Hungarian Defence Review 2020, Nr. 1.


92HDR 2020, Nr. 1Ákos TreszkaiPhD candidate at the National University of Public Services (NUPS) in Budapest,Hungary. His field of expertise is Africa. His dissertation topic is the security-relatedconsequences of the African water conflicts.LtCol Ye YudanMilitary lecturer, currently a student of the General Staff Course, National Universityof Public Service.Péter Wagner, PhDSenior Lecturer, Department of Social Science and International Studies, Faculty ofLaw, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary.Zuzana ZvakováPhD candidate, University of Žilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Slovakia.

Editorial Policies93EDITORIAL POLICIESPeer Review ProcessIn order to ensure that articles are of a high quality, all submissions are reviewed by at leasttwo subject matter experts. The review process is anonymous and confidential (double blindpeer review).Open Access PolicyThe General Staff of the Hungarian Defence Force grants permission to institutions of higherlearning to deposit in their repositories scholarly articles authored or co-authored by theirresearchers and published in Hungarian Defence Review, provided that the final publisher’sversion is archived and its layout is kept intact, anda. The link to the original publication is provided;b. The publication details are included as part of the metadata;c. The publisher (Hungarian Defence Review) is indicated.Articles published in Hungarian Defence Review may also be reproduced electronicallyor in print as instruction materials in professional courses for military and civilian specialists,provided that full bibliographic information and a link to the original publication areprovided to the readers. The Editors request that they be informed when material publishedin the journal is used as instruction material.The authors of articles published in Hungarian Defence Review are authorized to maketheir work accessible to the public through their websites, provided the above conditions aremet.Ethical GuidelinesHungarian Defence Review is committed to the dissemination of high-quality researchthrough its articles according to the set norms and ethics of the social scientific community.Conformance with the standards of ethical behaviour and norms of research of all involvedin the process, namely the editors, the editorial advisory board, peer reviewers, publisher(s)and contributors to the publication is important in order to maintain a cutting-edge journalworthy of international academic citizenship. In particular, the following is required of thestakeholders:Editorial Advisory Board – The Editorial Advisory Board consists of recognised and wellknownacademics, theorists and expert practitioners in their subject area. The Editorial AdvisoryBoard members act as an example and subscribe to the norms and ethical standardsof the international scientific community and the ethical guidelines of this journal. While themembers’ task is mainly advisory in nature, they also provide advice and serve as a source of


HDR 2020, Nr. 1

Ákos Treszkai

PhD candidate at the National University of Public Services (NUPS) in Budapest,

Hungary. His field of expertise is Africa. His dissertation topic is the security-related

consequences of the African water conflicts.

LtCol Ye Yudan

Military lecturer, currently a student of the General Staff Course, National University

of Public Service.

Péter Wagner, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science and International Studies, Faculty of

Law, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary.

Zuzana Zvaková

PhD candidate, University of Žilina, Faculty of Security Engineering, Slovakia.

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