The Failings Of A Broken Rainbow by Mellonic

"Who Am I?" A boy trying to find him self in a world of bliss and blabbering blisters. "You are who you were meant to be,"An Angel tries and sets him free. Little Black Bird trapped in a cage, trying to fly with broken wings, wearing nothing but a mask, he wants to conceal, don't feel and don't let them know. It had been a while since he saw everyone but his parents. He missed Keegan, he missed him deeply, his eyes, his lips, his smile, his everything, it was extra hard as he didn't go to the funeral and wasn't even allowed to visit the grave as his parents blamed him for killing their little boy, Keegan never left a note or anything but one last lingering kiss on Bryce’s lips and a don't follow me, he vowed to visit one more time but today was the first time in therapy and if he wanted to get better for Keegan. He had to first getter better for himself cause true love starts with self love and healing starts from the inside.

"Who Am I?" A boy trying to find him self in a world of bliss and blabbering blisters.
"You are who you were meant to be,"An Angel tries and sets him free.
Little Black Bird trapped in a cage, trying to fly with broken wings, wearing nothing but a mask, he wants to conceal, don't feel and don't let them know. It had been a while since he saw everyone but his parents. He missed Keegan, he missed him deeply, his eyes, his lips, his smile, his everything, it was extra hard as he didn't go to the funeral and wasn't even allowed to visit the grave as his parents blamed him for killing their little boy, Keegan never left a note or anything but one last lingering kiss on Bryce’s lips and a don't follow me, he vowed to visit one more time but today was the first time in therapy and if he wanted to get better for Keegan. He had to first getter better for himself cause true love starts with self love and healing starts from the inside.


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The Failings Of A Broken Rainbow

by Mellonic


I remember how this book came to life, I had just got inspired and wrote a poem titled pathetic

which then served as the introduction to this book. I remember hitting my friend Phathuzuko Mbete

after I sent him and my friends a copy of the poem and told him how I just got a vision about a

book and wanted him to help me with the cover art and the name of the book as I was clueless as

how to name it, I never name my work and he's the one who's always responsible for my cover arts

and the name of my two recent books; BURNING INCENSE and OBLIVION which are a

compilation of poems I've written. Personally I was afraid to release this book in particular as it's

different from anything I've ever written before, it's a short 16 chapter story with words ranging from

900 to 1000 in each chapter which talks about a troubled kid lost in religion, loving and then losing.

I made it short on purpose for two reasons, one I'm not much of a novel writer and this being my

first official novel I wanted it to be a taste of what I could do and two I was afraid of the reception

and how I felt like it wasn't my best work till I edited it and fell in love with it once more. So I'd like to

thank Phathuzuko Mbete who made the cover and came up with the name, if it wasn't for him this

book wouldn't have such a bomb name and cover and I'd like to thank everyone who has read and

supported my work thus far, I promise to better my craft and to release more books in the future. I'd

like to also thank my friends who've been a constant pillar in my life and actually pushed me to

write and publish my work and I'd like to Thank God for blessing me so much. And also thank the

likes of, Nina Simone, Celine Dion, Lauryn Hill, Lea Michelle, Chloe x Halle, Taylor Swift and Tove

lo who I've referenced through out the book and who's music were a big factor in inspiring me to

continue writing this book, without their music I'm most sure it wouldn't have been as heartfelt as it

is now. So without further ado, here's my offering of The Failings Of A Broken Rainbow and hope

you enjoy it.



This one is for the LGBTQ+ community who face struggles each day and can't even voice

out how they feel, this is for the dreamers who dream for a free land where they can

embrace their inner selves without living in fear, this is for the little boy, girl and non-binary

who still have to live in the closet because of families valuing religion over their own

children's lives, I hope one day you get the courage to break free from what ever toxic

environment you're in and break free from your cocoon and morph into the beautiful butterfly

you are and fly cause you're beautiful and loved no matter what society says and the mental

thoughts that weigh you down each day, just know that if no one has ever said I love you to

you then I am saying it now, I love you. This short story/novel is dedicated to you.




Chapter 1 – Argh Feels

Chapter 2 – I Am A Boy

Who Are You

Chapter 3 – Sweettalk My Heart

Chapter 4 – Here I Am

Chapter 5 – Like You

Chapter 6 – Devine Entity

Chapter 7 – Be Still

I Did It All For You

Chapter 8 – Foundation

Chapter 9 – Passion and Pain


How Does It Feel

Chapter 10 – Cloud 9

One Night Only

Chapter 11 – Ferris Wheel

Chapter 12 – My Tears Ricochet

Chapter 13 – Lovers Never Die

I'm Used To It

Chapter 14 – Courage

Chapter 15 – Equally Lost

Chapter 16 – Little Black Bird

You Don't Even Know



"You know this is a safe space right and you can be free and say anything you want?"

I looked at the black haired woman in front of me with a black pen and a matching leather note

book. She was sited in a plush grey single couch fixing her black rimmed glasses, while I was

fixing the non existent wrinkles in my dull grey sweatpants, fiddling with the hem of my matching

grey sweater and looking at my dull worn out black converses.

"I... I... I don't know where to start," I said looking at the lack of colour in the room as if imitating my

soul, the dull faded green walls with her certificate in physiology right on top of the wall behind her

desk, a trash can in the corner with one or two papers littered inside, a brown oak desk with files

on top of it one piling on top of the other, probably with a file owning my name too.

"We can start at the beginning?" she said chucking a bit, I had an hour and half with her for three

times a week and this was my first time here. I don't even know her name even though I'm most

sure she told me. See, I always thought that therapy was for white people with a lot of money to

waste on people listening to their problems but I was wrong, it's for black people with moeny too,

and as much as I tell me parents that there's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine, really, I'm fine they

don't listen so here goes nothing.

I sigh as I look and at everywhere but her eyes "It all started because I was pathetic..."



P is for the way you're such a push over, you push your feelings

to the side

A is for the answer you can never find every time someone asks

you "are you fine"

T is for the emotions bottling up you want to spill like the tea your

friends spill when kiking but can't

H is for how well you can not be honest with yourself and

everybody else

E is for every lie you ever told and made them eat it after you

fattened up yourself first

T is for how tired you are but still wear that smile to work

everyday cause you're trying to be the number

1 employee of the month every month

I is for how you never think about yourself so that letter we pay no



and C is for all the tears you cried at night cause you knew how

pathetic you are


There's no one in this world who understands you more than

yourself, there's nothing more deceiving than the mirror, a glass

reflection of what may seem to be you but is not. There's nothing

more frustrating than being afraid of voicing out your ow thoughts

because the one time you feel like yourself, you're told not to be.

They say be whatever you want to be and do what ever you want

to do but give you terms and conditions. They say they love you

unconditionally but still have conditions for that said love. Argh

feelings hurt more than when you stub your toe at the corner of a

desk cause what's physical may end but what's emotional leaves

a scar longer. A tug at the hurt that constricts your breathing, your

told to be free but when you fly they ask why do you want to fly

little black bird when your cage is right here, they say home is

where the heart is and not where your house and car is but what

if your heart is nowhere to be found, does that make you



Why does everything that makes you happy deemed to be death,

they claim to know death all to well but never have they ever seen

the Grim Reaper himself, they say they've buried a lot of young

bodies but don't realise that death is more than physical. To

breath doesn't mean to be alive because dreams die, hope plants

misery and faith holds you up to things that may seem real for a

moment but aren't so when they talk about death I tune them out

cause they know not what they are talking about.

It's hard being black and I'm not talking about the shootings and

the #tags that black lives matter but I'm talking about at home.

Black parents fight more for others than for their own children,

they say it's okay and accept other people first before their own

child and you know what’s harder than being black? Being gay

and look at me the two things society can deem unwanted at

times, a mixed breed I can say.

Depression, it's hard saying you have it and admit it to your family

because they'd say your an attention seeker so I kept quiet, I

don't know how long I've been stuck in the closet but I know each

and every fabric and can count the strands of wool of each and

every clothing I have. So I keep my head down as usual and eat

my feelings away as I gain weight and become thinner. Argh



So here I am, being the most dumbest person I can ever be, I

have a lot to tell so keep up, one I have a crush on my

homophobic not so friend but still slightly a friend-friend but still a

friend either way which is a major red flag, I was planning on

coming out which is nerve wrecking all on it's own but thought

against it and I just got blocked for confessing I have a thrush on

someone who is someone I know but don't know but still talk to

anyway and what is a thrush you ask? Well a thrush is basically a


type of stuff and well he just up and left me alone so

yeah this year will be a good one, I guess.

I'm still filling up a hole I have in my heart, a hole that's being

constantly dug unintentionally by the people around me. I've been

in denial for what may seem a long time in my life and I realized I

was gay in the seventh grade when I had a crush on this cute, hot

guy with a smirk that could make me faint in an instant, skin so

rough yet so soft at the same time that I made any and every

excuse to touch him but this is not about him so it seems

unnecessary to talk about him so we won't. All my life I had to

lock up my feelings because coming out meant I had to find a

new home which I'm not ready for yet. See I was raised in a not

so religious but still going to church on some Sundays church

going home till we went from not so religious to oh my gosh we're

now the pastors best friends and he's coming over to dinner so

practically coming out was not an option. I later became a church

singer, a church goer basically the perfect full round church boy,


but no one is perfect and there were cracks in my wall till people

saw me before I saw myself and church became a burden more

than enjoyment as whispers turned to stares and to my dad telling

me to stop wearing tight jeans cause apparently they were the

gayest thing I could wear. So the hole in my heart was bigger

than the Kimberly hole and hurting was an everyday pill that I was

addicted to and crying was the salt water I used to swallow that

bitter pill. Till I went to high school and for once in my life I saw

me for me through friendships that opened my eyes and made

me the best version of me that I could be.

It was quiet sad how I went to be two different people at the same

time. I had to be the well known gay at home, happy whilst each

day I was hurting, dreading going home to be the mute perfect

church boy Bryce who never made mistakes, who wasn't even

gay, I had to move back and forth and with myself to fit the

setting. I always wondered how would it be if I was just allowed to

free and not trapped in the shackles of what would they think of




I am a boy.

I am a black boy.

I am a real boy soon to be a man.

I am man.

I kept repeating the same mantra my father told me each day in

the mirror.

"You won't look at any guys today no matter how hot they are, no

matter how annoyingly tempting they are and... argh, " I said to

myself flopping down on my double bed with a sigh. It was

hopeless, it was useless, I was hopeless and useless. How can

one unfeel what he feels. I've been told all my life that God

created only Adam and Eve and anything other than that is plainly

sin. A man kisses a woman everyday on TV but I can't help but

look at the guys lips and imagine myself instead of that woman, I


can't help but think about myself running my hands all over his

abs as if I was running a marathon and taking my sweet time, I

can't help but imagine my hand and his fitted together like a

jigsaw puzzle and him saying sweet sweet nothings till I give in

and let him fulfil my deepest desires. I was 13 when I realised I

had the disease, the gay disease, the you're-going-to-hell-toburn-forever-and-ever


I was spoon fed and force fed church at a young age but of all

things forced my pastor was my favorite cause he was as open

minded as ever. He never judged and never discriminated but it

seemed like his congregation had a different agenda. I breezed

through high school as gay as the rainbow flag, had a best gay

friend and school was my escape from home. My parents still

don't know that I'm gay so I'd say I hide it very good. As queer

people we need safe spaces to be who we want to be and being

faraway from home was my safe space cause outside I was not

Bryce, I was Ms B and I was living my full fantasy but all dreams

come to an end and I had to go home and face my demons some

other times.

So I erased all thoughts about dating a guy but now here I am, 19

years old, mentally preparing myself to go and live in a house full

of 11 and yes I said ELEVEN male species meaning I'm the

twelfth, and as much as I am happy to leave home, Lord knows


I'm not ready to die of blue balls cause hello I'm still a teenager

and I'm as horny as they come. I've never dated for all my 19

lives but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten around but it's been

two years now so I guess I'm more virgin than I ever was and

living with boys would surely test that solid gate.

I've had my well share of ups and downs and as much as sex is

all good and everything, there's nothing I crave more than love,

love so deep that the Nile is jealous, love so deep that when the

tides hit the shore and the breeze hits the air you feel nothing but

lightlessness because you feel at peace. There's nothing more I

crave than that beneath the skin. Beneath the pores and the

glands that formulate sweet when I'm about to met my crush.

Beneath the layers and layers of tissue that shed and regenerate

with each bruise, more than love, I crave acceptance from my

family and the urge to fight the constant demons in my mind

telling me I will never be enough, words that seem to overlap

each other each day teasing me, I'm part of the rainbow but my

mind is darker than the sky at night.

I sigh as these thoughts wounded the hallways of my sub

consciousness, I pack each pair of clothing as if packing and

tucking my emotions away, I'm a boy.

I repeat in my mind as I add a few clothing on top of each as if

piling the feelings I never share with anyone, I am a black boy, I


say as I hold back the tears I never shed at home unless it's night

time. I am a real boy soon to be man. I say as I think back to

when my father told me to act the part, walk the part and leave

my foolish boyish ways behind but does that mean I should leave

my heart too, does that mean I should fold myself up and tuck me

into the suitcase too, I feel like a plastic bag drifting away with the

wind as I feel nothing packing my socks and shoes in another

suitcase. This is why I don't like going home, I lose my mind

more than ever and I go crazy not talking to anyone so this time

away will do me good. I am man, I say one more time looking to

see what I left behind, if not my realness. I look at the double bed

I share with my emotions playing tussle and turn each night with

dark sheets and two pillows, I look at the mirror that I stand and

dissect myself in each and everyday, the closet where I don't only

keep myself but my clothes too. Feelings are the pits, they literally

are the worst, and you know what hurts more than feeling once?

Feeling the same thing over and over and over again till it's a

ritual, till you know the exact time the feels will hit so you just wait

and countdown as the tears cascade on their own, playing a show

till the grand finale of sleep overpowers you as numbness takes

the nightshift and hits you like morphine. Home is where the heart

is they say, not where your house and car is, but where is my

home since my heart isn't here. I sigh and turn the lights off and

stand still, I'm naked but darkness clothes me

my eyes are wide open but you can't see that so I sigh one last

time and close the door and let my feet guide me towards the car.



you lick your lips, you taste like years of being alone,

hands around your neck as a necklace

to hide the heavy breathing,

fruit too ripe from years of not knowing how to wait,

you're impatient

time has to think twice before hitting

twelve o’clock early cause you'll burst,

who are you...

you look everything like your father,

the way your skin is dark as night,

the way you always stay quiet and say nothing

but still be loud,

the way you walk and

carry yourself with pride,

but the difference is he had a sea full of girls


while you have none,

you look like him

yet you're nothing alike,

if he still were here what do you think he'd be like...

you lick your lips, you taste like years of being alone,

you're impatient because no one told you how to wait

so you do before you think, impulsive....




It sweettalks my heart.

It's more than chords and instruments blended together, more

than vocal layering and relatable lyrics, it's a feeling on it's own,

it's a catalyst, it speeds up emotions and makes you feel so much

and none at the same time. You can be sad and listen to it and

feel better with time, you can be happy, listen to it and be happier

with time, music isn't all that but it's everything as it exists to

relate and be one with your soul.

I'm currently on the main road living home listening to my ear

phones and a playlist I made on Spotify. Music is chocolate come

to think of it, dark and sweet and melts right in your mouth

soaking your taste buds making them come alive and tingle.


I remember being in an abyss, astral projecting; an intentional

out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or

consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the

physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the

universe. Looking at my body and hearing the heavy breathing

after my first ever panic attack, sweat becoming one with my

clothes that there was a mixture of my damp clothes and the

smell of fading cologne, my father was watching TV as I

remember vaguely the hissing of the screen and the high pitched

scream in my head, I was in an internal battle with my inner self,

overthought so much that my mind couldn't bare but to create

scenarios every five seconds, will I have no house to live in if I

come out, a hitch of breath in my throat, will I have to live in the

streets after I tell them I have the gay monster, a beating in my

heart faster than lighting as tears run down the hills of my cheeks

one two times fast, coating and soaking my mildly wet tee, I'm a

mess. I can't even talk to my parents about simple things. I'm a

mess. I can't bare the thought to leave my comfort zone cause I'm

not brave enough to be free. I'm a mess. I say to myself let me

wait a tiny bit till I'm out of here. I'm a mess. To live in fear is not

to live at all but to merely breathe. I'm a mess. So I take my

earphones and die with every lyric the artist sings. I'm only 18 but

I feel a thousand years old.

"I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free..." those are

the lyrics to a Lauryn Hill song I've had before and used to relate

to. When you're young the world is beautiful. When you're young


you seem to be immortal. When you're young everything seems

right but growing up opens your eyes and everything goes from

daises to thorns. I opened my eyes to see the toxic environment

of my church because of the way that I am, as I grew up I felt

shocked to see myself naked and unclothed, is this how Eve felt

when she ate the forbidden fruit and had her eyes open, she felt

bare and as me naked and unprotected and as much as I was

naked my parents never noticed, never noticed my lack of interest

but when my weight shifted they said I was eating sin, well they

hit the nail on the coffin with that one. We were made to believe

that everything we don't know is sin so I sigh as I listen to this

Thai song I don't even understand but relate so deeply to. Like I

said music is more than words that rhyme or chords that move

ever so swiftly, it's a feeling so I'm lost in it right now as I near my


I've never been close to my parents, my dad to be specific, I was

always the awkward loner-secretly gay kid but had friends neither

the less but my parents where entirely another story. I was told to

respect them so much that respect was borderline fear so I

couldn't voice out my thoughts about anything at all, so sitting in a

car for four hours with a man who barely knows me was bound to

be awkward. Don't get me wrong I love him deeply but I just wish

he knew, I wish he knew what made me more than the blood we

share, I wish he knew all my fears and how they trigger them

without even knowing, communication is key but sometimes it's


hard to communicate with people who think it's disrespectful to

speak out.

I was so lost in the feeling of music that I didn't realise the bus

had stopped and everyone was scurrying to get out. Each person

fighting a battle each on it's own but you wouldn't see that as

smiles are the aprons we wear everyday caused society never

allows you to be sad in peace even though they are the ones who

drive you into insanity, society is like that parent that says they'll

support you no matter what decision you take as long as that

decision is in the list of decisions they made for you .

I hail a taxi that will take me to my now new house for this year as

next year I'll be sure to get my own apartment. I can't help but

think how will my roommates be, will they be homophobic

because I came to college to be gayer than the LGBTQ flag and

no one will stop me, being far away from home is my haven and

Lord knows I need a break from these thoughts and I'm sure a

round or two will be sure to not only relive my sexual tension but

maybe ease my mind too. I look outside at the passing shadows

till the taxi stops right in front of my new house, I say and pay my

fair and leave. Here goes nothing. I won't be sad this time around,

I'm not home so let me wear my best smile and open the door

and find my room.




Why is it so hard argh....

And you know what's more hard than living? Introductions, like

"Hello my name is Bryce and I'm a 19 year old homosexual, I love

long walks at the beach and all that gay stuff you see stereotyped

on TV..." like no I don't think I can. Argh, I flop down on my plush

mattress that is yet to be dressed, I look at my room and see that

it's pretty decent for two people, it has two beds each the same

size, single, like myself. There's a closet where I will not reside in

this time that is divided into two sections, one for me and one for

him with a set of equal drawers each side, the room is light in

colour, with a crème wall and white ceiling, his bed is made and

much more prettier than that of a males, his shoes lined neatly

beside the left side of his bed which was also near the window,

books cluttered at the shared mini reading spot where I will

unlikely spend my time moping around and complaining about



I stand up and fix the wrinkles in shirt, count slowly to three and

make the bed as if laying a foundation for my tears that will come

afterwards. See I am not the typical gay, not the outgoing gay, not

the I'm-into-Brittney-Spears-let's-kiki type of gay, I barely know

any Brittney songs but the popular ones. I'm more of let-mewallow-in-Netflix-and-Thai-bl-series,

the I can't-go-out-to-socialize

type of gay, the gay that wishes he has a cute roommate to

motivate me to look better each day to impress him even though

he will be straight, the yes-I-want-sex-but-too-shy-to-say-it type of

gay, the type of gay that hides his feelings through his award

wining smile, honestly I deserve an Emmy at the rate I'm so

happy on the outside that my heart is turned to stone and

everyone believes me, I deserve an Academy for best actor as

my parents never notice what's really happening, I deserve to

brand the phrase I'm fine cause I've used it so much that I now

believe it and the voices in my head deserve the award for best

supporting actors because they made me this way.

I sigh as I unload my clothes in the closet, arranging them by

colour as if arranging the way I am now supposed to feel. I

mentally dot down the feelings not to feel. 1. Do not be horny,

these are straight men

2. Do not think about home because your heart can't take it, each

actor has his downfall and

3. Do not crush.


I say as I mentally dot them down. Time seems to fly by as the

door opens on it's own and a sihollute enters, I prepare the best

version of Ms B I can channel as I hear the footsteps getting

louder and louder till I hear breathing behind me, I turn around to

see a brown eyed boy with black thick hair and a friendly smile

drawn on his face. I see his mouth move up and down but my

mind acts slower when in close proximity with other male species,

especially good looking ones. He was not as hot as Channing

Tatum but he could split my body in half and I'd say thank you. I

blink once, twice, three times till I hear "If I knew you'd get blinded

at my handsomeness I would've brought you glasses," I blush

and look at my shoes embarrassed that he caught me looking at

him, he chuckles and smirks saying "I'm just kidding no need to

be a blushful Mary, my name is Brandon and I see your my new

roommate," he smiles and extends his hand, I shake it timidly and

reply "My name is Bryce and I guess you can now call me

roomie," I nervously say as I advert my eyes from his eyes. He

pats my head and looks at his side of the closet, "No need to be

tense bro, there are like 10 more guys you have to meet, so

consider me as your emotional support or do you want me to be

more than that," he winks looking at me as I gape at him, mouth

opening and closing like a fish out of the water with no words

coming out, did he just flirt with me, "And no I did not flirt yet," he

says with an amused smile as I ask dumbly, "I said that aloud

didn't I?". He smiles and nods his head, I bury my head in the

section of t-shirts as embarrassment overpowers me again. I look

up and see to see a swollem look at his face as he stares at my


pride t-shirt with a box label gay ticked. Does this mean he's

homophobic, will he beat me up, do I need to find a new room, my

eyes hurriedly look around is frustration, he sighs and asks the

question I dread the most, yes I am out and about when I'm away

from home, but this is a big city and there are bigger homophobes

than small towns "Are you gay?" I nod my head and look down as

a single sigh speaking all the things my mind is telling me, he will

kick you out, he won't accept you, rolls out my mouth.

Unexpectedly I'm engulfed in a huge chest with a smell that's so

intoxicating my mind goes numb, Lord knows my many

weaknesses is a man that smells good, he proceeds to say, "I'm

an ally of the LGBTQ+, so no need to be sad, this is a safe

space," he smiles slowly and pats my shoulder. "This is my first

day here and I'm a mess thinking the worst wow," I laugh

humorlessly as I expected the worst. "Nah don't sweat it, I know

the struggles gay people face and I almost lost my brother to

ignorance but I'm bettering myself and as open as ever, so

whatever you need to say I'm here for you," He smiles and pulls

out a jacket from his closet, I return the smile and mutter a quick

thank you. "Enough of this mushy stuff, fix yourself up cause the

guys are downstairs and keen to meet the latest addition to the

gang, oh and tomorrow is the house warming party so yeah..." he

doesn't finish his sentence as his quickly distracted by his phone.

Gosh I can't believe I have to meet 10 guys and then go to a party

tomorrow, my unsocial self can't handle this much human contact

and to make matters worse I'm the worst at parties, I don't like


alcohol and can only dance for 30 minutes then it's done for me,

party's bore me. I feel a hand tug at my shirt, "Come on dude,

let's meet the guys," I sigh as I let him drag me down the stairs.


There stood before me, perfectly sculptured beings by Gods own hands, it seemed as if he was

flexing when creating them as each had no flaw in sight, they scattered around the living room,

while I heard some voices in the kitchen, 6 pair of eyes looked in my direction as 2 more pairs got

out of the kitchen, gosh I hate being under the spot light, I shifted my weight on both my feet as

silence cut through the air, I felt goosebumps all over my body as Brandon spoke, "Sup losers,

listen up this is Bryce and he's my roommate, and yes he is gay so don't y'all dare pick on him or

you'll have me to deal with," I widen my eyes as he imitates a knife slicing through his throat, any

moment I'd be mad given that he just outted me but the feeling of joy over powered me as I have

never in my miserable homosexual life meet a heterosexual man that stood up for me, I look at

Brandon with pride in my eyes and he nods his head at me as a form of assurance while he holds

my eye contact as if holding my heart in his hand promising to never let it break, as I'm lost in the

deepness of his brown eyes I hear an awkward cough, "Well if you guys are done looking at each

other as if your saying goodbye, some of us would like to introduce themselves to the beautiful

m'lady," a brown skinned boy with fashionable eyewear tips his head at me, he's taller than me,

well they all seem to be taller than me as I look around. He extends his hand at me and warmth

mixed with softness immediately engulfs me, I wonder why guys have such soft hands while mine

are coarser than sand, "Call me by your name, " he says smirking in my direction, I rise an

eyebrow at him and ask "Did you just say the name of a gay movie?" He chuckles a bit and kisses

my hand, "well you see some of us have good taste when it comes to movies," I blush and pull my

hand away from his as a voice interrupts us. "Casper stop flirting with our new roommate, you may

be attractive but you know the rules no sleeping nor dating friends, don't mind him, my name is

Shawn and that's Casper," he says pointing to the guy that decided to give my hand a kiss and not

my lips, how rude of him. "And yes he's the bisexual one out of us and well, he has a reputation

among the girls and the guys," he says as Casper shushes him with a smack on the head as he

looks anywhere but me. I awkwardly smile as I say my name, Brandon introduces me to the rest of

the guys as Shawn and Casper bicker towards the kitchen.

"We have Terrence, Tony, Trevor, Clover, Ricky, Sam, August, and at that corner is Keegan," I

completely forget everyone else as I looked at the Adonis sitting on the couch not even sparing me

a glance, he had cheek bones of a Greek god that could cut steel, brows so shaped that I'd have to


tweeze mine a multiple of hours to get right, lips so plump and kissable that I can't stop but imagine

them in places all over my body, I felt my blood rushing to territories it should not as I feel a

growing discomfort in my pants, I gape at him as he stands up and walks right past me knocking

the wind right out of my chest, I stumble and hold my erratic beating heart as time seems to move

in slow motion, Brandon sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Bryce, Keegan is a bit... how do

I put it..."

"hot headed,"


"Hot," the guys finish for him and I can't help but agree with the hot factor cause he made room

temperature turn to a 100 degrees without even uttering a few words.

"He's not a bad guy but he doesn't quite understand the community. He doesn't bully anyone but

he never goes out of his way to help them either. So please steer clear of him as his not the best

around your kind," Brandon mumbles the last part awkwardly but I don't hear a word he says as my

mind replays forbidden tapes that consist of me and him in places that even fifty shades of grey

would put to shame. I nod my head and mutter a chorus some 'yeahs' and 'fines' as assurance that

I'm listening while I'm fangirling in the islands of imagination with Keegan diving deep into my


See I am a dreamer, an imagination machine and I am also partly horny, well full blown horny and

that I can't deny but would never say and I'm also male so it's in my blood to imagine sweaty

scenarios with the one I want and damn Keegan was a thrush, a crush, no, no, he was a daddy,

argh no he's... he's... he's my own Christian Grey and in my fantasy I'm the girl I never paid

attention to remember her name tied up while he has his ways with me. My jeans can't take it

anymore as my member bulges with each thought, I excuse myself and run upstairs but collide in a

hard chest and almost land in my butt but his hands steady me,

I look into the windows of the soul; his eyes as he stares intensely at me showing no emotion what

so ever, he stands still and doesn't utter a word while my heart is doing a drum solo, beater faster

than a hundred miles per minute, in my head he held me for years and years but in reality only 10

seconds and yes I was counting to calm myself down till he breaks the fog clattered window called

my mind, "Watch it, Fag," how original, I roll my eyes inside my head but say if I'm a fag then

smoke me here right now, he let goes of me and continues, "Look, I don't like you and I will never

like you, so let's not cross paths again okay? And we will not speak, okay," he then leaves me

standing there. I sigh and replay the only part of the conversation if I can call it that I remember


which is 'like you', I replay it on loop 'like you' it sounds so smooth, 'like you' I internally scream and

scurry to room to take a cold shower just to calm down before going down stairs to socialize. The

old me would cower away in a blanket fort with Netflix and some Dorito stains on my pajamas but

this is the new me and I need to over come the mini social anxiety I had.



I've always believed that there is a Devine entity above looking

down on me right now, protecting me and bring my manifestations

to life, I remember being ridiculed using the bible, people quoting

scriptures that say the gays will go to hell, promoting hate and

highlighting every sin we do but don't realise their own, I

remember a story where they wanted to stone a girl because of

her sins and Jesus said, If one of you hasn't committed one sin in

their life, let them cast the first stone, and they never did because

they knew they were filthy inside. My pastor always told me that

each sin is equivalent to the other and no sin is as greater than

the other as God sees us all as equal and thus judges us all the

same, so if they say I'm gay and that's a sin then they sin the

same as me but will never accept that because they ridicule those

who sin differently from them.

I sigh as I hear the soft snores of Brandon and lie on my stomach

and close my eyes and pray. Pray for guideness, pray for healing,


pray for a clear mind, pray to quench the thirst that my body has

from not shedding a tear today, pray for my mother and father

who I've respected all my life but feared more than life it's self,

pray for clearance cause these are trying times, pray for

deliverance from the demons in my mind, pray for true happiness

cause Lord knows I could use a genuine smile right now, pray for

love and most importantly pray for acceptance. I finish my prayer

and say grace as sleep over powers me. I sigh and turn to the

side with a weary heart, a worn out mind and a tired body.

In my dream I am falling, in my dream I am falling non stop and

this brings nostalgia as I was told that falling in a dream is signs

of growth, am I outgrowing my old self, are these feelings I feel

inside finally fading as I approach my twenties, I mean I'm 19

running for 20 next year, so does me falling mean I'll finally find

happiness? I don't know but right now I am falling as I hear what

sounds like my name being called, I hear the pitter patter of

raindrops coating my forehead as sweat now resides due to the

intense heat of the room, the voice gets louder and louder, till

BAM my bottom collides with the floor.

"Dude I've been calling you for like 30 seconds, " I hear Brandon

snickering at the state I'm in, I get up and rub my butt muttering

five more minutes. "It's literally 10:05 so get your behind up and

help us prepare for the party," I sigh and throw the pillow at his


direction. 10 AM is like 5 o’clock in the morning to people like me,

I can't wake up in the AMs I just can't. I sigh in triumph as I hear

silence and drift into a state of peace till I'm dragged out of bed

towards the door. "Brandon, you big oak, let go of me," I yell

annoyed, like seriously how does he expect me to face Keegan at

this state and at the mention of his name I straighten up and fix

myself. "Okay, okay, I'm up now stop, let me go and shower first."

He sighs but lets me go as I drag myself to the direction of the

bathroom with my toiletries in hand, I stop mid way as skin blocks

the door, sweat coats my forehead once more as I hear that voice

that turns my knees weak and my stomach rumble as a zoo

erupts, "Move," he says and just like that my mind drifts into a

territory I'm most familiar with when close to him but shake my

head and look him directly in the eyes, lost and mesmerized by

the shade of brown I've never seen, he smirks as he says the

corniest line known to ignorant man, "Take a picture, it lasts

longer," and as tempted as I was I almost unlocked my phone

and took an album right there and then but before I could say

anything he passes by me leaving me in a state of flusteredness

and longing, gosh I've never craved a human as I've did to him.

His soft skin with mine, his abs of steel with my coarse hands, his

broad chest that I'd lay in as my pillow, his- "Hey Bryce stop

daydreaming, some of us have to shower too," Shawn says

giving me a knowing look as I was caught in the act, I mutter a

sorry and dash inside to get my hormones in check.


I have a go to playlist on Spotify that sends me on a wave of

emotion and emotion till I'm washed up on some random island

that I like to call Daisy, each time in the shower I imagine myself

singing with an orchestra as the Titanic sinks but in this setting no

one dies because they had to be alive first to die so the emotions

sink instead, I see hurt at the tip of the second half of the boat

dangling there, despair tries to lift himself up as his feet touch the

ice cold water, anxiety is thrown and swished with the tides,

voices are screaming for me to take them with but in this island

we don't feel, we're numb. The pitter patter of water softens my

skin as it makes me reminisce when I was little. I was free to

dance in the rain, I was free to stumble in mud puddles before

stumbling in the boarder of gender, I was free to be wet and worry

about the cold later cause all that matter now was fun, I was free

to let the rain kiss me and not be judged cause with growth

comes too many responsibilities and a lot of stares to climb. So I

sing one more time in my make shift rain, it doesn't depend on the

season but it rains constantly, so in this moment I sing a

symphony, I sing for my little self and the Bryce I am today, I sing

cause I am in the Titanic sinking my emotions and drifting to my

island, cause rain may come and go but in the shower I can make

it rain a bit more longer than outside. I sing till I realise that the

sing ended and dry myself before exiting.

I stumble back as I see HIM looking at me with an unreadable

expression on his face, "Nice voice, too bad it had to be wasted

on you," he shifts the first foot followed by the next as he


intentionally bumps into me making my toiletry bag fall down, I

pick the pieces up and smile, he complimented me, does this

mean he secretly like me, I mean if this was a novel I'm sure he'd

be the homophobic closeted gay who secretly loves the

homosexual cute boy aka me but too bad it's real life but in my

fantasy he'd be my prince. I sigh and drag myself to my room to

get dressed.



"So Keegan said he'll take care of the booze right?" Terrence

asks Tony as I perk at the sound of my boo, gosh I'm so pathetic I

get chills each time I hear his name, I'm sure another Keegan

would arrive and I'd trade him for the one I have right now

because wow, just wow. I listen as they list each other duties and

continue eating my cereal till I hear my name in the list, "Bryce

will do the decorations right?" I almost choke on my Coco Pops

as I mutter a WHAT with wide open eyes? Do they expect me to

go out, as in the out of the side which is not inside, in my bed,

under the sheets, I mean I was wearing my I'm-not-goinganywhere-but-lazying-around

sweatpants which I'm sure had a

stain of pizza I ate the day before I came here and forgot to wash

because I'm lazy like that, which were a big no wait HUGE sign of

I'm not going anywhere but to my room, why are heterosexual

man not seeing that. "Guys, umh no, can I not go, I mean I'm in

my sweats and I'm not feeling like going out," I say looking around

the room.


"But..." Brandon starts but gets interrupted by Casper,

"Don't worry guys, I've got this no one can resist my charms,"

everyone groans as he checks his breath and walks smoothly

towards me, I cock an eyebrow at him amused as he leans

across the counter trying to look effortless but failing.

"So, what does a guys here have to do to get some help, a kiss

maybe?" He smirks slowly inching towards my face, I resist the

urge to laugh and ask "Do all the guys and girls fall for this?"

"YES!!!" The guys all say in unison and I laugh.

"Well, Casper as much as you're cute, sadly you're not my type," I

almost laugh as his face drops and the guys snicker, I inch closer

and closer till I whisper in his ear loud enough for everyone to


"But since I'm a nice guy, I'll take pity on you and let you bask in

my awesomeness as you accompany me, kay?" I whisper as the

tips of his ears turn red and smile sickeningly sweet standing up.


I quickly wash my dish and dash upstairs to change, change my

outfit and change my mood, right now I wasn't Bryce from a small

time, I was Ms B and out to play.

I am lazy. I'm not on power saving mode cause you have to have

power in order to save it and right now there is no power to save,

I am just tired.

"Casper are we done yet?" I ask taking a seat from the

excruciating pain I had of hanging up the thousand of steamers I


"You only did a quarter of the wall and not even half, I'm the one

who did most of the job," he says taking a seat beside me, "Then

why does it feel I did the whole fricken house," I sigh wiping my

forehead where non existent sweat was. "If you give me a kiss, I'll

do all the work and maybe message the pain away," Casper said

leaning on my shoulder. "As much as that is tempting but I'll have

to pass, lets get this over and done with," I say smiling at his

pouting face. We stood up and literally spent the entire afternoon

moving furniture and hanging up streamers and everything people

who decorate do for a house warming party. I was so tired from

standing 30 minutes in that I sat down as the other boys who's

names I must've forgotten cause living with 10 other men does

that, being the boss lady that I am I ordered them around till

Keegan entered the door. I swear everything moved in slow

motion as I was now the creepy girl in the corner who fantasies


about the cute boy in a coming of age high school film, he looks

so effortless carrying a case of beer and balancing some more

cans of alcohol on his shoulders where he'd undoubtedly lift me

over if we'd have the time, he pass through me and I feel like a

train hit me as I stood still and experienced the after effects of the

high that was him and the intoxicating smell of his musk. I sigh

and collect myself, shake my head and pinch myself as the boys

look at me weirdly. "Get back to work, move, move, move," I clear

my throat embarrassed as they witnessed me sinfully lust after

Keegan and go upstairs to calm my beating heart cause a dose of

him does that to you.



I did it all for you

I brushed my hair

thinking of when you'd run your hands through it,

I put on my new shirt

thinking about when you'd take it off,

kiss me deeply,

say I'm so soft,

hold me tightly,

forget me not

but the minute you saw me

my heart dropped cause you didn't say I was pretty


you said to me I was not

I thought I was beautiful

and you told me no

But I still did it all for you.

I did it all for you

the new perfume

the new shoes

but all you brought were

new issues

you smell too sweet issues

you'll never be like the magazine issues

so I take new tissues and

wash away these new tears

thinking how could you.


I'll do it all for you

till I learn to do it all for me...


I lay down the new clothes I bought as if layering the foundation

of the feelings I have to feel tonight, a new jean for the new feels I

have to feel, I have to let it all out just for one night.

When I was young, I felt immortal and not a day went by with a

struggle, I never struggled to come into terms with who I was

cause being in the moment was thee best time for me, I never

worried about my appearances and what to wear cause my

mother was there to give me everything I needed but now here I

am in front of a full length mirror looking at my appearance and

wondering what will he think of me. I had on a new shirt to

impress the guy that I'm sure didn't even like me, a new perfume

to smell oh so lovely, beating my face a natural beat to give me a

new radiant glow. He was good for me as far as my mind went,

he was a distraction from the thoughts that I used to have, he

wasn't mine but right now I'd pretend we were because he was

now my temporary fix and my last strand to sanity. I fixed my


cresless shirt with one last dab of foundation and sat there

looking at myself till a knock interrupted me.

"Yo Bryce people are starting to arrive, can you mind the door for

a bit while I get dressed?" Brandon asked and I breathed in and

out preparing myself to cocoon out of my shell, I yelled a fine and

went downstairs to face the silently judging eyes of the people

I've never met before.

The time now was 22H00 and the party was in full motion, sweaty

bodies littered the space where the couch once was as they

danced intoxicated without a care in the world, sloppy kisses here

and there, too drunk to comprehend the state they're in. I'm sitting

at the corner minding my business cause parties where never and

will never be my scene, I sigh as I think to what I could be

watching right now and get up towards the kitchen to pour myself

a drink. I don't drink alcohol much but I like the burn that Gin

leaves occasionally as it numbs down my insides.

I poured myself a shot as I felt eyes on my back, I turned around

to see a sea of people but not even one paying attention to me.

Was my mind starting to play games when I was letting loss for

one night, was I going insane from the lack of human contact that

I imagine eyes travelling around my body, undressing and eating


up my appearance? I shake my head as anxiety starts to

resurface, I pour myself a glass of coke and zombily walk towards

the back door, I mindlessly walk till I-

"Fuck, watch where you're going," my mind freezes as Keegan

looks at me with a fire blaze in his eyes and big dark stain on

what was once a white t-shirt

"I-I'm, I-,"

"You uhm what? WHAT?" he yelled as he gripped my hand

aggressively, his fingernails digging deep into my delicate skin,

"Keegan you're hurting me," tears started to well up inside my

eyes as fear clouds my vision and alcohol acting as a catalyst

fueling up my emotions. I've never been held so harshly by

someone who's homophobic, did this mean I was gonna get

punched because I'm used to slurs but physical altercation I'm not

ready for. I plead and begged as he navigated his way through

the crowd, moving swiftly up the stairs as bodies lay unconscious

due to the excessive amount of alcohol ingested inside, he

dragged me till we reached a door that he unlocked as he pushed

me inside and he looked at me.

I've seen films where homosexuals are beaten till they land in the

hospital, too scared to die they hide their bullies as a more than a


punch follows after you don't sew your mouth shut, thoughts of

why do we have to live in fear because of who we are arises but

silence a bit as I look around. The room is dark and the only

sound heard is him breathing through his nostrils and the muffled

music outside this door, I'm used to the darkness but I've never

felt this scared before, my heart's beating like a drum banged a

thousand times, my mind shutting down as he locks the door and

approaches me like a predator approaching his prey. I ready

myself for the first punch as his breathing increases and mine

hitched at the back of my throat. I take a step back as he takes a

step forward till I feel the edge of the bed bending my knees

making me fall head and back first with an oomph and a non stop

beat of the heart. I close my eyes reading myself for the impact

till he punches me softly on the lips with not a fist but a kiss, I

open my eyes in a mixture of confusion and surprise as he climbs

me like a mountain and shifts all his weight on top of me, he tugs

my hair and I yelp in pain as he takes this in his advantage

exploring my mouth like a sailor exploring the sea and I'm frozen,

dumbstruck; a deer caught in headlights as I taste the mix of

strawberry vodka and light traces of nicotine.

He grunts and that snaps me back to reality as I kiss him back

slowly saying only for tonight let me have this fun. In a swift

moment he pulls his t-shirt over his head as I stare at his perfectly

sculptured body in awe. I've had fantasies about this moment but

never did I think they'd come true , this was better than any

fantasy that roamed my mind. His arms around my neck, his soft


kisses all over my face, my soft moans coating the air, his

growing member rubbing against mine as I arch my back in

pleasure, his hands caging me as if afraid I'd leave, his forehead

stuck with mine as I sigh in pleasure.

I've never done drugs before but this felt like pure ecstasy, his full

naked body melted with mine, underwear was clothing too much

as it now lay somewhere with the rest of our clothes, I closed my

eyes as I felt him move further and further down till I gripped the

shifts and rolled my eyes back in pleasure, if I were to die right

now I would be content cause my fantasy just became more than

real. He reignited the flame of our pleasure as he kissed me

passionately, flipping me over as if I was a piece of meat in a

grilling pan, he kissed me sensually and I kissed back with as

much soul as he inserted himself in slowly arching my back and

turning my head as pain and pleasure became a delightful mix

and in an instant we became one, in soul and in body, I gripped

the shits hard as his heavy panting and the rhythmic flow of his

thrusts filled the air, skin on skin as pain was a factor I felt none

and pleasure masked it and desire filled me more and more and

more till he slumped on top of me with a thud as I too reached my

climax, if this was a dream let me relive it one more time because

waking up would be to die.



Passion and Pain taste the same when I'm weak. I hear the soft

nothings he whispered when I arched my back to the point that

seemed as if it might break, it was round three and he had yet to

stop but I wasn't complaining, I'm falling too fast as I hear the

murmurs of the good stuff he's saying to me till I black out due to

an overdose of morphine.

I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of nothingness filling

the air, everything that had happened seemed surreal but deep

down I knew that that was no dream. Pain coursed from my

behind and creeped to my neck and arms and legs and thighs till I

fell back down replaying the memories that I'll keep on loop the

whole day. He said I was his with a thousand kisses, he said not

to let anyone else touch me as he trailed his fingertips over the

top of my skin, he said he was sorry as he thrusted in faster and

harder and faster and more harder as passion blended the pain


till they both tasted the same, I sighed and fell too deep, they say

sex is a soul tie and now I knew I was a slave to him.

I had the best dream ever and the best sleep accompanied by it, I

have vivid images of everything that happened and the rounds

after rounds that followed. I never knew my body could be worked

like that. I rubbed my eyes as I lay alone in the black sheets of his


I got up and gathered my clothes as if gathering the courage to

face what was outside the door. Did I expect to wake up in his

arms, did I expect a good morning kiss and more accompanied by

it, did I expect him to open up cause it was just meaningless sex

or was it more? I asked myself as I finished wearing each item

like an armor caging my feelings. I'm naive and impulse, falling

too fast, I'm forgetful when it's blissful expecting what's not there

to appear but I needed to remind myself that this feeling of love

isn't home for me. I looked at the hallway expecting a mess but

surprised to see it clean, I limp and stumbled to my room and saw

Brandon on his bed.

"Last night was sick yo," he said excitedly looking at me, I smiled

and agreed with me with a corky voice that spent hours moaning

out Kegan’s name. I took my toiletries and readied myself to wash


away yesterday. I had no regrets, I did everything with a sober

mind, but where did this put us. Did I consider myself his and him

mine or what, I feel a headache coming due to the storm of over

thing and just let the water be my savior right now. It hits my skin

wrapping me around in it's heavy love, it's soft and rough just like

him, it's caring and gentle just like his touch, it's hot and cold just

like his moods. Argh, I can't believe he invaded my mind. I sigh

and think of nothing in particular as I continue scrubbing till I'm

sure new skin formed and wrapped a towel around my waist as if

wrapping my finger under the ribbons of the feelings I am feeling.

I exit and hurry to my room to see the shock of my life.

There he was, sitting in bed, looking at me hungrily as I was semi

nude with his markings on my chest and some going down

further, his jacket was put aside and his t-shirt a fine line between

the skin I touched and a mere fabric blocking it, I adverted my

eyes and looked down as he neared and his breath fanned my

face, he tilted my face towards him and uttered, "No one has to

know about last night, okay?" He says looking at me before

stealing a kiss and waking past me, "If you know what’s good for

you you'll keep quiet," he says and leaves leaving me touching

my lips and reliving his soft touch. I sigh and decide to rack my

brain later but right now get ahead of my schedule which included

wasting my life away in a pile of series, how exciting.


It has been a week since the party, it has been a week since I felt

his lips on mine and some teasing when no one was looking, it

has been a week buried under my sheets and hanging out with

boys except him, he's never home, I never see him, gosh I miss

the feel of his hands exploring my body, I know it was only once

but one time can be all it takes to feel more than just lust, it has

been a week since-

I stop my mind rambling as I see him in the courtyard of our

college, with his hands around HER, I know we only had sex but it

was a soul tie and to him I was tied so seeing him with someone

else broke my heart and she's pretty, brown golden skin,

gorgeous lips and legs as long as a runaway, if I was straight

maybe I'd feel something more than hurt and betrayal. He kissed

her as my heart sank, he feel the intensity of my stare as he

looked at me and smirked then dipped in further tasting her. It's

always the pretty girls cause pretty girls never get rejected, it's

always the pretty girls cause pretty girls never hear the words I'm

not interested, it's always the pretty girls because they have a set

of perfect A cups and I have a flat chest, it's always the pretty

girls because they have what I don't, HIM. I sigh shaking my head

and shed not even one tear outside as I cry inside, I'm fragile, I

should've told him. He kissed her on purpose and it hurts. I

walked away and headed home even though school was yet to

end. I arrived to the eerie silence house and headed up stairs as I

let the flood gates flow free, straight people are disgusting, I say

throwing myself on the bed, they have the freedom to love without


conviction, they have the freedom to take and take and take and

leaving nothing for us, they can hold hands and be deemed cute,

while when we hold hands we're shunned all at once. I silently let

the tears fall as I think about all the other queer people facing the

same fate as me, I sigh and look at the figure at the door. My

breathing stops as be rushes towards me in an instant.

"I.AM.NOT.GAY!" he yells right infront of my face. "I don't know

why I felt the urge to come home after I say you sad but it made

my heart break, I hate you for making me feel this way Bryce," he

says pacing the room. My feet move on their own accord till I face

him and put my arms around his waist. "What’s wrong with me?"

He mutters silently as he turns around and looks at me, his hand

passing right over my lips and his face is millicentimeters away

from me. I am dumb. I am foolish. I am useless cause I kissed

him before he did to me and in an instant he replied. This kiss

was desperate, this kiss was immediate and with this kiss I lead

him towards my bed. I am stupid cause I said the most stupid

thing anyone stupid can say "If I give you my heart do you

promise to keep it safe?". He looked up and replied "I am not

gay," but he continued to kiss me as if contradicting his previous

statement, he kisses me senseless till I give myself to him once


"I'm not gay, but I'm willing to try something out with you, only if

we keep it on the down low," he said kissing my hands softly. I

smiled and looked up from his rock hard chest that acted as the

softest pillow I ever laid on.


"I'm willing to try if you meet me halfway," I lazily smile as he

starts kissing my lips, I respond but stop,

"Come on, everyone will be back any minute so let's get dressed,"

I said breaking our small bubble.

"We have an hour left so I think we can fit something in there," he

said looking at me lustfully, I swear I met a sex crazed monster as

I matched the speed of his kisses. If this was a dream, please

don't wake me up.



how does it feel

running all around in my mind

don't you get tired,

of crossing me everytime


cause i just can't get over you


It was everything I imagined and more, it was winter and summer

at the same time, a bittersweet taste that kept me hooked time

and time again, it was more than anything I wanted. He opened

up to me in ways I never thought he could, he was funny and

sexy, I was quiet and awkward, he was what the girls wanted but

what I had. It was hard dating and not being able to hold his hand

on the street, it was hard saying he was mine to him only and not

the whole world to hear, it was hard keeping this from Brandon

who became a brother more than a roommate but I had never felt

like this in forever and yes maybe the boys saw something but

never said anything to us, I mean we both weren't at the house, at


the same time, if they were really smart then I'm sure they'd have

figured it out. I was floating and was on cloud nine, thoughts that

used to haunt me were things of the past. I didn't cry for a long

time now, it was only a month but to me it felt like a decade. We

had a schedule though and as tough as it seemed it worked, we

had a secret hide out. I felt like a teenage girl, all giddy inside, is

this what they meant when they said love wraps around you like a

blanket and keeps you warm cause my insides were melting.

We were currently seated at the house, me and the boys just

lounging around and being lazy, today was the day where I had

Keegan all to myself but was just wasting time away till I met him

again. At first I had doubts about our relationship, there were

certain parts we still don't talk about, he still said he wasn't gay

but only wanted me and me alone, I was fine and moving with the

flow if he wanted a vibe then so be it but in my head we were

boyfriend and boyfriend. I looked at the time and slipped away

from the boys and prepared for today's afternoon. We had a date,

in public and not stuck inside so I was over the moon figuratively

and literally cause I was bouncing so much that I'm sure the

adrenaline would propel me out of the earth's atmosphere and

over the moon. I looked at my clothing satisfied, today I was not

wearing any make up as he said he loved me natural. I had

paired black light wash skin tight jeans and a navy Nike t-shirt

with the Nike logo in front saying do it, probably encouraging my

relationship and black converse, the most straight I probably

looked in forever but if I had to look like this for him I didn't mind,


he'd say bend over and I wouldn't ask why but oblige. I squirted

some perfume on my neck and a bit on my shirt, smiled a genuine

smile as I looked into the mirror, my eyes were radiant and

glowing and full of life and it had been a long time since they

looked like that, if this was what happiness felt like then I didn't

want to be sad ever again, I sighed in content as I took my jacket

and headed out as the boys still watched whatever it was on TV

and muttered a bye as some had even lay asleep. I walked a few

blocks away till I saw him leaning against his car. It was like I saw

him for the first time ever as my heart beat against my rib cage

threatening to jump out and tell him how I feel it self.

His smile that was a thief stealing my heart, his eyes that were

magnets attracting mine, his body that I travelled each and every

night we were together but never got tired of, his hair that I run my

fingers through even though he hated it, his chest that I'd be sure

to lay in forever and his warm arms waiting for me to be hugged.

"Look who got all dressed up," he said smirking and looking me

up and down before kissing my cheek, I was stunned as we were

outside but looked around saw no one, I blushed and looked at

his outfit, faded blue tight but not as tight as mine but still alright

jeans, a white t-shirt that hugged his muscles tucked in and a

matching faded denim jacket over, he look so hot I could just take


him right here and now, "Done checking me out?" He breathed a


"Just checking out my property," I smirked and slide in the front

seat, he smiled and kissed me on the lips

"All of this," he said motioning to his body, "Is all yours," as he

kissed me again. I laughed and kissed him back. He broke the

kiss and started the car.

"Well we have a long road ahead of us, do you want to play any

music?" He asked looking at the road, "Don't mind if I do," I

smiled as I connected my phone and looked at a playlist I made

on Spotify that reminded me of him, ranging from all of my

favorite songs and his, but mostly his cause I'm a pushover like

that. We sang song after song as he had his hand on my thigh

rubbing circles and looking at me lovingly. This was what dreams

were made of and this was by far the best dream I've had, I sigh

and looked at him driving.



it takes one sip

till a sip becomes a bottle

and a bottle to a case

"only for tonight"

we chant to

chase away the pain

mind is getting numb


as tequila takes it's place

one shot

two shots

till you can't even remember your name

you say it's only for tonight

don't feel

don't think

don't hold yourself

let it go

but in the morning it comes back

ten times more

but only for tonight.

I don't want to feel



I've never been on a date before so I don't know how to act, my

palms are sweaty and my knees are weak, I don't know why but

maybe it's the fact that Keegan was right beside me holding my

head and acting all loving. I looked around and saw people

minding their own business. I felt my hands all clammy due to the

nervousness and my gut telling me something bad might happen

and Keegan seemed to sense this and stopped and looked at me.

"Don't worry, no here knows us, okay?" He smiled and kissed my

hand, I sighed and nodded as he lead me towards the entrance of

the carnival.


I've never been to a carnival before so I didn't have any

expectations but him winning me a bear had to be the cutest thing

ever and me failing to knock down three cans had to be the most

embarrassing thing I ever did in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't win

anything for you, " I said looking at him sadly.

"Don't worry it was fun watching you fail, three times," he said

laughing and I fake gasped and punched his side as he doubled

over and laughed some more till I gave in and joined him.

"Keegan, come here," I said motioning him to come closer with

my fingers till I planted a soft kiss on lips, he looked and me and

said "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for," I smiled and

repeated the soft kiss, "Since there wasn't any winnings tonight

made by me, I thought a kiss could be a prize enough," he

laughed and kissed me back deeply. I melted in his arms as

nothing existed anymore but him. He broke the kiss and lead me

towards the corniest ride ever, the Ferris Wheel.

"Really Keegan?" I said smiling softly, cocking my head to the

right and looking at him.

"It's not a complete date to the carnival until you ride the Ferris

Wheel," he said smiling goofly as he looked at me with his

innocent light brown eyes and I just had to admit he was telling

the truth, after all he is good at this romance thing while I'm just a

sitting duck, I'm sure he watched more romance films than me but

sound never admit that.


He took his hand in mine as we got in. I've seen romance in films

and read about it but feeling was ten times better. I smiled our

cart moved higher and higher till we stopped at the highest point

mid air and I looked at the view I was breath taken and forgot all

about my fear of heights as I was amazed by the sight before me,

"Isn't it beautiful?" I breathed looking at all the lights shimmering

like stars in the night, I felt a kiss on my cheek as Keegan looked

deeply at me

"Yes it is," he never took his eyes off me as he kissed me. "I love

you Bryce," He said in between the kiss and I felt a tear roll down

my cheek instantly,

"I love you more Keegan," I said in a teary voice as he kissed me

passionately, I felt like I was in a Love, Simon movie as the wheel

lowered us. He broke the kiss and lead me towards his car. He

put on soft music as he drove us to a motel he had booked

beforehand, We headed upstairs stumbling as we couldn't keep

our hands to ourselves.

Clothes littered the floor as he closed the distance between us,

we went from hands on the door, to hands on my thighs, hands

tighting around my head with lips on my neck leaving a necklace

of hickeys. He touched me sensually, as he went down and down

till my eyes rolled back and my moans filled the silence of the


room, I made sounds I never knew I could as he explored the

naked me deeper and deeper till it was my turn to do the same. I

went from his nipples to every inch of his body till he pulled me on

top of him and kissed me deeply as I was in a daze he slowly

inserted himself inside as I gasped for air due to the intensity, as

thus wasn't sex, but it was much more than that, it was making

love as he rolled his hips against mine slowly, taking his time as if

savoring a sweet flavor, we may have did it a thousand times but

right now felt like the first time ever as we remained in one

position, me between his thighs and deep in his arms as he sang

a chorus of 'I love yous' and me with the backing vocals of his

name making a sweet melody. Sweat mixed in the air as he

thrusts and thrusts till we both reached the climax.

"I love you," he said as he hugged me deeply and I lay on his

chest with a smile planted on my face.

All my life I longed for love, all my life I longed for acceptance and

here he was taking every inch of me with flaws and all, this time I

was sure it wasn't a dream as it felt all too real but I keep tracing

my hands over his chest just to test the authenticity of the dream.

I smiled and whispered

"I love you," and let him kiss me slowly till we were wrapped in a

blanket of love and the sheets of warmth covering us.


I felt like I was in the end of a coming of age movie, the

protagonist finally finding love and being happy, I felt like this was

a sweet dream that left my worries behind, I felt like this was a

story that deserved no ending cause even forever after is forever

too short, I felt like I was a firework that shot across the sky as my

emotions flared different colours, I didn't know how I felt but it was

all gummy bears and marshmallows inside as I drifted to a perfect


I looked at him as his eyelashes were longer and more perfect

than mine, I know he never told me about his family and I never

told him about mine but I'd like to see the people who birthed this

beautiful specimen. Brown eyes flickering in different shades as

morning light crept in through the curtains, gold skin shimmering

as if a Fenty Beauty Glow Kit was applied, bright full pinkish lips

that made me touch my own as I felt the buzz from last night, I

kept on looking wondering how I went from a kid tormented by

thoughts of not being enough to being bombarded with love. I was

lost in thought till I felt him kiss me bring me to life.

"Good morning," he said in that deep morning voice and my

insides melted once more, I'm sure at this point they turned into


"Why good morning handsome sir," I smiled as he chuckled due

to my terrible attempt at a British accent and ruffled my hair, we


laughed as he planted kisses here and there till we woke up and

went to the shower, my secret sanctuary that I now shared with

him as he made the hot water lava and touched me in places I

thought would be bored of his touch but still woke up immediately

as a fire intense as him never dies out, water washed us as we

made love under this semi heavy rain, he was a drug and I was

addicted, going to rehab would be to die.


I was always told that too much of a good thing is bad and as much as I believed in that statement

I didn't think it applied to broken people like me who had more than their fair share of sad

experiences so a little overdose of happiness would do no harm, guess I was wrong.

It was everything, till it was nothing at all, we gathered here, weeping in a stolen room, our love

was on fire and it burned but now we were made of ashes and dust, even on my worst days I didn't

believe I deserved the hell that came to me in a present of digital memories of a replica of us

kissing shared all over social media with cute post captions and ugly comment sections, we were

outed, without as much as our consent we we're outed, nothing hurts like being naked in front of a

crowd, that how it felt right now because my family didn't know I was gay and pictures spred like

wildfire but why because we wanted to stay in this cocoon forever.

I didn't have it in myself to go with grace and I thought he was the hero who would save my face

but he said nothing as curse words were his only sound as he banged everything off the table

breaking glasses and our love too. I tried to calm him down but that seemed to rage him more till

he collapsed on the floor with a sigh of defeat, we had just came back from the best getaway of my

life to any empty room and a phone full with messages of fake congratulations and 'I didn't knows'


to broken aquitences as shook seemed to wash over the unknowing and a relationship that

seemed to be ending right now, I've seen him mad before but right now he was more and defeated

at the same time, I took steady steps and crouched beside him, touching his shoulder but he

backed away and hissed as if I was fire.

"Keegan," I whispered softly, sniffing away the tears that threatened to spill, he grunted but didn't

look at me.

"Keegan," I repeat for about three times with my voice breaking and going an octave higher as

tears clogged my throat.

"WHAT?!" He roared louder than a lion looking at me with tear stained checks and red blood shot


"Are you happy? Huh?" He said inching closer to me scaring me ten times harder than the first

time we met.

"Keegan, you- you're scaring me," I said backing away.

"Scared? Scared? Don't you dare fucking tell about scary Bryce you don't know the first thing

about fear," he said voice rising,

"Calm down, please," I said looking away as I couldn't bare to see him like this.

"Don't dare tell me to calm down, all my life I tried so hard repressing these feelings till you came

along, I was fine, I- I- I'm straight, I was straight, I liked girls till I met , YOU! My parents started to

accept me as their son once more as they were happy that I was finally rid of the gay disease. I-

I..." He said pacing around the room with his hands making a scene as he talked with them and

pointed at me.

"We'll get through this together, " I said softly with glassy eyes as I was on the verge of breaking.

"I hate you Bryce,'' He said shocking me making my eyes widen and my heart forget to beat,

"I fucking hate you for making me feel this way, I hate you for making me love so hard till I lost all

control and didn't even hide myself properly, I should probably kill myself cause my family would

never accept me, do you know how hard I tried to blend in, ho hard I tried to be the perfect straight

guy and you fucked that up two days in my life, I hate you for making me not hate you and love you

more, I hate myself for that, I hate myself for being gay, my parents they, they-" he stopped mid


sentence and crying , I grabbed him before he could make contact with the floor and he instead fell

in my arms, it was the first time I heard him talk like this, it was the first time I saw him shed a tear

and break, who knew that one photo from our golden memories would break the boy I love, who

knew that people who act so tough have so much hidden under their thick skin, being black and

gay took a toll on him as he had a tug-of-war with himself. It was ironic how they called us gay

people rainbow kids but had the darkest hearts, we have to walk on fire to save our lives, choose

between losing our self or losing our loved ones, choose between love with conditions and nothing

as they force us to choosing them thinking we have an elastic heart but elastic breaks too when

pulled too hard.

"Please go, " he said softly as his voice was not even above a whisper with defeat seeping in his

veins and pain coursing where blood once existed, I too was broken but I wanted us to get through

this together, I couldn't let him hurt alone as he was more than a distraction from my raging

thoughts, I loved him, I loved him so much as he was my home, home that didn't need furniture or

a roof as he was enough for me, with him is where my heart belonged,


"Please Bryce, Please go," he said coating my lips with his lips in a weak attempt of what had to be

a kiss,

"And whatever happens just k-know that I-I love you and don't follow me, cause right now I need a

break, so please leave me," he said breaking my heart ten times harder than it ever breaked if my

heart had broken to a million pieces before then right now it was dust, I tried to fight and tell him to

let me stay but he took me and led me outside and watched as my tears ricochet as he closed the

door to my life as the person who was my home collapsed, I slide slowly down as tears clogged my

throat, no voice came out, no whimper no nothing as my tears screamed don't leave me.

I thought that if our love had to have an end then I'd have him beside me in a casket home, I

thought that if love had to have an end then death would be the one to do us part. Who knew that

bliss could end us so brutally. I knew that we we're in the closet and maybe would come out and

we'd be free, I curse who ever posted our pictures cause we had no phones on us when we left,

we left with a bubble of happiness and hearts on our sleeves and arrived to a bitter after taste of

the sweetness we had and dust traded for hearts. I couldn't stop crying cause it hurts, it hurts so

much, yes it hurts cause I loved him, it hurts cause I can't bare to see him this way, it hurts cause

he said we we're over yet I wanted more than forever and we didn't even reach that far, it hurt

cause we had to come out unexpectedly and face the hate of the world I cried in the hallway for

what seemed like forever.


What was so wrong with two men loving each other and not hurting anyone in the process that

families had to dictate that and rather lose a son than lose what they think dignity is cause we're

called names on the daily and described as having of no dignity, what was so wrong with

experiencing unconditional love that it brought us to break apart, comments filled with hateful

things that ripped us apart, when I said I wanted to share our moments with the world I meant

when we're ready, now he stood on the other side of this door as my tears served as reminders

that I should go.


I could barely breath as the strength had been ripped from me, I

wanted to remain strong but it was too hard as pain from the heart

went to pain to my chest, pain to my head, pain to my eyes, pain

to my legs as it was too painful to move away from him. I could

barely breath as in this was a badnbad, a bad that was like

sudden death cause our fire seemed to have died but I wanted to

believe otherwise as he was the fire and I was the gasoline but

that seem to be a deathly combination as it burned us alive when

we showed our love in public and he burned with me tonight as

we traded our bodies and souls for ashes, grey and lifeless.

I moved like a zombie unable to comprehend what just happened,

I barely moved but I still reached my empty room that matched

my broken empty heart, I broke down and cried harder than I did


hiding myself under the sheets still in my jeans and shirt, it was

everything till it was nothing, I cried for him, I cried for me, I cried

for us. Memories birth and memories kill and this sweet memory

broke us who thought that a picture would be the end , I said to

myself look at the picture and throwing my phone near Brandon's

bed and covering myself up with tears and the sheets mourning

the death of my relationship.

I tried to free the anima but pain slowed and sat me down force

feeding me it's contents, it brought pills for me to drink till I sunk in

further and further in that cocoon, I tried to get out of my room, I

really did but couldn't bring myself to it. Brandon was worried

about me as I had bloodshot eyes and constant sniffs at night

trying very hard to cry myself in silence but couldn't. He knew

about me and Brandon and tried to make me smile by making

jokes about killing anyone who gave problems but could he kill

the pain and fear that we felt. Keegan was probably from a

homophobic home considering the way he felt, he said he'd rather

kill himself than go home where he'd die anyway, they say blood

is thicker and I guess that's true as it's hard to wiggle yourself

from the thick confusion of mind controlling they have and guilt

trapping. The boys knew everything and said they saw it but kept

quiet but were sad that we had to be outted and did all that was in

their power to remove the image from the internet and that I was

thankful for but the internet never forgets and I'm sure it was still

out there circulating.


I really didn't have it in myself to go in grace as I knocked

repeadly cursing our names for him to open up as the boys

watched me with sorrowful eyes, it had been two days, TWO

DAYS and I had yet to see Keegan, he kicked out Terrence from

their room and as much as I was hurting I couldn't let him hurt

alone too even through he said we were on break I was here for

him. I knocked and knocked till tears blurred my vision.

"Let me open up," Terrence said knocking and knocking till he

pushed and pushed yelling for Keegan to open, he pushed the

door off the hinges with Brandon open and the image I saw

knocked my breath and hit my chest as if a horse had kicked my

me as there was my Keegan hanging lifelessly from the ceiling, I

screamed louder than ever till all of the love and life I had in me

left; vanished in an instant as shocked invaded my cells making

me numb, everything was so silent as I heard a piecing cry with

came from a stranger, that stranger was me, everything moved in

slow motion as everyone sped to get help, I stared at the exact

same spot as I tried to change this ending but nothing seemed to

work, tears were a constant that didn't seem to end as smoke

filled the air, I couldn't feel a thing as I was numb but I did feel fire

burning everything that was once there to ashes once more, I

didn't recall anything till I too faded into a dark abyss fainting, if I

die young bury me next to him, if I die young then let me die for

love, if I die young let me die with him as his heart belonged to


him cause going home would mean death for me too, I cried dear

Lord why, why cant I feel happiness for once, why do we have to

die, how many queer people have to die till they realize that the

hate they plant in us cause us to break cause everything seemed

to become great for once but failed right in front of my eyes, I

guess the voices in my head were right when they said I didn't

deserve anything nice. I fell with a thud as darkness welcomed


The city skies are feeling dark tonight, I'm back to back with my

feels fighting with my head down, I'd say look at me, give me

more tonight but it's just a lonely night tonight all alone and not in

your arms. I was safe in those arms of yours but I felt weak

looking at them dangle lifelessly, if I was early I'd run to you and

wouldn't even need a reasons as I'd take your pain, take it all

away cause pain never bothered me anyway but now it hurts, it

hurts more to see you hang around the thread of what was once

our love, people die spiritually but you left physically, it broke me

as I made my way to you, in my dreams I'll run to you but you'd

disappear as you're just a figure of the mind.

Were you really there to begin with or just a figure of the mind

something for me to figure out but I never finished school so this

figure I left to

waste my mind


as I dull down the volumes of the speakers called feelings.

You raise hell as I cry and in the echo of my voice, I choke and I

hear your words just like your there in conversations that never

end. My mind doesn't want to believe that I'm no longer going to

be staring at your face as you were the only thing that got me

through. There's still a blaze in my lips as I remember the last kiss

we shared that now only lingers in my memories, they say lovers

never die so that's why my mind is in denial of your death but my

heart tells me that you're not there as it doesn't beat the same

anymore, if you're out there somewhere listening, just know that I

still need you, you were more than a distraction and now I know it

won't be easy without you next to me as this world of madness

will go much faster and slower now.



I'm used to sleeping alone

but after one too many nights in your bed

my sheets feel foreign

and no longer soft,

is it the fact that your chest

was the softest rock I've ever slept in,

or the fact that your smell clouds

my mind and makes me higher than purple haze,

before I met you 22H00 was my curfew


but your calls kept me up till dawn,

before I met you my bed was the warmest

place ever and I'd never want to leave at all,

I was used to sleeping alone

but after I spent one too many nights in your bed,

I think I just might call it home

but I'm not used to sleeping without you by my side...



I never has the courage to face my fears as they seemed as

obstacles to high to over come, I never had the courage to tell

people how I felt as I was fine was talking about my feelings too

much on it's own and I never had the courage to admit it three

days back but I'm afraid I'm going to the same Bryce I was. The

house is no longer the same, the boys are as me, ghosts that now

lifelessly roam the hallways, I thought I deserved happiness too

but too bas it ended as fast as it started, I guess the voices in my

head were right all along. I'm a coward, I'm useless, I'm stupid

and I was stupid in love with you but look where that left us.

I'm listening to Celine Dion's Courage and just like her I would be

lying if I said I'm fine even though I say it to people a thousand

times, cause I still think of you at least a million times and in the

echo of my tears I hear your voice calming me down, I go to


school and come back a billion times, if I died then why does it kill

me not seeing you here right by my side. I'd lie if I said I was

strong and had courage to face them every time but just like you I

almost took my life maybe a trillion times, if it wasn't for Brandon

I'd be your Romeo cause just like Juliet you died for love.

Acceptance is a constant fight, society put a high price on it and

we don't have the currency to purchase that premium life, yes

times have moved but we're still behind, acceptance, I battle it too

just not with you by myside and if I said I'm fine just know that I'm

lying cause these tears are now the only water I drink, my mind

doesn't even know how to think cause images of you and me play

on replay. I still go to your room even though the boys stop me,

cause there's so much to say and talk about even though the only

words I say are I miss you and I wish you were here and these

colourless salt waters say the rest, it saddens me cause this time

I can't hide as there's a blaze at the places you touched me as I

still feel the rush, and I talk to you each and every time in my

dreams and it's sad to say but the only time I have with you is

only in my mind with conversations that never end.

Why didn't you ever tell me what was wrong, I thought you loved

me. Why did you have to leave me? I know we started on a rocky

brick road but I thought we painted those rocks yellow and in

fantasy we strolled, why did you have to push me away, why did

you have to love me so hard and leave me at the same time with

these memories cause it's not easy when you're not with me who

would've known that the future wasn't for us causw look at us


now, nowhere to be found, this world now spins faster, I'm a train

wreck as I crashed and burned the moment they took your corpse

away, when they covered you and said they're sorry my heart and

soul left with you too. I don't have the courage to face their I'm

sorry faces cause they wouldn't bring you back, I don't have the

courage to face their constant pity cause it drives me insane, I

don't have the courage to face the voices in my head telling me

everyone I love will die, so how am I supposed to live with your

memory as I too failed you the moment I took that sliver tiny blade

that now lay like an ornament in my hands.

I promised myself I'd never cut but I got a call from my parents,

they left several texts each with a scripture telling I'd go to hell if I

don't come home this instant, they left voicemails where they said

their I'm disappointed speeches and what will the church think of

me now analogies, my mother said she loved me and that she'll

pray for me to get better. BETTER? How can I get better when

my face was all over the media as they ridiculed me and the one I

loved. BETTER? How can I get better when they will throw me

out the second I go to that house cause the last text said get

home but home is where the heart is and my heart isn't with them

but you. BETTER? How will I get better when there's still closeminded

people roaming the streets. BETTER? How will I get

better when I don't think I know the meaning of that name or even

have it in my vocabulary now. So forgive me, forgive me for

following you when you said I shouldn't, forgive me for being

weak, forgive me dear Lord cause it's not easy. I was able to hold


on for so long and got a break for a month or more but maybe an

afterlife break is all I needed. Mother and Father I hope you leave

a free life without a burden on your shoulders as the church can

now think of you as better people because you don't have a gay

child to sin for you. Welcome me with open arms my love as I

come forth.

The little blade didn't inflict any pain as I felt all too much inside till

I felt nothing at all, I saw a gush of red but my tears blinded

everything even more, I switched sides and did the next deeper

as what seemed like a dying scream escaped my sore throat,

maybe I'll be better when I sleep, maybe I won't hear these voices

when all is dark, so darkness dear friend welcome me, I say with

my final breath as a blanket of silence dawns over me, just like

Jesus said, it's finished.



I hear voices,

I see flashing lights,

I hear beeping,

I hear the cries and smell the salt from that dried up from their

cheeks, I hear them mutter their sorrys saying they wish they'd

saw me more and listened, it's funny when you're dead how

people start listening, it's funny how when you're dead they start

acting like they care, acting like they would've accepted you but

do it now double down the guilt weighing their hearts down.

I see their eyes, drying each fluid the body produces, I feel their

hands, probing needles and stuffing tubes, I hear the piercing

scream filling the room as the monitor goes silent for,

one, two, three, four,


"Clear," I hear a voice,

six, seven, eight,

"Clear," my body vibrates,

ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,

till the rhythmic beep floods the entire room like an overflowing

river and I hear sighs but I see nothing as darkness is where I still


I see my parents, the perfect church goers, leaving me behind the

imperfect son who brought shame amongst the judging church

that had raised me, I see the gossiping church mothers saying I

told you and continuing to show fake sympathies as they talked

behind our backs, I'm sure when they saw the pictures they

kicked me out before I even returned, cause I know oh so

perfectly how parents choose religion over their own blood, how

they choose perfection in front of people's eyes, how they choose

to have no sin should in sight, I wonder how they felt when they

say the picture cause I know how they choose to be the number

one's that outshine the Smiths during outing Sundays cause

church became a playground of who has more money for

offerings and which church clothes are better or who has the best

child to brag about, how they tell me why can't you be more like

Chris or whoever went first to give their devotions to the Lord

because church is a devotion race, how they don't understand me


but claim to know what I always have to do, how when I do wrong

they say the Bryce they gave birth to would never do that so I

have no choice but to keep quiet, in my black home there never is

a chat about depression cause it doesn't exist, only white people

have it as punishment from the Lord but I'm not white so maybe

he was punishing me for being gay.

I thought when I'd die I'd see him on the other side and we'd hug

but I've been in this dark abyss for a while, it's hard attaching your

everything to someone you recently met and attach nothing to

those you knew since you were young. I... I... I thought after I die

I'd be at peace and not hear a sound but I have dreams where I

feel soft kisses against my cheek, soft words spoken around the

room but I'm confused cause I don't think dead people can

dream. I know I died a long time soully but I was rebirthed in love

and died when he left but right now am I physically dead or still

alive. I try to move my fingers but I feel nothing, maybe this is the

in between, life and death but all I see is darkness.

"He lost too much blood and he's been here for four weeks now,"

I hear faintly a voice say at far, I try to find it and stumble tripping

over my sleeping thoughts in my sub consciousness.

"I, I never knew he was struggling, I thought he was fine but kept

quiet as all teenage boys do when they reach adolescence and to


think I almost lost him to my ignorance," I stop and hear the voice

of the woman who gave birth to me 19 years ago.

"He never tells me anything, he stopped talking to me and I don't

know why," she sniffles again and I can't help but scream in my

head because I took a backseat as church drove the car, I loved

God but it was no longer about him but what would the

congregation say, because you started instilling fear in me more

than respect and taught me not to say my problems to strangers

so I kept quiet as I didn't know who you were anymore, I mentally

screamed as the voices I tried to hide came back a thousand


"Son, if you hear me I'm sorry," said the man who married the

woman who birthed me

"... and if there's anything to it, just know that I love you and

always will," I heard the words that never left his mouth for a long

time, I heard the words that only Keegan told me before he left, I

heard the words that all my teenage life I longed to hear from him

and they brought tears to my mental eyes, I sobbed as I cried for

the father that was there but never had, cried for the mother that

was here but never tried, cried for losing the love of my life and

almost losing myself, if God gave me a second chance at life then

let me take it and heal starting from the inside. I tried moving any

part of my body but felt like a coffin was laid on top of me as it

was hard, I tried and tried and tried till-


"Oh my God, he's, he's- nurse!" I heard my mother shout,

"Nurse, he's moving," I heard her say but all I saw was white, it

was the brightest shade I had ever seen, tears flowed freely as

my throat felt like sand paper had been pushed down through it,

is this how Lazarus felt when he was woken up by Jesus, did he

see the brightness and compare it to the darkness he had seen

cause right now it was blinding, I coughed and coughed as my

body moved shaking uncontrollably as nurses surrounded and

checked me, I felt a needle as I didn't know what was happening

around me as things moved in slow motion till I fell asleep one

more time but this time it was different.



"Why you wanna fly, black bird, you ain't ever gonna fly, no place

big enough for holdin all the tears you gonna cry, cause your

mama's name was lonely and your daddy's name was pain and

they called you little sorrow, cause you'll never love again. You

ain't got no one to hold you, you ain't got no one to care, if you'd

only understand it, no body wants you anywhere, so why you

wanna fly, black bird, you ain't gonna fly..." that song by Nina

Simone played on loop in my mind, I was told to be free but asked

why I wanted to fly as they reminded me of what I was and I sat

down as my insecurities took the front row seat and watched and

as I slowly settled back to my cage cause society asked, why you

wanna fly blackbird, you ain't ever gonna fly.

I woke up to the pounding beat of my heavy heart, heavy from the

dosage, heavy from feeling and heavy from the pain with sweat

dripping from my forehead, my mother lay asleep on the

uncomfortable hospital chairs with a thousand roses beside them


each with notes from what seemed like the boys, I sighed as I had

another life to face days filled with trails and tribulations, only God

knows how it will turn out but for now

I took a fresh cup of tears and carelessly looked at the window, I

had gained little but lost so much, I was whole yet incomplete,

alive but not at ease, how was it that I went through all this stuff

and still had the time to feel again and again and again, weren't

my feelings tired or where they just happy to see me like this,

where was an off button or switch when you needed one cause

feelings had to come with a manual, I was complicated right but

what else was I to be, I felt like there was more to me than I can

see maybe love lay deep, deep, deep down in my heart but how,

love had always been foreign to me yet I heard my parents

confess it not so long ago, I needed a remedy and the only

distraction I had was gone. So I put down the tears down as I

wiped my cheeks and lay my head to rest a bit, my eyelids kissed

goodnight as I drifted into the world of slumber were nightmares

haunted me and memories flooded the sea.

He laid on a cold hard wall somewhere where wind hissed and

snow red with bold from his chest which was bare with markings

of today and yesterday, he had tear stained checks with blood

dripping from his eyes as his lacrimal gland couldn't secrete any

more tears, he was all out of tears to cry so he'd just mime them

out. All seemed dark like there was never a chance to fight. It had

been exactly a month after he got released from the hospital and


took a break from life, moved out of the boy's house and into what

may now seem like home but he was still too hurt to call it home

yet, feelings too raw as if they'd been ripped open again and

bandages as jewelry for his arm. His parents tried, they really did,

his mother cried and his father stopped doing it for the church but

for him, he was always quiet but now he was quieter, never

uttered a word but 'okay' and 'yes I'll be fine', he didn't have to

hide, he didn't have to stay in the closet as his parents probed

and bombarded him with love but he couldn't careless as the

voices in his head still said they'd leave him too if he'd let them in

too much. Brandon did the best he could blaming himself for not

being there for Bryce just like he wasn't there for his brother too.

Almost losing Bryce ripped open his old wound again and made it

fresh, he recalls coming early from school exhausted and hearing

a piecing scream echoing through the whole house, he quickly

dashed to his bedroom, frantically searching till he found him in a

pool of his blood in the bathroom, a scene he remembers all too

well; very vividly as be had to live it twice, through him and his

brother, he blamed himself for not noticing, he blamed himself for

not being there, he blamed himself for being an ally and not doing

enough, not doing more to prevent this, he blamed himself cause

he had almost lost Bryce but he blamed himself more as he had

lost a housemate due to homophobic closemindsd online trolls

who half were the girls Keegan had dated to seem straight

enough and his parents who couldn't accept him before. If it

wasn't for him arriving at the perfect time Bryce would be no

more, if it wasn't for him calling 911 as Bryce lay lifelessly in his

arms he'd be dead and so because of that he vowed to do more

than just be named an ally.


"Who Am I?" A boy trying to find him self in a world of bliss and

blabbering blisters..

"You are who you were meant to be," An Angel tries and sets him


Little Black Bird trapped in a cage, trying to fly with broken wings,

wearing nothing but a mask, he wants to conceal, don't feel and

don't let them know. It had been a while since he saw everyone

but his parents. He missed Keegan, he missed him deeply, his

eyes, his lips, his smile, his everything, it was extra hard as he

didn't go to the funeral and wasn't even allowed to visit the grave

as his parents blamed him for killing their little boy, Keegan never

left a note or anything but one last lingering kiss on Bryce’s lips

and a don't follow me, he vowed to visit one more time but today

was the first time in therapy and if he wanted to get better for

Keegan. He had to first getter better for himself cause true love

starts with self love and healing starts from the inside.




You Don't Even Know

I've climed this mountain called feelings trying to get over you,

I've walked in crowded rooms as everyone started at me as if

sensing your spirit following me,

I've grown yes I did but I still go back to that same day when I

was you cause

You don't even know,

They I've broken and healed,

they way I've cried rivers and built a bridge to get over that,

the way my heart still beats for you even if you're not here.

You dont know a thing at all,

the way I feel now that I am alone, the way the world's bigger and

I'm getting smaller,


I'm getting help, I promise I am but I still miss you,

I've even started smiling and my parents and I converse

But with all that I still miss you

And I'm sure you don't even know…



I'd like to thank any and everyone who took their time to journey with me in this short book, thank

so much for reading and hope to see you next time.


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