

about Macs’ invincibility, [119] but now they were forced the publicly admitthat this wasn’t entirely true. Apple’s website used to brag that “Macs don’tget PC viruses,” but shortly after this incident, Apple replaced it with themore generic tagline “it’s built to be safe.” [120] Over the next few years,several more Mac viruses, including ones called Rootpipe and KitM.A,started appearing. [121]Clearly, Macs aren’t immune to viruses. In fact, one 2017 analysis found thatmacOS actually had more security flaws than Windows 10. [122] So if you havea Mac, it’s worth checking out free Mac antivirus apps. [123]One last thing: anyone, no matter how secure their operating system, can fallprey to “social engineering” attacks like phishing, which trick you into givingaway personal information that hackers can use to defraud you. [124]So if anyone ever smugly tells you that their Mac can’t get viruses, tell themto look beyond the marketing. The fact is that no operating system is perfect— any OS can get a virus.

Chapter 3: Software DevelopmentEvery piece of software, from the original Pac-Man game to the latest versionof Snapchat, is made of instructions, or code, that people wrote down and thatcomputers follow. While the code behind apps like Spotify or Yelp mightseem like magical spells, many of the core ideas are simple. We won’t getinto the nitty-gritty of the code, but here we’ll look into three big buildingblocks of apps and websites.First, software is built around algorithms, or well-defined procedures thatcomputers use to solve a problem. For instance, the algorithm to find the areaof a triangle is to multiply the base and the height, then cut the result in half.There are algorithms to predict the weather, recommend movies to watch,process credit card payments, and more. We’ll take a look under the hood ofsome famous apps and websites to reveal the algorithms that make them tick.Then we’ll turn to a second building block: APIs, or applicationprogramming interfaces, which let apps borrow algorithms and data fromother apps. We’ll explore how APIs work and why developers use them, andwe’ll learn how to analyze an app to figure out what APIs it uses.Algorithms and APIs help developers build out software, but to perfect it,developers turn to a third tool: A/B tests. In an A/B test, you show differentversions of a feature to different groups of users: for instance, half the usersget a red button while the other half get a blue button. Then you look atcertain metrics to see which variation performed better, and you push thewinning version to all users. We’ll finish up this chapter with a look at howsome apps and websites use this powerful, scientific technique to improvetheir software.Once you understand these three building blocks, you can start peering underthe hood of any app or website to learn how it works.

about Macs’ invincibility, [119] but now they were forced the publicly admit

that this wasn’t entirely true. Apple’s website used to brag that “Macs don’t

get PC viruses,” but shortly after this incident, Apple replaced it with the

more generic tagline “it’s built to be safe.” [120] Over the next few years,

several more Mac viruses, including ones called Rootpipe and KitM.A,

started appearing. [121]

Clearly, Macs aren’t immune to viruses. In fact, one 2017 analysis found that

macOS actually had more security flaws than Windows 10. [122] So if you have

a Mac, it’s worth checking out free Mac antivirus apps. [123]

One last thing: anyone, no matter how secure their operating system, can fall

prey to “social engineering” attacks like phishing, which trick you into giving

away personal information that hackers can use to defraud you. [124]

So if anyone ever smugly tells you that their Mac can’t get viruses, tell them

to look beyond the marketing. The fact is that no operating system is perfect

— any OS can get a virus.

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