Mitosis Meiosis Mendelian Genetics

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Mitosis Meiosis Mendelian Genetics

Biology project

Made by Lulwah.G


• What is mitosis?

Mitosis the second main stage of the cell cycle during which the cell

replicated DNA divides into to genetically identical diploid daughter cells

are produced.

• Miosis

Miosis is a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells

each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in

the production of gametes and plant spores.


• The stages of mitosis:

• Prophase: The first and longest stage

• Metaphase : The second stage of mitosis

• Anaphase: The third stage of mitosis

• Telophase :the final stage of mitosis

Stages of mitosis

Interphase :

• Cell grows and caries out normal cell processes

• DNA replicates

Prophase :

• Cell chromatin tightens into chromosomes (condenses).

• Nucleus disappears

Metaphase :

• Shortest stage

• Chromosomes attach to spindle apparatus and align along

the equator of the cell.


• Microtubules shortens moving the chromosomes to opposite


Telophase :

• Nucleuses reapers

• Chromosomes recondense




• Chromosomes replicate

• Chromatin condenses

Prophase 1:

• Pairing of omogous chromosomes occurs each chromosome concicts of two


• The neuclear envolpe breaks down

• Spindles form

Metaphase 1:

• Homologous chromosomes line up at the equater

• Chromosome centromers attach to spindle fibers.

Anaphase 1:

• Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.

Telophase 1:

• The spindles break down chromosomes uncoil and form two nuclei,

• The cell divides.


Prophase 11:

• Chrommosomes condense.

• Spindles from in each new cell.

• Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes

Metaphase 11;

• Centromeres of chromosomes line up

randomly at the equator of each cell.

Anaphase 11:

• Centomeres split

• Sister chromatids seprate and move to

opposite poles

Telephase 11:

• Four nuclie from around chromosomes

• Spindles break down

• Cells divide

Mitosis and meiosis


One division occus during mitosis

DNA replication occurring interphase

Synapsis of homolgous chromosomes

does not ocurr

Two identical cells are formed per cell


The daughter cells are genetically


Mitosis occurs only in body cells

Mitosis in involved in growth repair .


Two sets of divisions occur durning


DNA replication occurs once before


Synapsis of homologous

chromosomes occurs during prophase


Four haploid cells (n) are formed per

cell cycle

The daughter cells are not genetically

identical because of crossing over.

Meiosis occurs only in reproductive


Meiosis is involved in the production

of gamets and proving grnrtic

variactation in organisms.

Mendelian Genetics

• Genetics : Science of heredity

• Generation, F1 and F2 generations

• F1 and F2 are two offspring generations and each

of the generations of offspring provided new

evidence in respect to inheritance and natural

variation that occurs within different organisms. F1

generation is produced by the breeding of two

parental (P) organisms whilst F2 generation is

produced by the interbreeding of two F1

generation offsprings .

Mendelian Genetics

Genes in pairs

• Allele : alternative form that a single gene may have for a

particular trait.

• Dominant : Mendels name for a specific trait that

appeared in the F1 generation

• Recessive : Mendels name for a specific trait hidden or

masked in F1 generation.


• Homozygous : having two identical alleles

of a particular gene or genes

• Heterozygous: having two different alleles

of a particular gene or genes

Genotype and Phenotype

• Genotype: A genotype is an organism’s

complete set of heritable genes, or

genes that can be passed down from

parents to offspring

• Phenotype: genetics for the composite

observable characteristics or traits of an





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