Hungarian Defence Review 2020, Nr. 1.


Issued by the HDF CommandSemi-annual publicationResponsible for publishing:Lt Gen Gábor BÖRÖNDI Dr.EDITORIAL BOARDChairman (Editor in Chief):Col Imre PORKOLÁB PhDMembers of the Editorial Board:Csaba B. STENGE PhDSascha Dominik Dov BACHMANN LL.M, LL.D(University of Canberra, Australia)Col Tamás BALI PhDLt Col Luís Manuel BRÁS BERNARDINO PhD(Military Academy, Lisbon)Col Gábor BOLDIZSÁR PhDCol (Ret) Dénes HARAI PhDLászló KIRÁLY CSsBrig Gen József KOLLER PhDBrig Gen Péter LIPPAI PhDBrig Gen Ferenc MOLNÁR PhDCol (Ret) László NAGY CScZoltán RAJNAI PhDLt Col (Ret) Harold E. RAUGH PhD(U.S. Army Europe – Weisbaden, Germany)Brig Gen Romulusz RUSZIN PhDLt Col Gábor SÁRI PhDCol Klára SIPOSNÉ KECSKEMÉTHY CScSándor SZAKÁLY DScSrđa TRIFKOVIĆ PhD(University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka)Brig Gen (Ret) Rudolf URBAN CSc (The PoliceAcademy of the Czech Republic in Prague)Péter WAGNER PhDSecretary of the Editorial Board:Capt Róbert STOHL PhD ( STAFFThe MoD Zrínyi Mapping and Communications Servicing Non-profitLimited Company – Zrínyi Publishing House Editorial Board of ScientificPublications takes part in publishing and distributing the journal.Responsible manager: General Manager Gábor KULCSÁRHead of Zrínyi Publishing House:Maj Gen (Ret) János ISASZEGI PhDResponsible editor: Lt Col (Ret) Zoltán KISS ( of the Special Issue: Álmos Péter KISS PhDLanguage editor: Kosztasz PANAJOTU (PhD)Publishing coordinator: Katalin GÁSPÁR( editor: Edit TESZÁRProofreader: Jolán APAGYINÉ GÁSPÁREditorial secretary: Júlia PÁSZTOR ( (+36)-1-459-5355 • E-mail: H-1087 Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/bThe entire content of the Hungarian Defence Reviewis accessible on www.hungariandefencereview.comPrinted by: MoD Zrínyi Non-profit Co., Printing DepartmentHead of Printing Department: Zoltán PÁSZTORHU ISSN 2060-1506The Hungarian Defence Review is recognised by the HungarianAcademy of Sciences as a category ‘A’ benchmark publication.The papers published by the Hungarian Defence Revieware reviewed and edited.The Hungarian Defence Review is a member of the EuropeanMilitary Press Association (EMPA).CALL FOR PAPERSThe editorial board of Hungarian Defence Review invites authors to submit papers in 2019, based on new researchresults that deal with some aspect of the following topics:1. Hybrid warfare – changes in the doctrine of leadership: decision-making and Mission Command in the 21 st century2. Automated systems: changes in the operational requirements of autonomous systems in light of recent technologicaldevelopments3. Warfare in non-conventional theatres: challenges and opportunities of the information battlespace, the role andsignificance of information warfare in contemporary conflicts4. Built-in areas: the characteristics of urban combat and its digital military challenges in built-in areas5. Cognitive development: Super-soldiers? Challenges and opportunities in the mental development of the digitalsoldier – human-machine teaming on the battlefield6. Leadership aspects of technological changes and their impact on decision-making7. The introduction of Mission Command into the Hungarian Defence Forces on the organizational level.We request our authors to submit a max. 2000-character preliminary abstract of the planned paper, addressed to theresponsible editor ( The editorial board of the journal will evaluate the received abstractsand notify the submitter of the decision. At the same time, acceptance of a submitted abstract does not automaticallyentail the publication of the paper, as the decision on its publication will be based on the final text after a professionalreview.The Editorial Board of Hungarian Defence Review

HungarianDefenceReviewSPECIALISSUE 2020,VOL. 148, NR. 1CONTENTSForeword (Col Imre Porkoláb PhD) ................................... 3FOCUSViktor HuszárApplication Possibilities of Decentralization and Blockchain TechnologyUsing Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence in Defense Management,Military and Police Organizations ..................................... 4SECURITY STUDIESKrisztián Manzinger, Péter WagnerSyrian Kurds, Rojava and Alternative Society Building in Middle East ........ 15Ákos TreszkaiThe River Nile Conflict in the Aspects of Critical Infrastructure Protection ..... 41Ivančo, Matúš – Erdélyiová, Romana – Figuli, Lucia – Zvaková, ZuzanaAnalysis of Selected Assets against the Extraordinary Loads ................ 50TRAININGLtCol András FülekySome Interrelations among Martial Arts, Personality Development,and Military Career ................................................. 56FORUM & REVIEWSLtCol András MezőReport on JAPCC Multi-Domain Conference ............................ 69LtCol Ye YudanThe Scenes of Future Peacekeeping Operations in the Era of ArtificialIntelligence ....................................................... 79

Issued by the HDF Command

Semi-annual publication

Responsible for publishing:

Lt Gen Gábor BÖRÖNDI Dr.


Chairman (Editor in Chief):


Members of the Editorial Board:


Sascha Dominik Dov BACHMANN LL.M, LL.D

(University of Canberra, Australia)

Col Tamás BALI PhD


(Military Academy, Lisbon)


Col (Ret) Dénes HARAI PhD


Brig Gen József KOLLER PhD

Brig Gen Péter LIPPAI PhD

Brig Gen Ferenc MOLNÁR PhD

Col (Ret) László NAGY CSc


Lt Col (Ret) Harold E. RAUGH PhD

(U.S. Army Europe – Weisbaden, Germany)

Brig Gen Romulusz RUSZIN PhD

Lt Col Gábor SÁRI PhD




(University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka)

Brig Gen (Ret) Rudolf URBAN CSc (The Police

Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague)


Secretary of the Editorial Board:

Capt Róbert STOHL PhD (


The MoD Zrínyi Mapping and Communications Servicing Non-profit

Limited Company – Zrínyi Publishing House Editorial Board of Scientific

Publications takes part in publishing and distributing the journal.

Responsible manager: General Manager Gábor KULCSÁR

Head of Zrínyi Publishing House:

Maj Gen (Ret) János ISASZEGI PhD

Responsible editor: Lt Col (Ret) Zoltán KISS (

Editor of the Special Issue: Álmos Péter KISS PhD

Language editor: Kosztasz PANAJOTU (PhD)

Publishing coordinator: Katalin GÁSPÁR


Design editor: Edit TESZÁR

Proofreader: Jolán APAGYINÉ GÁSPÁR

Editorial secretary: Júlia PÁSZTOR (


Phone: (+36)-1-459-5355 • E-mail:

Address: H-1087 Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/b

The entire content of the Hungarian Defence Review

is accessible on

Printed by: MoD Zrínyi Non-profit Co., Printing Department

Head of Printing Department: Zoltán PÁSZTOR

HU ISSN 2060-1506

The Hungarian Defence Review is recognised by the Hungarian

Academy of Sciences as a category ‘A’ benchmark publication.

The papers published by the Hungarian Defence Review

are reviewed and edited.

The Hungarian Defence Review is a member of the European

Military Press Association (EMPA).


The editorial board of Hungarian Defence Review invites authors to submit papers in 2019, based on new research

results that deal with some aspect of the following topics:

1. Hybrid warfare – changes in the doctrine of leadership: decision-making and Mission Command in the 21 st century

2. Automated systems: changes in the operational requirements of autonomous systems in light of recent technological


3. Warfare in non-conventional theatres: challenges and opportunities of the information battlespace, the role and

significance of information warfare in contemporary conflicts

4. Built-in areas: the characteristics of urban combat and its digital military challenges in built-in areas

5. Cognitive development: Super-soldiers? Challenges and opportunities in the mental development of the digital

soldier – human-machine teaming on the battlefield

6. Leadership aspects of technological changes and their impact on decision-making

7. The introduction of Mission Command into the Hungarian Defence Forces on the organizational level.

We request our authors to submit a max. 2000-character preliminary abstract of the planned paper, addressed to the

responsible editor ( The editorial board of the journal will evaluate the received abstracts

and notify the submitter of the decision. At the same time, acceptance of a submitted abstract does not automatically

entail the publication of the paper, as the decision on its publication will be based on the final text after a professional


The Editorial Board of Hungarian Defence Review

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