October YP Connector

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The Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce presents Virtual Power Hour, a

program The Dubuque with powerful Area Chamber presentations of Commerce for business presents and Virtual personal Power Hour, success! a

Power program Up, Power with powerful Through, presentations Power Beyond for business and start and personal your day success! with

information Power Up, that Power impacts! Through, Power Beyond and start your day with

information that impacts!

Our next Power Hour event will take place on October 13 from 8:30 - 9:30am

via GoToWebinar and will feature a Political Analyst Panel. Questions will

be fielded during the live presentation, however, we recommend sending any

Our next Power Hour event will take place on October 13 from 8:30 - 9:30am

via GoToWebinar and will feature a Political Analyst Panel. Questions will

questions be fielded in advance during the to live office@dubuquechamber.com.

presentation, however, we recommend sending any

questions in advance to office@dubuquechamber.com.

political analyst panel



Dustin Miller

Dustin Associate Miller Attorney

Associate Nyemaster Attorney Goode PC

Nyemaster Goode PC

Andy Conlin

Andy Principal Conlin

Conlin State Principal Strategies

Conlin State Strategies

Christopher Budzisz, Ph.D.

Christopher Associate Professor Budzisz, of Politics Ph.D.

Associate Loras Professor College of Politics

Loras College



Power Hour is brought to you by:

Power Hour is brought to you by:

563.557.9200 | www.dubuque .com

563.557.9200 | www.dubuque .com

ower Up

ower Through

ower Beyond


Page 3

hrough owerful Presentations for Busiess

and Personal



l Presentations for

s and Personal Success!

Page 7


3 // Joni Ernst

Looking ahead towards our October YP

Luncheon presenter

5 // RJ Montes

Reviewing the impact of ourSeptember YP

Luncheon presenter

7 // Five Easy Tips to Grow

Your Professional Network

The Young Professional Blog entry

by Kevin Myers

9 // YP Sponsor Feature

Kintzinger, Harmon, Konrardy

12 // Upcoming Events

View a list of the upcoming YP events

13 // Volunteer

Find out where your YP Board Volunteers

Page 9

Follow Us









Joni Ernst


Senator Joni Ernst is looking forward to joining the Dubuque Chamber Young Professionals

Virtual Luncheon on October 21. A combat veteran and the first female elected to federal

office from the state of Iowa, Ernst will discuss leadership and service, and answer questions

from some of Iowa’s brightest young leaders.

Senator Joni Ernst, native of Red Oak, Iowa, has dedicated her life to her state and country,

having served in the military for over 23 years and now in the United States Senate.

In November 2014, Joni was elected as the first woman to serve in federal elected office

from the State of Iowa and also became the first female combat veteran elected to serve in

the United States Senate. In Washington, Joni serves on five Senate committees of major

importance to Iowans: Armed Services; Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; Environment

and Public Works; Judiciary; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Born and raised on a farm in Montgomery County, Joni’s parents instilled in her the values

important to Iowans: hard work, service and sacrifice. As a mother, soldier and independent

voice, Joni is committed to bringing these values to Washington, D.C.

Joni received her undergraduate degree from Iowa State University where she joined the

university’s ROTC program. After graduating, Joni joined the U.S. Army Reserves. In 2003,

Joni served as a company commander in Kuwait and Iraq, leading 150 Iowa Army National

Guardsmen during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Joni retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Iowa

Army National Guard after 23 years of military service.

Known for her independent leadership and commitment to public service, Joni previously

served as the Montgomery County Auditor where she worked to eliminate wasteful

government spending and protect taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars. As a state senator, Joni

fought to balance the state budget and helped turn Iowa’s $900 million budget deficit into a

$1 billion surplus. In addition to her work to balance the budget, Joni worked tirelessly to

grow jobs and the economy, cut taxes, improve education, and reduce the role of

government in Iowans’ lives.


Recapping last m

onth’s Luncheon

RJ Montes


of Dupaco Community Credit Union


Increasing our abilities through Awareness and Intention, to

Lead ourselves and take True Ownership in our Life’s Race

Last month RJ shared with us some of his personal struggles that have

shaped him to who he is today. After college RJs struggled with the loss

of his mom where he was grossly unhappy and unhealthy. He really

wanted to change his life. Soon his first baby was on the way and it

pushed him to make that change for himself and his new family. Realizing

that he needed help and couldn't do it on his own he started to build

his support system and ask for help. RJ repeatedly said through the

luncheon "who I am today is not who I have always been or who we will

be tomorrow". He started to do triathlons and getting his mind and

body healthy. Continuing to grow and be the change to be better every

day. A few tips RJ left us with, "There is no perfect balance in life, we are

all imperfect human beings. Value the process over the outcome. Your

time is valuable make the most of it and don't get discourage things will

go on." All things that helped him choose to change his life and get on a

path that brought him forward.

RJ said that opportunities help us be a part of communities and tribes,

which helps us keep a healthy mental and spiritual wellbeing. Think

about this week what stories have shaped you? What has helped you

grow and take leadership of yourself?

Five Easy Tips

to Growing Your Professional Network

By Kevin Myers

In today’s business world, networking has become an

absolute necessity. We’re all familiar with the saying,

“It’s not what you know, it is who you know.” I am

fortunate to have been given many opportunities for

growth and advancement throughout my professional

career thus far, which I credit [in many regards] to

knowing how to grow my professional network. I’ve

been tasked to provide you with five easy tips (or

steps) to help you grow your professional network.

These aren’t “by the textbook,” but they have all

worked for me and I hope they can work for you too.

Get Involved. Whether you are new to a job, new to a

town, or find yourself caught in the same mundane

schedule, the best thing to do is to get involved. Find a

club, a group or an organization in your community

and become active within it. Joining an organizing

does not mean simply adding your name to an email

list or a roster for resume boosting purposes. My tip is

for you to completely submerge yourself into whatever

it is you enjoy doing. I believe that you get out what

you put into things, so you might as well go all in. By

doing so, you will form relationships with other

members (whom you may have not met otherwise),

learn more about the organization’s mission, and will

find your purpose within the organization.

Social Media. Social media can be a wonderful tool

but also a massive crutch. You need to be wise in how

you use it. One advantage of social media is that we

can connect with people faster and more efficiently

than ever before. Most importantly, we can get

connected to individuals who hold the power in

helping us advance in our lives and careers. I’ve been

at Kunkel and Associates for nearly five years, and I

got here initially because of LinkedIn. One day, I

received a message from the HR Director at Kunkel.

The message stated that she had come across my

profile, and that I looked like someone who would fit

the needs of a position that was currently open at

Kunkel. From that message, we arranged an interview,

and the rest is history. It’s important to be aware of

how you portray yourself on social media. You never

know who is going to come across your profile and

where that connection could lead.

Building Relationships. This might be one of the most

important things to know how to do. Without building

relationships, it will be extremely hard to advance in

your career [or in your personal life for that matter].

Just as you focus on building relationships with those

outside of your network, for the purpose of growing

your business or adding new clients/customers, it is

equally important to strengthen your relationships

with your current coworkers and people you already

know. I believe that you need to get to know your

coworkers on a deeper level than someone you see at

the coffee station or in the parking lot every day. Open

up to them and they will open up to you. You’d be

amazed what opportunities can come from true

friendships that are formed through the workplace.

Connecting with people from other companies and

industries can help bring new ideas into your company.

People outside of your current network also have a

higher likelihood of being able to introduce you to a

future client that you didn’t even know was interested

or in need of the services your company provides.

Help People. People were created to be good and

kind. We are intrinsically rooted to want to help

others. While helping others, your brain releases

hormones that boost your mood and counteract

stress. This extra boost of energy and positive emotion

may allow you to put more effort into helping others in

the work place. By doing so, you show that you are a

“team first, me second” person. Your boss likes that!

Others see you being selfless, which leads to them

wanting to do something for someone else, thus

you’ve created a chain reaction of people helping

other people.

Look at the Big Picture. Networking is not something

that you will notice benefits from overnight. You will

swing and miss many times in your career. You might

develop relationships with the wrong people or invest

time into the wrong situations that never pan out to

anything, but you will at least learn something in the

process. There is no rhyme or reason to how things

work from a timing perspective, but patience is key.

Continue to connect with people, as you never know

who will most greatly impact your career ten years

from now. Trust the process and be patient.

Welcome our new sponsor!

Kintzinger, Harmon, Konrardy is a full-service law

firm dedicated to meeting the needs of people

throughout Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin. We are

conveniently located near you in downtown

Dubuque, Iowa. Our attorneys and support staff

are eager to meet all your legal needs. Kintzinger

Harmon Konrardy, PLC has aggressively served

the Tri-state area for over 100 years in personal

injury lawsuits and litigation, divorces and family

law, employment law, criminal defense, bankruptcy,

probate, and estate planning, along with

many other legal areas. Since our inception in

1897, we have prided ourselves on providing

quality representation that is client centered and

results oriented. We recognize that your legal

needs are of the utmost importance and you

deserve the care and attention necessary to

successfully accomplish your goal.

New YP



We welcome 2 new board

members to the Young Professionals

Board of Directors

Wes Hartig

Affiliated under the Dubuque Area

Chamber of Commerce, Young

Professionals Dubuque (YPD) exists

to connect young professionals

with each other, the business

community, and the city in which

we live, work, play and do business.

The members of the YP Board

of Directors are faces behind the

scenes that make that happen. This

month we welcome two new

board members.

Find us on your favorite

social media app.

Wes Hartig

Member Relations

Brock Renbarger

Diversity Focus

Brock Renbarger



Join us at one of our

upcoming virtual events


Joni Ernst

October 21





Chris Houlihan

December 16

Where does your YP B

Connect with them to learn more about volunteer opportunities within our community.

Whitney Sanger

Women's Giving Circle

Dubuque County Food Policy Council

Project Rooted

Nicole Mensen

Dubuque Main Street Puttzin’ Around

Young Entrepreneurs Academy

Wes Hartig

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dubuque Board of Directors

Camp Albrecht Acres Foundation Board of Directors

March of Dimes Board of Directors Dubuque Chapter

Olivia Burger

Days of Caring

Taryn Kafer

Dubuque Main Street - Farmers Market and Marketing Committee

Mercy Service Club and Gift Shop- Publicity and Social Chai

Brock Renbarger

Junior Achievement – Golf Outing Committee & Classroom Volunteer

United Way – Campaign Cabinet Member & 2-year volunteer for Over the Edge

Young Entrepreneurs Academy

Digger Kurt

Boys and Girls Club

Mentor Dubuque

Urban Bicycle Food Mission

oard volunteer?

Scott McGuire

MercyOne Health Foundation board

DGCC board

100+ Men Who Care board

Jacob Wierzbicki

Junior Achievement

Kevin Myers

Knights of Columbus at St. Columbkille’s Church in Dubuque

McKenzie Kline

Humane Society

Multicultural Center

Rescue Mission

Justin Gonner

Chamber/Days of Caring

United Way

Loras College

Margaret O'Reilly

Liberty Recovery Center

Women's Leadership Network

Anna Johnson

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium’s Living Collections

department helping with data organization/entry. Event photographer

for the Dream Center and mentor a student at Kennedy Elementary

through Fourge Social.

Nikki Bauer

Chamber Board of Directors as Ex-Official

For more information on YP Dubuque please contact the Dubuque Area Chamber at

office@dubuquechamber.com or 563.557.9200.

Young Professionals Dubuque is a program of the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce

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