Hungarian Defence Review 2020, Nr. 1.


78HDR 2020, Nr. 1“Doolittle Series 18 Multi-Domain Operations”. In Shaping NATO for Multi-Domain Operations ofthe Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019.65-71., P. “NATO’s challenges in Multi-Domain aka Full Spectrum Operations, presentation.”Grest, H. and Heren, H. “What is a Multi-Domain Operation?” In Shaping NATO for Multi-DomainOperations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power CompetenceCentre, 2019. 1-4., J. “Is fluidity the key to effective Multi-Domain Operations?” In Shaping NATO forMulti-Domain Operations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air PowerCompetence Centre, 2019. 39-45., J. M. “Multi-Domain Operations”. In Shaping NATO for Multi-Domain Operations of the Future:JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019. 15-24. S. “The US Army’s Experimental ‘Multi-domain’ Units are practicing how to battle ChineseWarships”. The National Interest, 11 August 2019.’s-experimental-“multi-domain”-units-are-practicing-how-battle-chinese-warships,Accessedon 12 August 2019.Väljataga, A. “Tracing Opinio Juris in National Cyber Security Strategy Documents.” In ShapingNATO for Multi-Domain Operations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar:Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019. 91-97.

HDR 2020, Nr. 1, 79–85. Forum & Reviews79Ye YudanTHE SCENES OF FUTURE PEACEKEEPINGOPERATIONS IN THE ERA OF ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCEDOI: 10.35926/HDR.2020.1.7ABSTRACT: UN led peacekeeping operations began in 1948. Since then, peacekeepingoperations have gradually entered an information age that is constantly influencedand defined by computers, the Internet, etc. The invention of computer, whether or notits original intention is limited to the purpose of assisting human beings in numericalcalculation, will eventually lead to the generation of intelligent machines that can extendand enhance the abilities of human beings to transform nature and govern society.When artificial intelligence is widely used and has shaped the society into a human-computersymbiotic society, peacekeeping operations must take the initiative toface the new era environment which is different from the past history of human beings,and make efforts to solve the complex problems they are facing.KEYWORDS: peacekeeping operations, scene, era, artificial intelligenceTHE ERA AND ENVIRONMENT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEFOR PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONSPeacekeeping operation is a great cause reflecting international solidarity and safeguardingthe common destiny of mankind. It has helped many countries falling into war to get ridof war and achieve peace. As one of the most effective and powerful tools for the UnitedNations to promote and maintain international peace and security, peacekeeping operationsprovide support for the transition from crisis or state of war to political reconciliation inwar-torn areas by responding to crises and conflicts and providing basic security guarantees,as well as helping to support new and very vulnerable state institutions in their respectiveregions. However, the current peacekeeping operations face many challenges and suffer alot of personnel losses. On March 28, 2018, the Secretary General of the United Nationslaunched the “action for peacekeeping” initiative in the Security Council, calling for “collectiveaction to improve United Nations peacekeeping operations”. 1 As of July 2019, 152countries and 4 international and regional organizations have endorsed and committed to thedeclaration of common commitment on United Nations peacekeeping operations. 2 The in-1 “Secretary-General’s remarks to Security Council High-Level Debate on Collective Action to Improve UNPeacekeeping Operations”. 28 March 2018,,Accessed on 20 August 2019.2 “Action for Peacekeeping”., Accessed on 20 August2019.


HDR 2020, Nr. 1

“Doolittle Series 18 Multi-Domain Operations”. In Shaping NATO for Multi-Domain Operations of

the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019.


Ducheine, P. “NATO’s challenges in Multi-Domain aka Full Spectrum Operations, presentation.”

Grest, H. and Heren, H. “What is a Multi-Domain Operation?” In Shaping NATO for Multi-Domain

Operations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power Competence

Centre, 2019. 1-4.

Parkinson, J. “Is fluidity the key to effective Multi-Domain Operations?” In Shaping NATO for

Multi-Domain Operations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power

Competence Centre, 2019. 39-45.


Reilly, J. M. “Multi-Domain Operations”. In Shaping NATO for Multi-Domain Operations of the Future:

JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar: Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019. 15-24.

Roblin S. “The US Army’s Experimental ‘Multi-domain’ Units are practicing how to battle Chinese

Warships”. The National Interest, 11 August 2019.’s-experimental-“multi-domain”-units-are-practicing-how-battle-chinese-warships,


on 12 August 2019.

Väljataga, A. “Tracing Opinio Juris in National Cyber Security Strategy Documents.” In Shaping

NATO for Multi-Domain Operations of the Future: JAPCC Conference Read Ahead. Kalkar:

Joint Air Power Competence Centre, 2019. 91-97.


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