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Chapter 2: Operating Systems

Android or iOS? Mac or Windows (or, if you’re especially hardcore, Linux)?

Everyone has their preferences of operating systems. These preferences are

important, since operating systems (OSes) are at the heart of every computing

device, from phones to supercomputers. The operating system sits between

the device and apps; pretty much no device and no app can run without an

operating system.

So, before we discuss anything else, let’s look at operating systems. We’ll

start off by learning how operating systems differ and why that matters. Then

we’ll investigate mobile operating systems, including Android and iOS, and

see how their creators can get filthy rich — or go broke. We’ll finish up with

a look at desktop operating systems like Mac and Windows.

We’ll talk about each of these topics through a case study, where we’ll pose a

real-world question and then break it down. Let’s jump in!

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