Pixel Pleasures An NSFW Magazine ONLY FOR ADULTS

Pixel Pleasures An NSFW Magazine ONLY FOR ADULTS


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Niz, Alaeryn, Irimiel, Sue, Laura



Welcome to our October issue! We are so glad to have you

with us on our second release! This time, we took it up a

Hey everyone,


step higher with the interviews, features, and much more.

How do you like our new banner? It's made by our new

member Irimiel!

On this issue, we are showcasing the talented mod creator

Sacrificial, the YouTuber CreepySims, an in-depth look on

the "Extreme Violence" mod, a steamy story by Alaeryn to

warm your insides, and our first-ever Simblreen lookbook

selected by our very own Laura! Also, we're having Knox

Greenburg & Kylo Ren as our centrefold!

We hope you enjoy our offering to you!

Our Kylo Ren is made by Viltor87!





G e t t i n g t o k n o w C r e e p y S i m s


Pixel Pleasures' Contributing Editor Alaeryn Emlu'rathian chats with CreepySims about her work

on YouTube and serving some wickedness into her Letsplays and more.

The Sims, before all else, is a

virtual sandbox. Given a slew of

tools-- build items, aspirations,

whims, clothing, and careers--

Simmers are able to craft the

characters and dramas that best

please them. Adult mods only

enhance this ability. While the

family-friendly expansion packs

offer plenty to play with, adult

mods like Wicked Whims and

Extreme Violence elevate

storytelling to often gross, grim,

and hilariously anatomically

correct new levels. These mods

allow Sims to make realistically

unpixelated love, to smoke

themselves into a slow-headed

stupor after a long day’s work, or

to beat their unsuspecting victims

into bloody bits.

Naturally, storytelling Simmers like

Creepy Sims take full advantage of

these mods. Creepy Sims in particular,

well-known for her high-energy Let’s

Plays and Broken Libido Challenge,

wields adult mods to weave intricate

machinima on her YouTube channel.

Brazen and bold, Creepy Sims brings an

freshly unapologetic voice to the world

of Sims 4 machinima. I sat down with

Creepy for what proved to be a

remarkably candid interview.


Alaeryn: It’s an absolute honor to speak with you. Your

high-quality body of work certainly speaks volumes on your

behalf. Let’s get right into it. Let’s start with the basics: where

are you from? Where did you grow up?

CreepySims: I was born in Stoke-on-Trent, England, but

moved around a lot growing up. Never stayed in one place

for more than a few years. Finally settled in the small village

of Eccleshall in Staffordshire when I was around 9 years old,

stayed there till I moved out on my own.

A: How, if at all, did the place you grew up influence your


CS: I’m an only child, and moving around as much as we did,

meeting people was difficult, so instead I’d put all my efforts

into playing games; it was my favourite pastime. It’s been me

and my mom for most of my life, and we never really had

much money, so I used to spend my time playing The Sims

with my cousin on her computer. My uncle gave me his old

gameboy, and my other uncle later bought me a Wii. Then

mom saved up enough to buy me a laptop, and I admit,

that’s where my love of gaming really flourished. I’ve never

really been close with my family, but looking back, I’m

grateful for what they did, taking an interest in me.

A: Your channel has grown to almost 15,000 subscribers!

Well done! How does it feel?

CS: I’m grateful that my channel has taken off as well as it

has, I wasn’t expecting it at all. I had an idea, and I ran with it.

It feels amazing having so many people so invested in the


A: You’ve made it abundantly clear that you’re passionate

about creating stories for the adult community; have you

ever received backlash for this?

"I’m grateful that my channel has taken

off as well as it has, I wasn’t expecting it

at all."

CS: Yes, I’ve received a lot of backlash, mostly people taking

things I’ve said out of context, or adding distasteful

comments or memes in my videos after an event had

occurred. I’ve addressed this as best I can by being

somewhat mindful that not everyone has the dark sense of

humour that I have, and I’ve edited out some scenes that

people found most offensive in Sims of my very early

episodes to the Broken Libido Challenge. There are those as

well that feel basing a story around adult prostitution is

distasteful in itself; however, we’re all entitled to our opinion.

Again, with my dark humour, the point is to make light of a

somewhat tragic situation and turn it into something


CS: Yes, I’ve received a lot of backlash, mostly people taking

things I’ve said out of context, or adding distasteful

comments or memes in my videos after an event had

occurred. I’ve addressed this as best I can by being

somewhat mindful that not everyone has the dark sense of

humour that I have, and I’ve edited out some scenes that

people found most offensive in Sims of my very early

episodes to the Broken Libido Challenge. There are those as

well that feel basing a story around adult prostitution is

distasteful in itself; however, we’re all entitled to our opinion.

Again, with my dark humour, the point is to make light of a

somewhat tragic situation and turn it into something


A: You’re a big fan of modders like TurboDriver, Sacrificial,

Nisa, and Basemental. Are there any new features that you’d

like to see in these mods?

CS: I applaud all mod creators as I can imagine the demand

for them is really high, especially when it comes to The Sims.

If anything, I’d say Turbodriver has hit the nail on the head

when it comes to realism, and if I were to add anything

extra, it would be targeted more towards the animation

creators rather than Turbodriver themselves. Like, I’m still

waiting for the ability to have sex in the pool guys, not just

the ladder. Come on.


A: We all have our favorite Wicked Whims animators — who’s

your favorite currently and why?

CS: I’d say Azmadon22 is still, by far, my favourite animator!

There is such a wide range of positions, toys, the introduction

to stripper poles, cages etc. It was Azmadon who really took

me out of my comfort zone when I first started using the mod,

and I’ve just been in love with it ever since then. So for that

reason alone is why Azmadon will always be my go to!

A: You work as a mental health nurse, and it’s clear that you’re

passionate about the job. How does your background in

mental health inform the stories you tell and the way that you

interact with the public?

CS: It’s probably no surprise that I’m exactly the same person

at work as I am outside of it, I’m very consistent in that

respect, and I pride myself on being as open and honest as

humanly possible. Some would say I’ve had a troubled

childhood; however, I can’t really complain about how much

love and support my family have shown me over the years

despite that fact. I’ve always been drawn towards the medical

field, with a burning passion to help those in need, and with

that passion comes a very active imagination. You need

imagination in order to do the job, as people can be very

creative in their intent on any given situation. So I guess my

stories will always be an expression of the people I have come

to know, myself, and my experiences. My hope is that by

doing so, I can inspire others to embrace things for what they

are, rather than what the world wants for you.

CS: I must admit, the demand for more content is evident,

and I have been struggling to keep up on occasion. But at the

same time, my job is very demanding, and it can take a toll on

my creativity at times. I don’t want to stop what I’m doing, and

so if need be, I will take a few days away from the computer to

recharge my batteries as it were. And I find when I do this, the

story just seems to creep up on me in the most unexpected

way, and I get excited to put it into motion again. I enjoy

gardening, and my house has turned into my project also

which helps to blow off some steam.

A: In many ways and for many people, The Sims acts as an

escape from normal life, especially for those who find

themselves stressed, anxious, or bedridden. What’s your best

advice for Simmers and content creators alike who struggle

with mental or physical illness?

CS: I’ve come across many people, viewers of mine, that are

faced with everyday challenges both mental and physical. I’ve

befriended a few over time that have become a part of my

other videos I have on the channel that isn’t Sims related. I’ve

found we help each other in some way shape or form that is

very complimentary to our current needs. I guess if I was to

pass over some wisdom [it would be this]: let your passion be

the expression of your innermost feelings, and don’t be afraid

to let it be seen. The Sims is a great platform for anyone to be

themselves or whoever they want to be, but don’t allow it to

rule you. You can easily get lost in the virtual world; you need

to know when to take a step back from who we believe

ourselves to be, and embrace who we really are.

A: Speaking of mental health, how are you taking care of

yourself during these very strange times? I know you recently

had to take a three week break to recuperate from various life


A: In a recent Q&A, you said you are a big supporter of the

LGBT community and added that “a spade is a spade.” Can

you expound on this idea?

CS: I embrace everyone and who they choose to be, though

sometimes the way I say things can be taken out of context in

this regard. For example: I say it how it is, and I’m to the point,

so if say, I was approached by someone who is physically still

a male but identifies as a woman, I’d respect their wish and

address then however they wish me to, but from a medical

standpoint, that person is still a male until they’ve gone

through surgery. That’s what I mean by “a spade is a spade.”

Some people don’t like to hear it like that, but what I ask you

to understand is that I’m a nurse, and I have to think about

these things in a practical sense.

"You need imagination in order to do the job, as

people can be very creative in their intent on any

given situation."


A: You’re drawn to the macabre, which I love. I think we

all have our own beasts and demons that we must

understand and come to intimately know. That’s what’s

so compelling about Halloween, at least for me. So tell us

— what’s your demon? What’s the monster you keep

locked away?

CS: That’s a good question! One I’m not sure I can truly

answer properly. Not because I want to keep that part of

me private; as I say, I pride myself on being an open

book. I’m very curious; I want to understand that which is

misunderstood and why people fear it so. And I don’t do

things by halves-- if I’m invested in something, I’m going

to see it through if it kills me. Though I do have a dark

side like everyone does, but if I had to put it into words...

I used to struggle with anger quite badly growing up, and

it’s taken years of practice to kinda get a hold on it.

Though I still have bouts here and there where I just

need to take a step back and evaluate my options before

I do or say something I may later regret. So I guess you

could say that’s something I like to keep hidden from my

viewers because I’m here to make myself and others feel

good, but even I can admit that I’m not perfect.

"I’m very curious; I want to understand that

which is misunderstood and why people fear it

so. And I don’t do things by halves-- if I’m

invested in something, I’m going to see it

through if it kills me."

A: I had to talk to you about Skyrim, which I agree may be

the greatest game ever made. What are your hopes for

Elder Scrolls VI? I’m also praying you’re a big fan of

Dragon Age, too. It’s almost just as good.

CS: Skyrim was my first love when it comes to RPG openworld

gaming, and my hope is that the developers will

not stray away from the simplicity of how little a fish you

felt in such a big pond of monsters, both human and

non-human. Like, I hate politics, but basing your own

story around a civil war that you get to choose which side

you’re on was the icing on the cake for me when it comes

to Skyrim. And it’d make me want to play again to see

what differences there were between choosing the

opposing side. They really had it right incorporating

decisions that would have a lasting impact on your

gameplay. I loved how you could marry NPC’s, have

multiple houses in different regions, and build your own

house! Haha, it was so great! And then they ruined that

nostalgia by making Elder Scrolls multiplayer, and I just

couldn’t throw myself into the game when there were

hundreds of other players attempting the same mission

[as I was.]

I [can] rant forever about how bad that game was for the

hype it gave. It is my hope that they’ll at least give us the

option to go online multiplayer rather than have no

choice in it. But in my personal opinion, no matter how

much money and time they sink into making a new game,

it’ll never be as good as the original. I’ve never really

invested my time into Dragon Age I must confess,

however I could be persuaded.

A: There have been whispers about a Medieval/historical

expansion pack in Sims 4 circles. What are your


CS: Personally, I adore anything vaguely resembling our

distant past, so I’m actually really excited about this pack,

if indeed [the rumors are] true! Between you and me, I

do actually have the Sims Medieval game that was based

on the Sims 3 mechanics. I was hoping to play it again on

the channel at some point, but that’s something I’d have

to consider when introducing a new pack with the same


A: Is there anything else that you’d love our readers to

know about you?

CS: I’m content in knowing that my content isn’t for

everyone, and I don’t expect everyone to be on the same

wavelength as myself. But I appreciate that people

continue to enjoy the series for what it is, despite me not

having the best equipment. I’m upgrading slowly, which is

a nice change of pace, and I wouldn’t have considered

investing my time and money into YouTube if it wasn’t for

all the love and support the channel has received. This

year has been abysmal for everyone, and I sincerely hope

that one day I can invest more time into making

interesting stories with The Sims. I know it may not seem

like a lot compared to other channels, but every single

viewer, new or old, means the world to me. I really

appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you and

your team, and greatly look forward to reading this

month's issue. Thank you so much for your time and

support of the channel; it’s been one hell of an

experience, and I hope to experience more of what this

platform has to offer in the future.

Catch Creepy Sims on YouTube and bingewatch

her "Broken Libido Challenge"


Follow her on Twitter: @CreepySims








by Laura (@mmoutfitters),

Custom Content Guru


Halloween has always

been the perfect

excuse to show some


Whether your sims

want to roleplay or

just want to slut it up

for a night, we have

the perfect outfits for

your Sims to show off










Some creators offer

unique and sexy

Halloween CC!

They can be found

across Tumblr, TSR,

and LoversLab.


Venusprincess, JoshQ, LadySmoks, and Non-

Sequitur are some of the creators behind these

Simblreen-worthy pieces!

Check our CC department for links to all

the outfits included in the article!





Contributing Editor

Sims 4 strives to imitate the real world, but the real world is


Aesthetically, Sims 4 is a kaleidoscope of pleasing, cartoonish

colors. It is quirky without becoming disturbing; it is tongue-incheek

without becoming offensive. These features, which

make the game palatable for a generalized audience, provide a

fictional high-gloss veneer to the grit and grime that is reality.

Often, Sims 4 modders strive to strengthen the resemblance of

Sims 4 to real life or at least to disturb what is inherently “safe”

about the Sims. One of those modders, a giant in the Sims 4

modding community at large, is Sacrificial. Father to such

mods as “Extreme Violence,” “Life’s Tragedies,” and “Zombie

Apocalypse,” Sacrificial firmly delivers game mods that are

uncomfortable, gory, and cartoonishly violent. He marries the

grim reality of terrifying life with the strange hilarity of the Sims:

serial killers pose with pistols for selfies; Sims are able to hack

each other to bits with axes; murderous moms can choke their

targets with grilled cheese sandwiches.

I sat down with Sacrificial for a revealing interview. Most know

Sacrificial as a mind-bogglingly prolific modder with several

popular mods under his belt. Our interview unveils Sacrificial

as not only a tireless, creative genius but also as a man

sensitive to the injustices and cruelties of the world at large.

He is at once thoughtful and outspoken, kind and calculating,

decisive and empathetic.






“A shocking scene is unfolding here in

Meadows Park as another female body has

been discovered. The woman, now

identified as Nancy Landgraab, was

found early this morning by a jogger.

Sources close to the case have confirmed

that Mrs. Landgraab is believed to be the

fifth victim of the Goldilocks Killer.

Eyewitnesses saw a Sim dressed in a bear

suit run out of the park moments before

Mrs. Landgraab was discovered. The

Goldilocks Killer is believed to be a

middle-aged Sim, wearing a bear costume

and targeting blonde women. Police

have no new leads on the suspect and is

asking the public to come forward with

any information. This is Fiona McIrish

reporting for Sims Global News."

A click of a button and your screen

goes black, you sigh and look over

at the bear costume on your couch.

You’ve gotten away with it again,

but for how long? You look out the

window and see you have a new

mailman or rather, mailwoman. You

walk outside and greet her with a

smile as you compliment her on her

lovely golden hair.


The First Step

This mod is very easy to install. Download

and open the file, drag and drop this into

your mod folder. Done. You don’t have to

worry about conflicts. I have packed my mod

folder with script mods and have yet to find

one that doesn’t play well with Extreme


Non-violent Interactions


Taekwondo-kick a bitch making

fun of your bear costume.

Who wears socks with flipflops?

Give badly-dressed townies a

kick in the crotch.

Although these interactions are not

deadly, these will leave Sims bloody

and bruised. They’ll walk holding

their stomachs for a while to show

they are injured. Sims might also pass

out after taking a beating while other

Sims will run away terrified. So

whilst getting into a bar fight and

smashing a bottle over someone’s head

might be fun, you will walk away with

a bad reputation. The higher your

points, the worse your reputation, and

the more negatively Sims will react to



Deadly Interactions

It is time to get rid of your noisy neighbor

in some pretty gruesome but fun ways.

Click on the Sim you want to

kill and choose from an array

of deadly actions to seal his

fate: suffocate him with a

diaper, stab him with a pen, or

even choke him with a grilled

cheese sandwich.

Kill your desired Sim with an

axe to the head.

Burn that bitch with fire.


My personal favorite is “gun down off bike.”

It’s pretty dramatic and ends with a huge


Finally, a note of caution: when your Sim goes

on a killing spree, Sims notice and so do the

police. Your Sim can get arrested so have your

Sim try their best to murder others

discreetly. As the bodies pile up, the Grim

Reaper will let you know that he is not very

happy with having to work this hard.

Of course, I just ignored him. This proved to

be a bad move. The next time the Grim Reaper

saw my killer Sim, he beat him up senseless.


Clicking on your Sim and selecting the “Gang”

option leads you to an interaction called

“Invite CBT Queen over”. (CBT stands for

“Cock-and-Ball Torture". Yikes. -- Editor) Do

not select this option. Either it’s a bug on

my end or I can’t find the option to turn it

off, but all this Sim does is walk around and

kick other Sims in the crotch. Your Sim does

nothing else but fall on the ground while

clutching their privates or stands around

waiting for the crazy, so-called “CBT Queen”

to kick them again. Any action you select for

them gets canceled. They also keep spawning to

the point where I had 8 of them in the Spice

District just beating the hell out of each

other. It was bizarre to say the least and

killing them doesn’t help. Even their ghosts

will beat you up.

There is so much you can do with the Extreme

Violence mod that the only way to really

appreciate it is download and play. From what

I’ve seen in the last month, there are a lot

of exciting new animations being added to the

mod. Gone are the days of removing pool

ladders or removing doors to starve Sims. With

this mod, players can kill their Sims in much

more creative ways. Release your inner



Sacrificial's groundbreaking Extreme Violence mod is

available for download at his website:



"It is good to see him smile and I am glad his mind is occupied

by something other than his ex-husband." She examined the

Great Hall and admired the hanging moon lanterns, her

favorite of the palace decor. After Alaeryn was no longer in

earshot, she smiled, her hyacinth-blue eyes shining brightly.

"Oh, Roma, I do hope he is happily surprised and that this

Mythias behaves himself. To think! We will have Alaeryn,

Arch and Myth all under the same roof! All of the stories I've

heard about your adventures! I am glad Mythias accepted

your invitation; after all of these years I will finally meet him."

She kissed her husband quickly on the corner of the mouth

and then pried herself from him. "I had better get changed; it

is getting late, and our guests will be arriving soon. Wait until

you see the gown I have picked out for this evening. It's a

lovely, form fitting gold number with a sheer bodice. You'll

love it."

"I have no doubt of that," Romalyn said, grinning. He

removed a freshly rolled cigarette from his jacket pocket and

began to smoke; plumes of shimmering purple smoke rose to

the vaulted cathedral ceiling, and he was satisfied. The smoke

invoked his hunger, and it was all he could do not to eat

before all the guests arrived. "You'll enjoy Myth's company.

He's a gruff fellow, but has plenty of stories to tell. And

despite his demeanor, he is the one who loves Al more than

his own life. Hell, he gave his own life for him once, which

proves my point. At any rate, my wife is gonna look so damn

sexy tonight I'm almost nervous. If Arch gets any dirty

ideas..." He paused, considering this carefully. "Actually, if he

gets any dirty ideas, I may indulge him. It is your birthday

week after all."

Later that evening, after most of the guests had arrived,

Alaeryn entertained Cole in the parlor, practically sitting in

his lap, curling brown fingers into his silver hair, and giggling

at everything the man had to say. He swung his legs into

Cole’s lap and crooned.

“Oh, you rogue! After the birthday dinner and no earlier! You

devil!” They kissed long and hard.

”Must you do all that in the parlor?” Romalyn teased, hanging

in the parlor doorway. Alaeryn blew a raspberry at him in

response, then slid his legs from Cole’s lap.

“Fine. But only because it’s Rimi’s birthday. Is dinner ready?”

“It is. The kids are here. My wife looks hot. Arch is hovering

overhead as we speak—“

“Is he? God! I’m single! I can suck him off all I want and no one

can stop me— oh, Cole, sweetheart, of course you can watch.

Hell, join us.”

“There’s someone else too.”


“Na’ba. Come on. Dinner time.”

Alaeryn, hand in hand with Cole, swept toward the Great

Hall. He’d freshened up a little, gathered his braids into a

tight halo pile on top of his head. His robes were the

billowing white garb of Watchers, intricately beaded and

beautiful. While passing through the corridor with Cole,

he froze, suddenly rooted to the spot, his heart

hammering, his knees weakening, his mouth drying.

“N-no.... It can’t....”

Mythias Tiermian, the mad shadow, leapt from his black

carriage in one fluid movement. He was heavily cloaked,

his hood pulled over his eyes, but Alaeryn knew that

mouth more than he knew any other mouth in the world.

He backed away, incredulous, even as Mythias greeted

Arch with a grunt and bowed lowly before both Romalyn

and Irimiel.

“Al-Malikka. Al-Malique. A pleasure. I trust I’m in the right

place? Unless there are some other elves farther east who

will be damned pissed when I don’t show.”

“It’s good to see you, Crow.”

“And you, Al-aitidel. And you.”

“God! Irimiel gets more beautiful every time I see her!”

exclaimed Arch, bending over the queen’s hand several

times and kissing up her arm. He elbowed Myth out of the

way, earning him a hard slap on the back of the head. “Oh!

Devil! Mythias, you haven’t changed!”

“Al-Malikka, accept my deepest apologies; you've had to

suffer this idiot without me around to shove a good boot

up his ass. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s him. God! God! It’s Mythias!” Alaeryn thinks, his heart

in his throat. Myth stepped into the castle, dark, brooding,

pushing down his hood, and their eyes met.


“What... what the hell is he doing here?”

Irimiel laughed airly, stepping forward to greet Arch

Garrett with a gentle kiss on his cheek. She touched

Myth's shoulder.


"You mustn't apologize, Mr. Tiermian. Arch Garrett and I are

good friends. I have grown accustomed to his elaborate shows

of affection; besides, my husband does well to keep him in

line should he forget his manners." Fluttering between Arch

and Mythias, Irimiel took both of them by the arms. She

spoke to Alaeryn, her voice lilted and melodic.

"Are you just going to stand there with your mouth agape or

am I going to have to keep all three of these handsome men to

myself this evening? I know it's my birthday but I am not sure

my husband will entertain such an idea."

Alaeryn was silent several moments, and he and Mythias

appraised each other with surgical precision. Mythias, a

looming black specter, and Alaeryn, smaller but heroically

defiant, stared at one another, unmoving. Cole muttered

something, and Alaeryn did not hear him, but Mythias cut his

eyes in the man's direction. His responding smile, crooked

and slow, menacing, with an aura of lunacy, wormed over his

sensual lips.

"I should thank you," he began icily, "for taking care of what is

mine. I'll reclaim him now if you don't mind." He strode from

Irimiel's side, then placed one big, rough hand at the small of

Alaeryn's back, who swatted him away."

I am not yours."

"You are. You always were. And you always will be. My soul

has sought you for years. As I know yours has mine. How

many men have there been, Alaeryn? Men with eyes like

mine, mm?"


They looked like me but were not me. Come. Don't be

ridiculous a second longer."

This seemed to reach Alaeryn who, despite his earlier

hesitations, was drawn to the mad shadow. Cole winced, and

Alaeryn looked at him apologetically.

"I... stay. Please. The hour is late, and the food will be

delicious. We'll still have our time together."

"Not if I have anything to do with it."

"Damn it, Mythias. Stop."

He only grunted, but his expression-- smug and jubilant--

revealed he knew his own triumph.

At the dinner table, Mythias and Alaeryn sat very closely to

one another, catching up, and Romalyn pulled out a chair at

the head of the table for his wife.

"Mission accomplished, I should say--" He laughed,

pressing his lips to his wife's hand. "Happy birthday,

moonlight. Thou art the sun and moon and stars in the

sky of my soul. Know this. Know this always."

Arch Garrett, perched on Irimiel's right, drank her in


"It is... your birthday, but I was wondering if you and dear

Roma would be in the mood for one of your delightful

shows afterward? I haven't been able to think of a thing

else ever since our last tryst."

Romalyn drank deeply from his frothy goblet, smacking

his lips with satisfaction."

That is up to my wife. She may have whatever she desires.

However she desires."

Irimiel placed her hand on her husband's thigh, knowing

that what she would say would awaken the possessive

beast in him.

"Why, Mr. Garrett, it is my birthday, isn't it? And my

husband has been kind enough to bring you here,

practically serving you on a silver platter.

She laughed, lowering her face and turning her eyes up

towards Arch Garrett. She studied his face from under her

full, dark lashes. She boldly reached across the table and

placed her hand on his forearm, turning her body towards


"And you look at me like I am the main course tonight…!

Mr. Garrett, you flatter me, honest you do... I have half the

mind to skip this lovely meal and take you and my

husband straight to our private quarters. Eat up, we will

save the dessert for last, mm?"

Irimiel's words had their desired effect; Romalyn, seized

with jealousy, grips his wife's hand on his thigh. He turns

his sharp, cutting gaze on Arch Garrett, who is blissfully

oblivious, completely enthralled with Irimiel. His words

are measured, clipped, ravenous.

"You may watch as much as you please. This eve... this eve

I plan to remind this beautiful woman for whom the gods

made her. I'll not stop until I've filled her, til she leaks me.

Dost thou understand?"

Garrett snapped to attention, his throat tight. His words

clamored clumsily through his teeth.

"I-- God! God, I'll watch all night if I need to. Do I get even

the smallest taste this eve? I still remember..."


"Only time will tell," grunted Roma, but his cock jumped a

little at the memory.

After a while, cooling himself with several gulps of water,

Romalyn stood to address their gathered friends and family,

his wine goblet raised.

"To my wife. Mother of a nation. Queen to our kind. Long

may she reign. Hayael!"

The hall erupted with a resounding "hayael!" and more

courses were served.

Irimiel smiled wickedly from behind her wine glass.

“Mission accomplished…”

She sipped her wine and then raised her glass.

"Thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate with me,

it wouldn't be a birthday worth celebrating if I didn't have all

of you to share it with" Placing her hand back on her

husband's thigh, Irimiel squeezed it gently and leaned in close

to whisper into his pointed ear. "Would it be awful if I were to

excuse myself from this lovely gathering and ask that you

follow?" She licked a warm, wet stripe along the side of his

neck and nipped his earlobe; she whispered to further enrage

the jealous beast in his gut.

"Mr. Garrett grows... impatient. The proof is in his bulging

trousers and quite frankly, Al-Malique, I wouldn't mind

releasing him from those constraints..."

The fire in Romalyn's loins climbed to a maddening

crescendo. He watched the distance between his wife and

Arch Garrett slowly closing, her grip on his arm, the rising

lust in her eyes, and it awakened his most primal needs.

Without thinking, he turned his face to capture Irimiel's lips

in a hard kiss; his rough hand found the back of her head,

twisting into her golden locks, and he encouraged their

tongues into a slow waltz.

"Na'ba. Go. I'll meet the both of you in our quarters."

He drained his goblet of wine, watching the two of them

confer. Garrett, handsome and blonde and forthright,

immediately engaged his wife in a long, winding story about

sea pirates and island adventures. He stood, then offered his

hand so that they may lope into the royal quarters together.

After addressing the crowd a little and touching base with a

few of their more prominent family members, Romalyn

wound his way through the castle to find his wife and the

pirate in their private quarters. Garrett, shirtless, wandered

the room with a cigarette gripped between his teeth. He

engaged Irimiel in lively, useless conversation.

Upon entering, Romalyn stripped down to the waist, then

clamped a smoking cigarette between his lips. The two

men appraised each other, silent, until Romalyn grunted

his desires.

"Woman. Clothes off. You. Bard. Please her. With your

mouth and nothing more. I'll tell you what to do next."

Garrett’s mouth fell agape so his own cigarette went

tumbling from his lips. He fumbled for it, stammering.

“I— God in heaven! Whatever do you mean? I— You would


”Na’ba, bard. Dost thou require more specific directions?

Spread my wife’s legs. Taste her wetness. Suck her clit. Get

your fill of her before I change my mind.”

Romalyn undressed. Arch Garrett watched him, his eyes


“Sh-shall I... shall I also...?”

“Did you believe I wanted to watch you please my wife

with thy clothes on, bard? Undress. Let us see you.”

“Y-yes, my king!”

Arch scrambled out of his clothes and boots, then folded

them carefully on the windowsill. He turned his attention

to Irimiel, beautiful, shining Irimiel, and his mouth

watered. Still, he hesitated.

“My king, are you quite certain? If I remember correctly,

the last time I sipped the nectar of the queen, I caught a

boot to the face—!”

Chuckling, Romalyn, now nude and bronzed, the muscles

of his ass flexing as he crossed the room, closed the

distance between himself and the bard. He placed an

uncharacteristically tender hand on the bard’s cheek, slid

it through the man’s blond hair, and then drew his mouth

close to Arch’s ear. Arch’s skin prickled with gooseflesh.

“Guess we’ll find out, eh?” Romalyn stroked himself.

“Come. Don’t keep your king waiting...”

Irimiel undressed, watching as her husband and the bard

confer; she studied their expressions: the wicked, tender

smile that crossed her husband's lips as he stroked the

bard's cheek and leaned dangerously close to his nude


“What is he whispering?” she thought.


Irimiel, thunderstruck at this exchange, hovered between

jealousy and arousal, hurriedly pushed her way between the

two; she placed her hand around the back of her husband's

neck, pulling him into a bruising kiss, her tongue thrashing

against his. She pulled from him, raking her teeth against his

bottom lip and promptly turned to the bard.

"It's your turn to kiss me, Mr. Garrett..."

She placed her hand on the side of his face and drew him close

to her lips. Right before they met in a kiss, she placed both of

her hands on his shoulders and encouraged him to kneel

before her until his face was at eye level with her

womanhood. She hooked a finger under his chin, tipping his

face up towards her own.

"Kiss me, here—" She shifted her hips so that her soft mound

of short blond hair brushed against his lips.

Arch Garrett, never one to disobey the orders of a powerful

woman, sank to his knees immediately. His blue gaze

flickered to Romalyn, silent bronze statue that he was, and

then he slowly lifted his hands to grasp Irimiel's generous

hips. His fingers grazed across the soft flesh of her fine ass,

and they wandered down the warm valley between her ass

cheeks. He heard Romalyn, stroking himself, grunt violently.

"Watch it, bard."

"Ah! Y-yes, my king. T'was worth a try. Yes?" He gazed up at

Irimiel and, mouth watering, he closed his lips over her

awaiting sex, allowing the soft hairs of her pussy to graze

against his teeth. Her sharp, sweet musk filled his mouth, and

his cock leapt, leaking. He caught Roma's eyes again, even as

he stroked himself, and this emboldened him. He sucked on

Irimiel's hard, wet clit, explored her warm insides with his

tongue, and relished the smooth, soft silk of her wetness. "M-

My queen. Thou art... exquisite. A finer dish I have never


Romalyn approached his wife from behind, beginning to rub

her breasts, fingering her nipples into pink stiffness. His cock

slid between the hills of her ass, rubbing against her, and he

reached down between her legs to better expose his wife's clit.

"There, bard. Suck on her more just here. She loves it this

way." He busied himself dining on his wife's neck, whispering

into her ear. "Tonight. I will fuck thee apart..."

Garrett buried his mouth in Irimiel's wetness. He sucked her

clit, swirled his tongue around its throbbing head, and

fluttered his tongue over her pussy lips.

"Enough." Romalyn grunted after a while. He yanked his

wife away from Arch's administrations. "Come, woman.

Show the bard the way you suck off the king. Mm? A little

lesson in cock sucking."

"My king -- I assure you that my skill in such an area... if

you would only allow me to demonstrate...?"

"You will watch. And you will learn. And then... we will


Romalyn forcefully steered his wife to their bed, where he

lay down, cock standing, weeping pearls of cum.

His mouth agape, his own cock big and red from the show,

Arch Garrett watched them hungrily. He wasn't sure how

long he would last; he was embarrassingly close to

cumming already, but he certainly didn't want to

disappoint the handsome king or the sumptuous queen.

Irimiel was silently grateful for her husband's

interception; between his cock against her ass and

Garrett's mouth around her throbbing clit, signs of her

arousal were nearly impossible to conceal.

"Yes, Mr. Garrett, watch closely and I'll teach you a thing

or two about pleasing a king, mm?"

Pushing her husband down on the bed, Irimiel straddled

him momentarily, her mouth meeting his in a passionate,

hungry kiss. She hovered her dripping wetness over his

fully erect cock and swirled the head in delicious circles

over her pulsing clit. She wanted him to feel how wet she

is from the bard’s administrations.

"Now I'll taste what Mr. Garrett was sampling while I

please you"

She nipped at his bottom lip and kissed down his throat,

chiseled chest, and abs, making her way to his soaked

cock, now slathered in her own wetness. Swirling the tip

of her tongue around his swollen head, then taking inch by

agonizing inch of him into her mouth against her warm,

wet tongue. She reached up and raked her nails gently

over his bronze chest and muscular thighs as she steadily

bobbed her head over his cock. Finally, she wrapped her

alabaster hand around the girth of him, stroking as she

sucked the tip. She glanced up to her husband's face from

under her heavy, dark-lashed lids. The bard stood at their

bedside, red cock in hand, dripping onto their marble

floors. She watched him a moment, then made eye contact

as she took all of her king deep into her mouth and throat.

Cupping his balls in her free hand, she gently massaged



"Come closer, Mr. Garrett...."

There was no mistaking that his wife, the queen, knew

intimately how to please her king. Her mouth, slick with need

and the shining warmth of her own wetness, slid along his

shaft, lingered in the places he loved, while her rapid, darting

tongue wrapped around his girth. Romalyn propped himself

up on his elbows, dipped his fingers into his wife's golden

curls, and lifted his lips to meet her mouth, fucking her face,

encouraging himself deeper down her throat.

Garrett, slack-jawed, reddened cock leaping as he watched,

stood swaying at the side of the bed. His blue eyes darted

between them, as if he couldn't decide who to watch more.

Irimiel's generous hips swung like a pendulum as she

satisfied Roma. Roma growled and yanked at her curls,

grunting orders, and sometimes -- in flutteringly heartstopping

moments, Romalyn lifted his silver gaze to meet

Arch's own.

"Do you hear your queen? You wouldn't disobey her direct

orders, would you?"

He held his wife's chin in one hand, pulling her mouth off his


"Come, woman. Our fine friend has soaked thy pretty pussy,

hasn't he? It's now time for him to see... who this pussy

belongs to."

He grabbed her roughly, guiding her over himself, positioning

her over his hips, and forcing himself balls deep into her

warmth. He thrust upward, fingers gripping her hips, then he

grunted further instructions at Arch. He grunted, already

beginning to peak but willing himself not to.

"Bard. Come here. Lie down. Just here. Yeah. Right where you

can see my dick sliding into my wife. Get real close. See how

dripping wet you've made her? Do you see how fucking wet

my cock makes her? I.... ngggh... every time I withdraw... lick

her juices from my cock. Do you understand? And then...

service her as I fuck her this way."

"Gods! Sir! Art thou certai--?"

"Na'ba. Let's see what that talented tongue can really do..."

Arch Garrett scrambled in place, nearly tucked into the nook

of Romalyn’s hard arm, and then craned his neck in close to

watch Roma’s cock sliding slowly in and out of his wife’s

wetness. His dick, brown and bulging, shone with Irimiel’s

juices. When Romalyn lifted his wife’s hips, so she hovered

over his tip, Arch dove in to wrap his tongue around

Romalyn’s cock. The king groaned, one hand finding Arch’s

blond hair.

“Good boy. Now my wife.”

Arch swallowed down her good-tasting clit, moaning,

salivating, her juices running down his chin. Roma yanked

him away by his hair and then began to fuck his wife

again. The room resounded with the echo of wet flesh on

wet flesh, and the hot musk of three bodies on the edge of


Irimiel was dangerously close to peaking, if it weren't for

Romalyn's intervention at that very moment she certainly

would've cum right against the bard's eager tongue.

“He had to have known I was close—he knows my tells all

too well..."

Between Arch's administrations and the fullness of

Romalyn's cock, she was drunk with pleasure, high with

intrigue, and she wanted to explore the unknown.

"We aren't finished with you just yet, Mr. Garrett!"

She leaned over and took Arch by the hand, pulling him

close while lifting herself from Romalyn and placing

Arch's trembling hand around his cock, still slick with her


"Come, pleasure my husband while I watch, mm?"

She straddled Romalyn again in a reverse position so that

she had a prime view of the bard, her dripping pussy and

full ass spread before Romalyn's face. Bending forward,

she placed her delicate hand under Arch Garrett's and

stroked her husband in tandem with him.


Irimiel felt her husband's body jolt, the tensing of his

muscular thighs, the grip of his fingertips on her hips, and she

knew. She knew he had climaxed, and waves of tremendous

jealousy flooded through her body. Uncertain of how to react,

feeling both anger and arousal, she swiftly turned to face the

two. Before she could come to her senses, she pulled Arch

Garrett's mouth to her own in a hard kiss. She suckled his

tongue, the familiar taste of her husband's seed still lingering

on his lips. She wanted to remove the taste of him from Arch's

mouth. It wasn't his to enjoy.

"Now with your mouth while I stroke him."

Before he knew it, Roma watched his Irimiel position herself

over his salivating mouth. Her soft, velvet-warm pussy

dripped onto his tongue and teeth, and he slurped at her,

completely forgetting himself. His hands gripped her

generous hips, leaving red half-moons deep into her flesh. He

wrapped his full lips around her twitching clit, and as he

sucked on her, he felt another warm mouth envelop his hard

length. He knew Irimiel's mouth-- knew every corner of her

delicate tongue and jaw and throat-- but this mouth was

different: it was the powerful mouth of another man, and

Romalyn was shocked at his forceful sucking, the eager

administrations of his powerful jaw, and it was all Romalyn

could do to stop himself from cumming. In fact, there was no

preventing it. His orgasm bulleted through him as he

released a hot stream of cum into Arch's awaiting mouth.

Arch, pleased, swallowed up every drop of the king's cum and

then began licking up and down his soaked shaft.

"My king... I.... "

Garrett, at his own peak, while sucking and licking the king's

shaft and dropping down to suckle his balls, stroked himself

into greater pleasure. He came messily into his own palm, and

then crawled over Roma to lick Irimiel again, his tongue

sometimes meeting Roma's own. He passed between the king

and queen, licking one and then the sucking off the other...

"It's my turn."

She arranged herself neatly between the two naked, sweat

dampened, still panting men.

"You will make me cum.... Together..."

Through the foggy befuddlement that was his climaxsoaked

brain, Romalyn observed his wife kiss the bard. He

knew she expected his jealousy, and his rage did sweep

unhinged through his every limb, including his spent cock.

He grabbed his wife to press searing, demanding kisses

along every inch of her flesh. He kissed her, the warm salt

of her sex filling his nostrils. He licked her thighs, the

bowl of her belly button, and the slick places beneath her

breasts. He filled his mouth with her pussy, imbibing her

almost violently, and before he knew it, Arch Garrett had

joined him. The both wrapped their tongues in tandem

around her clit, rubbed her generous breasts, gripped her

porcelain skin. When Romalyn lifted his wife’s hips and

shoved himself, finally erect again, into her, Garrett set

himself upon Irimiel’s breasts. Her nipples stood, pink

and sopping from his administrations, and she moaned,



The two men, her husband thick inside her,

and the bard-pirate dutifully suckling her

breasts, were nearly too much for Irimiel to

bear. Her back arched, her golden hair a halo

around her head, and her hips tossed.

Romalyn, incensed, was a beast -- the violence

of his thrusting, pumping hips felt as though it

would split her in two halves. The headboard

slammed against the stone wall; the three of

them howled with pleasure, and a climax rose

and exploded like wheeling, falling stars in her

sight. The room dissolved, and she knew only

herself, only her pleasure; there was the hot

ecstasy of her husband’s seed crowding her

insides, the eager lapping of the hungry bard at

her nipples, and her own raucous orgasm that

shook the castle walls to its very firmament. In

the end, she embraced both men, and she lay

together with them in a sticky, sweaty,

satisfied heap.


About the Author

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