Two Player Dice Game - Lindsay Newbold - GCSE Computer Science Coursework

Documented report of my 'Two Player Dice Game' python code project. Includes: Front page; contents page; analysis (Success criteria); design (Pseudocode); development (Python code); testing (passes/failures within the code); the evaluation page (written review of how successfull my program was; followed by the new skills I have developed from coding in this project). Enjoy! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Documented report of my 'Two Player Dice Game' python code project.


Front page;
contents page;
analysis (Success criteria);
design (Pseudocode);
development (Python code);
testing (passes/failures within the code);
the evaluation page (written review of how successfull my program was; followed by the new skills I have developed from coding in this project).

Enjoy! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


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Two Player Dice



Lindsay Newbold


1. Analysis - Page 3

2. Design - Page 4

3. Development - Page 5

4. Testing - Page 12

5. Evaluation - Page 19

HOLD Ctrl + Click on the page

you want to go to


The success criteria I created for my program are the


➔ Users can authenticate

➔ Users can create an account

➔ Both players have their scores added / subtracted from

their score each round WITH a reason why.

➔ Total score of the winner announced at the end

➔ Winner of the game is announced

➔ Rounds counter functional

➔ Tiebreaker round functional



Python Code


Here, I have translated 21 lines

of my python code into 23 lines

of pseudocode.


"Hello and welcome to Lindsay's casino!

You are playing a luck dice game.

Whoever scores the highest at the end of

the round WINS! Good luck. Type 'next'

"The rules: Each player will roll 2 dice per round. If you get two of

the same number you can roll an extra dice :), if your score for

the round is even you get 10 points extra :D, however if it is odd

then 5 points are taken. Your score can only be <=0 and there are

5 rounds"

#Lindsay's Casino Dice Game

import random

import time

player1Score = 0

player2Score = 0

global player1

global player2

player1 = ""

player2 = ""

viewrule = False


viewrule = str(input("Hello and welcome to Lindsay's casino! You are playing a luck dice

game. Whoever scores the highest at the end of the round WINS! Good luck. Type 'next'

to proceed."))

if viewrule == "next":

#The rules

print("The rules: Each player will roll 2 dice per round. If you get two of the same

number you can roll an extra dice :), if your score for the round is even you get 10

points extra :D, however if it is odd then 5 points are taken. Your score can only be <=0

and there are 5 rounds")

#The login for Player1

def authentication1():

global player1

print("Player1, Do you want to log in or make an account with us today?")




IflogInIs = False

#Can either Create a new account or login

then = str(input("Type either 'log in' OR 'sign up': "))

if then == "log in":

IflogInIs = True

if then == "sign up":

IflogInIs = True

while IflogInIs == False:

then = str(input("Incorrect please type either 'log in'/'sign up'"))

if then == "log in":

IflogInIs = True

if then == "sign up":

IflogInIs = True

if then == "log in":

isLogin = False

while isLogin == False:

print ("Do you have your membership details?")

userName = str(input("Enter your username: "))

password = str(input("Enter your password: "))

#Text file with users saved

login = open("users.txt", "r")

users = login.readlines()

for lines in users:

details = lines.split(",")

linePassword = details[1].split("\n")

if details[0] == userName:

if linePassword[0] == password:

print("Great to see you again!",userName)

player1 = userName

isLogin = True

if isLogin == False:

print ("Incorrect details, please re-enter")

if then == "Signup":

print("Player 1, Do you want to log in or make an account with us


print("1.Create your own username")


print("2.Generate a username")

userNameChoice = input("Type either 'create'/'generate'")

if userNameChoice == "create":

nameRight = False

while nameRight == False:

newUserName = input("Create a username: ")

isNameRight = input("press 5 to move on")

if isNameRight == "5":

nameRight = True

#Generating a username

elif userNameChoice == "generate":

print ("To generate a username we need your first name, last name and the last

two digits of your birth year")

firstname = input("What is your first name: ")

lastname = input("What is your last name: ")

birthdate = input("What is the last two digits of your birth year: ")

newUserName =


print ("Abracadabra...",newUserName,".This is your new username!")

print("Time to set your password")

player1Pass = input("Enter your password: ")

print("Your password is",player1Pass)

login = open("users.txt", "a")



player1 = newUserName

#Player 1 is authenticated


return True

#Player 2 login system

def authentication2():

global player2

print("Player2, Would you like to log in or make an account with us today?")




a = False

b = str(input("Type either 'login' OR 'signup'"))

if b == "login":

a = True

if b == "signup":

a = True

while a == False:

b = str(input("Incorrect please enter either login/signup: "))

if b == "login":

a = True

if b == "signup":

a = True

if b == "login":

c = False

while c == False:

print ("Do you have your membership details?")

userName = str(input("Enter your username: "))

password = str(input("Enter your password: "))

login = open("users.txt", "r")

users = login.readlines()

for lines in users:

details = lines.split(",")

linePassword = details[1].split("\n")

if details[0] == userName:

if linePassword[0] == password:

print("Great to see you again!",userName)

player2 = userName

isLogin = True

if isLogin == False:

print ("Incorrect details, please re-enter your credentials")

if b == "signup":

print("Player2, Do you want to make your own username or generate one")

print("1.Create your own username")


print("2.Generate a username")

userNameChoice = input("Type either create/generate: ")

if userNameChoice == "create":

nameRight = False

while nameRight == False:

newUserName = input("Create a username: ")

isNameRight = input("Press 5 to move on")

if isNameRight == "5":

nameRight = True

elif userNameChoice == "generate":

print ("To generate a username we need your first name, last name and the last

2 digits of your year of birth")

firstname = input("What is your first name: ")

lastname = input("What is your last name: ")

birthdate = input("What is the last two digits of your birth year: ")

newUserName =


print ("Abracadabra...",newUserName,".This is your new username!")

print("Time to set your password")

player2Pass = input("Enter your password: ")

print("Your password is",player2Pass)

login = open("users.txt", "a")


player2 = newUserName

#End of authenticating


return True

#The game!

def attemptgame():

global player1Score

global player2Score

print("It is round",str(roundNo),".")

print("It is "+player1+"'s turn")

#An input that does nothing but is user interaction for when they want to roll

input("Press enter to roll")

#Random pick of a number between 0 and 7

die1 =random.randint(1,6)

die2 =random.randint(1,6)

print("You got a",str(die1),"and",str(die2),".")

diceTotal = die1 + die2

#Checking if the total is even

if (diceTotal%2) == 0:

print("Wow your total for this round is even. Plus 10 for you!")

player1Score = player1Score + 10


print("Not good. You got an odd roll so you lose 5 points, disappointing")

player1Score = player1Score -5

#Has the player rolled a double? If so, an extra throw is available

if die1 == die2:

print("Lucky you! You rolled two of the same number so now you get an extra


input("Press enter to roll your extra dice")

die3 =random.randint(1,6)

print("You got a",str(die3),".")

player1Score= player1Score+diceTotal+die3

if player1Score<0:


print("You are on",str(player1Score))


player1Score= player1Score+diceTotal

if player1Score<0:


print("You are on",str(player1Score))

#An input for user interaction for when they want to roll

print("It is "+player2+"'s turn to roll")

input("Press enter to roll")

die1 =random.randint(1,6)

die3 =random.randint(1,6)

print("You got a",str(die1),"and",str(die2),".")

diceTotal = die1 + die2

#Is the roll even or odd?

if (diceTotal%2) == 0:

print("Even roll! 10 points for you!")

player2Score = player2Score + 10


print("Not good. You got an odd roll so you lose 5 points, disappointing")

player2Score = player2Score -5

#If the value on the 2 die are the same, the player gets an extra roll

if die1 == die2:

print("Luck you! A double! Have a free extra roll.")

input("Press enter to roll your extra dice. Make it count!")

die3 =random.randint(1,6)

print("You got a",str(die3),".")

player2Score= player2Score+diceTotal+die3

if player2Score<0:


print("You are on",str(player2Score))


player2Score= player2Score+diceTotal

if player2Score<0:


print("You are on",str(player2Score))



for roundNo in range(1,6):


#Tiebreaker round IF scores are the same

while player1Score == player2Score:

input("You both scored the same, but it's not over... Time for the deciding


print("It is",player1+"'s turn")

input("Press enter to roll")

die1 =random.randint(1,6)

player1Score= player1Score+die1

print("Currently, you are on",str(player1Score),player1+"\n")

print("It is",player2+"'s turn")

input("Press enter to roll")

die1 =random.randint(1,6)

player2Score= player2Score+die1

print("Currently, you are on",str(player2Score),player2+"\n")

#Comparing scores and announcing the winner

if player1Score > player2Score:

print ("Player 1 WINS! Congratulations with a score of",player1Score,"! Better Luck

next time",player2,"!")

if player1Score < player2Score:

print (player2,"WINS! Congratulations with a score of",player2Score,"! Better luck

next time Player 1!")

input("Thanks for playing! Press the 'e' to exit")

if input == "e":






Pass / Fail

How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue

Player 1

Sign up


Fail. Skips

the whole of

player 1’s



Look over the

code and make

sure the

variables for

player 1’s login

system are

different from

player 2’s to

prevent jumps in

the code (Skips).

Jumps to Player 2 login

system without Player

1 logged in.




Player 2

Sign up


Pass / Fail


How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue




Player 1

log in


Pass / Fail


How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue




Player 2

log in


Pass / Fail


How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue







Pass / Fail


How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue




Pass / Fail

How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue

Typo redo for

user input


choosing to

create /

generate a



Add a loop to



option so if the

user doesn’t

input either, the

program will ask

them to try





Pass / Fail

How I would

change my

program to

improve this issue

Line spacing

to make the

game more



Insert “/n/n” into

the code to

make an empty

space between

the current line

and the next line



How successful was my program?

My program was overall successful because most components of

the code were able to function properly, allowing the game to be

played to the end of the script. The authentication script was a

success with users having the ability to have their usernames

and passwords saved to the database, permitting them to quickly

login next time they play the dice game. Moving on to the game

itself, users are notified on what round they are on, their current

scores, and who the winner is. Major components like these are

what makes the game effective. Also, bonus rolls are available if

the user rolls 2 equivalent numbers. And if the users score the

same at the end of the game, there is an additional tiebreaker

round to decide the winner. Even though there are a few issues

with the script, for example line spacing, player 1’s signup

system, I’m certain that this game comprises of all the

requirements needed for a two-player dice game: The login script

was a success, the instructions and key messages were readable,

the dice was unbiased, and lastly, the score counter summed the

scores correctly.

New skills I have developed

Working on this project has really increased my confidence with

coding in general. I have learnt many new reserved words which

I decided to use in my project. I also learnt how to use lists, which

allows me to display certain letters from a variable, simplifying

the code. Another thing I have learnt from programming is how

to link text files to my code for users and passwords. Lastly, I

have learnt what Pseudocode is, why it is used, and how to use

it. One key thing that I have gained from this project is a better

understanding of programming concepts.

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