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28 | October 7, 2020 | MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS MALIBUmalibusurfsidenews.comCANDIDATESFrom Page 8ker and Malibu West FireBrigade and CommunityEmergency Resource Teammember, said that a councilperson who is responsiblefinancially for the city canonly say it’s time for everyoneto evacuate.“The liability associatedwith telling people to stayis ridiculous. But we’re allindividuals who can makeour own decisions,” saidGrisanti, adding that peopleshould have fire gear andthe mental knowledge to beable to assist in a fire.Uhring, a city PlanningCommissioner, said peoplealso should be carefulabout talking about peoplestaying behind to help fightthe fires by themselves, becausethey might not havethe ability to do so.“I can’t think of anyhome that I have that ismore important than mylife,” said Uhring, who emphasizedthat every fire situationis different and theWoolsey Fire was uniquebecause fire personnel werealso fighting other fires atthe same time.“If you got a situationwhere the resources areclose by and there’s a firegoing on, you got to reallythink about whether you’regoing to stay behind, becauseI just don’t want tosee dead bodies all over theplace,” Uhring added.Stewart, vice chair of theMalibu Public Safety Commissionand member of theMalibu Community EmergencyResponse Team, saidhe doesn’t think peoplerealize how much of a riskthey’re taking in trying todo it on their own.MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS“I can’t imagine whata wall of flames would doto people,” he said, adding,“and they’ll probablytry and leave at exactly thewrong time and that’s whenpeople get killed.During the debate, severalcandidates pointed outthat current council membersare sending out themessage that people willbe on their own during thenext fire.Mullen, a Los AngelesCounty Fire Departmentcaptain, disagreedwith that, saying fires canhappen very fast and “nopublicly elected official orpublic safety person is goingto encourage anybodyor direct anybody to stay.”“What’s important is thateverybody understand whattheir personal plan (in a firesituation) is,” said Mullen.“The reality is a lot ofSUBSCRIBE TODAY!From City Council and Planning Commission to SMMUSD SchoolBoard coverage and breaking news, we have you covered a subscription, you’re only getting part of the story.Get the full story when you subscribe to MalibuSurfsideNews.comSign up today for your 2-week FREE TRIAL!Annual Subscription is $79MALIBUSURFSIDENEWS.COM/FREE-TRIALpeople are going to stay formany reasons … If you’rerelying on public agenciesto save you during a disaster,the point I’m makingis you need to make your(own) preparation.”“You’re on your owncan’t be the policy,” respondedSilverstein, an attorneyand Operation Recoverysteering committeemember. “It’s the responsibilityof government toprovide for the safety of thecommunity.”“We’re hearing I thinka lot of between the linesfrom some people that aresaying, ‘Don’t stay becausewe can’t advise you to dothat, but yet you really needto stay,’” Silverstein continued.“That just cannot bethe plan. The plan cannotbe the citizens are on theirown, the citizens have totake care of themselves.”Simmens agreed, sayinghe thought “it’s dangerousand unwise to basically sayyou’re on your own.”“The reason we pay taxesand we have fire and policedepartments and everythingelse is to help us in times ofneed,” said Simmens, a retiredpublic policy analystand vice president of theMalibu Democratic Club.Residents need to beprepared, Simmens said,“(But), when it comes tofighting fires, we need tohave the resources to do itin the safest way possible.And that’s not getting outthere with a hose and hopingthat you can get enoughembers off your roof.”Simmens, a member ofthe Malibu CommunityEmergency Response Teamand vice chair of the MalibuPublic Works Commission,proposed that the citywork with state and federalofficials to develop a firereserve that would includefire professionals that canbe activated in times ofneed.Wetton said that whilea state reserve would begreat, he wasn’t so sureabout the idea of giving upneighborhood volunteers.“I think the further awayyou get from your neighborhoodthe less controlyou have, and having lesscontrol is not good,” hesaid.Lyon said the city shouldbe helping neighborhoodswith emergency generators,as well as providing watersources for firefighting helicoptersto dip into.“Those should be all overthe hills right now. I don’tsee that we’re doing a lot ofstuff that’s going to be a bigchange,” said Lyon, addingthat the city should recruitpeople from the local laborexchange to help cleartrails and be part of the firefightingbrigade.Stewart said he is actuallyamazed with what thecity has accomplished withfire preparedness since theWoolsey Fire, and that generatorswere already beingput up to support watertanks in the Big Rock area.Silverstein believed thatcertain fire prevention measuresare only happeningnow because of the electioncycle, and that assetsare being hardened in BigRock because those residentsrepeatedly made afuss about.“It’s not happening becausethe city took proactiveaction to help. It’shappening because thecommunity is insisting onit and we need to do a betterjob with providing theassistance to the community,not saying, ‘You’re onyour own’ or ‘Tell us whatyou’ll need and maybewe’ll help,’” Silversteinsaid, adding that the citycan find money in its budgetto do so.In terms of public safety,Grisanti said he believesLos Angeles County Sheriff’sDepartment deputiesshould be audited with GPSon their vehicles.Lyon said the city needsmore protection than twosheriff’s cars a night.“Malibu is just sittingducks right now, and if anybodydoesn’t think that’sthe case, then their head’sin the sand. We need topony up some more moneyfor that, and if that meansgiving up an assistant citymanager or whatever, Idon’t know. I think that wehave money, we can affordit. We can’t afford not tohave more sheriff’s (deputies)out here,” Lyon said.Uhring said Malibu Volunteerson Patrol need moreresponsibilities and that thesheriff’s department needsto be called on less.Stewart said that somecrime is up because of thehomeless/transient problemin the city, and that won’tchange until that situationis addressed.Wetton questionedwhether any uptick is actuallytemporary, addingthat it could attributed tothe population of Malibuincreasing since the beginningof the pandemic. Itmight be time, Wetton said,to consider a private securitycompany to help securethe city.“It’s going to take everysingle one of us workingtogether after Nov. 3.Whoever isn’t elected, Ihope you’ll still continue tohelp,” said Ulich at the endof the discussion, addingthat all candidates shouldbe commended for steppingup especially duringthe pandemic.“The most importantthing that we can all agreeon is everyone needs tovote,” she added. MALIBUMALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS | October 7, 2020 | 29FAITH BRIEFSMalibu Pacific Church (3324 MalibuCanyon Road, 310-456-1611)4, 5, 6 Ministry7 p.m. Thursday. Formore information, go service10:15 a.m. Sunday. Liveworship broadcast. Tunein at prayerTo share a prayer request,submit to Wendi. Topray with a deacon, contactAnnie McRae or (310)310-4889.Community Care BoardAnyone with a need canvisit the online communitycare board: ministry gatheringsIndividual ministries willmeet through their devicesthrough various digitalplatforms like Zoom andYouTube. Each ministryleader will contact memberson how to connect.St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church (28211Pacific Coast Highway, 310-457-7966)Livestream service10 a.m. Sunday. To joinworship, go to United Methodist Church (30128Morning View Drive, 310-457-7505)Livestream service10:30 a.m. Sunday. Worshipvia Zoom. To registerto join, go to Lady of Malibu Church (3625 WinterCanyon Road, 310-456-2361)Livestream Mass8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday;12:10 p.m. Mondaythrough Saturday (followedby The Rosary).Email for the links and passwordsto join.Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue(24855 PCH, 310-456-2178)Livestream Friday NightServices6 p.m. Friday.Shabbat Morning Service9-10 a.m. Saturday.Livestream Torah Study10:15 a.m. Saturday,with Rabbi MichaelSchwartz.For more information,go to Church (6955 Fernhill Drive,310-774-1927)Sundays Live from the Barn10:10 a.m. Sunday taking bookmark contest submissionsSCOTT STEEPLETON, EditorYoung artists in Malibutake note: The Los AngelesCounty Library is acceptingsubmissions forits 41st annual BookmarkContest.Winners see their artworkdisplayed in theMalibu Library.According to ElissiaBuell, children’s serviceslibrarian, the contest“aims to encourage alove of books and readingwhile also promoting creativity,artistic expressionand community engagement.”“At Malibu Library, wehave frequently featuredour talented local winners’bookmark posters in thechildren’s and teen areasof the library for the communityto enjoy.”The contest is open toall county residents ingrades K-12 or ages 5-8.Only one entry per artist.Other rules:• Designs may be incolor or in blue orblack ink.• Original designs andartwork only. (Entrieswill be disqualifiedif the artwork is notoriginal or if the artistreceived assistance.)• No licensed characters.Families of L.A. CountyLibrary employees are noteligible and all entries becomethe property of thelibrary.Entries will be dividedinto supervisorial districtsbased on the residence ofthe participants, and 10 finalistswill be selected ineach age category in eachdistrict — a total of 200finalists.The winners will be selectedby the respectiveBoard of Supervisors’ office.The 20 Board of Supervisorswinners will havetheir bookmarks printedand distributed to all L.A.County Library branches.Deadline for entry isNov. 15.For more informationand the official entry form,go to CALENDARCHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETYDebrief Week with theCLS community: “ProcessingWhat We HaveLearned About God’sJustice Thus Far.” 6 Virtual event MUSIC SHOWCASEThe Santa Monica CollegeMusic Department willpresent its Music Pre-MidtermsShowcase Celebration7:30 p.m. Friday.The program will featureeclectic offerings fromSMC Music Departmentprojects, including soloand group performancesin both European classicaland jazz styles.Pre-registration for theconcert is required, and thelink is available at more information,call 310-434-3005 or 310-434-4323.GET OVER THE HUMPThe Malibu and Palisadeschambers of commerceunite for AfternoonJump to Get Over theHump, a Zoom mixerwhere business professionalsfrom all around LosAngeles County “rev upyour energy with problemsolving and solidarity.”The free hourlong eventstarts at 3:30 p.m. Monday.Link at the Virtual Eventsmenu at MANAGEREVALUATIONThe Malibu City Councilwill meet in closed session4:30 p.m. Monday to discussthe public employeeperformance evaluationof City Manager RevaFeldman. The public isnot allowed to take partin the virtual meeting, butany action taken would bemade public afterwards.THE MALIBU CHOICEAWARDSare Back!Reward local businesses by voting for themin the 4th Annual Malibu Choice Awardspresented by Malibu Surfside NewsVoting is open Sept. 16-Oct. 18Check out the ballot inside this issueor vote online LOCAL MALIBUBUSINESSES WITH YOUR VOTE! MALIBU

MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS | October 7, 2020 | 29


Malibu Pacific Church (3324 Malibu

Canyon Road, 310-456-1611)

4, 5, 6 Ministry

7 p.m. Thursday. For

more information, go to

Livestream service

10:15 a.m. Sunday. Live

worship broadcast. Tune

in at


Virtual prayer

To share a prayer request,

submit to Wendi. To

pray with a deacon, contact

Annie McRae or (310)


Community Care Board

Anyone with a need can

visit the online community

care board: malibupacific.


Virtual ministry gatherings

Individual ministries will

meet through their devices

through various digital

platforms like Zoom and

YouTube. Each ministry

leader will contact members

on how to connect.

St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church (28211

Pacific Coast Highway, 310-457-7966)

Livestream service

10 a.m. Sunday. To join

worship, go to facebook.


Malibu United Methodist Church (30128

Morning View Drive, 310-457-7505)

Livestream service

10:30 a.m. Sunday. Worship

via Zoom. To register

to join, go to malibuumc.


Our Lady of Malibu Church (3625 Winter

Canyon Road, 310-456-2361)

Livestream Mass

8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday;

12:10 p.m. Monday

through Saturday (followed

by The Rosary).

Email frmatt@olmalibu.

org for the links and passwords

to join.

Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue

(24855 PCH, 310-456-2178)

Livestream Friday Night


6 p.m. Friday.

Shabbat Morning Service

9-10 a.m. Saturday.

Livestream Torah Study

10:15 a.m. Saturday,

with Rabbi Michael


For more information,

go to


Waveside Church (6955 Fernhill Drive,


Sundays Live from the Barn

10:10 a.m. Sunday at

Library taking bookmark contest submissions


Young artists in Malibu

take note: The Los Angeles

County Library is accepting

submissions for

its 41st annual Bookmark


Winners see their artwork

displayed in the

Malibu Library.

According to Elissia

Buell, children’s services

librarian, the contest

“aims to encourage a

love of books and reading

while also promoting creativity,

artistic expression

and community engagement.”

“At Malibu Library, we

have frequently featured

our talented local winners’

bookmark posters in the

children’s and teen areas

of the library for the community

to enjoy.”

The contest is open to

all county residents in

grades K-12 or ages 5-8.

Only one entry per artist.

Other rules:

• Designs may be in

color or in blue or

black ink.

• Original designs and

artwork only. (Entries

will be disqualified

if the artwork is not

original or if the artist

received assistance.)

• No licensed characters.

Families of L.A. County

Library employees are not

eligible and all entries become

the property of the


Entries will be divided

into supervisorial districts

based on the residence of

the participants, and 10 finalists

will be selected in

each age category in each

district — a total of 200


The winners will be selected

by the respective

Board of Supervisors’ office.

The 20 Board of Supervisors

winners will have

their bookmarks printed

and distributed to all L.A.

County Library branches.

Deadline for entry is

Nov. 15.

For more information

and the official entry form,

go to




Debrief Week with the

CLS community: “Processing

What We Have

Learned About God’s

Justice Thus Far.” 6 p.m.

today. Virtual event URL:


The Santa Monica College

Music Department will

present its Music Pre-Midterms

Showcase Celebration

7:30 p.m. Friday.

The program will feature

eclectic offerings from

SMC Music Department

projects, including solo

and group performances

in both European classical

and jazz styles.

Pre-registration for the

concert is required, and the

link is available at smc.


For more information,

call 310-434-3005 or 310-



The Malibu and Palisades

chambers of commerce

unite for Afternoon

Jump to Get Over the

Hump, a Zoom mixer

where business professionals

from all around Los

Angeles County “rev up

your energy with problem

solving and solidarity.”

The free hourlong event

starts at 3:30 p.m. Monday.

Link at the Virtual Events

menu at



The Malibu City Council

will meet in closed session

4:30 p.m. Monday to discuss

the public employee

performance evaluation

of City Manager Reva

Feldman. The public is

not allowed to take part

in the virtual meeting, but

any action taken would be

made public afterwards.



are Back!

Reward local businesses by voting for them

in the 4th Annual Malibu Choice Awards

presented by Malibu Surfside News

Voting is open Sept. 16-Oct. 18

Check out the ballot inside this issue

or vote online at



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