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note. They’re particularly attractive targets for ransomers, [579] and they’re

especially at risk because their IT departments are often slow to update old

software. [580]

Another solution is to regularly backup your computer, so that even if

ransomers encrypt all your files, you can just restore a recent version and

forget about the encrypted files. [581] Clearly, you can’t backup files to your

hard drive, because the ransomware would encrypt the backups too; we

recommend storing your backup files in the cloud (like on Dropbox) or on an

external hard drive. [582] That way, your backups are stored somewhere

besides your hard drive, so the ransomware won’t be able to touch them. [583]

But the best solution is to be proactive and prevent malware from getting

onto your computer in the first place. Avoid downloading pirated software

and media, be careful which email attachments you click on, and get antivirus

software that’ll scan downloaded files for malware. [584]

Ransomware probably won’t go away anytime soon — but with the

knowledge you’ve gained here, plus some precautions and backups, you’ll be

well equipped to fight back.

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