 600 children and adults

have cystinosis. All of them will develop corneal crystals


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