
Formula of Inheritance

Formula of Inheritance


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Asset Distribution Among The Qualified Heirs Based on Islamic Inheritance


Chapter · December 2017





4 authors, including:

Abdul Malek Yaakob

Universiti Utara Malaysia



Siti Fatimah Abdul Rahman

Universiti Teknologi MARA



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Asset Distribution Among The Qualified Heirs Based on

Islamic Inheritance Law

Siti Fatimah Abdul Rahman 1* , Abdul Malek Yaakob 2 , Ahmad Adnan Fadzil 3 , Muhammad

Firdaus Shaban 1

1 Depertment of Mathematics and Statistics, FSKM, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch,

02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia

* sitifatimah471@perlis.uitm.edu.my


2 School of Quantitative Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia,

06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia


3 Masjid Nurussalam, Behor Mentalon, Tambun Tulang,

02600 Arau, Perlis


* Corresponding Author

Abstract: This paper discusses about the methods of mathematics to solve issues regarding faraid. Faraid is the

knowledge that will be the first removed from humanity. It is about the distribution of property using the

specific calculation according to the methods that have been determined by Islamic law that is based on the

evidences verses in the Qur’an. Knowledge in faraid is stated in detailed manner in the Al-Quran and provides

strong reasons why it should be applied especially on issues which are closely related to property management.

Faraid is said to be one of the most important knowledge in Islam. A technique of mathematics is applied in this

study for accurate calculation in order to calculate the property for each qualified heir. In addition, numerical

examples that should be taken in performing calculations of faraid are also provided.

Keywords: Asset Distribution, Faraid, Islamic Law, Qualified Heirs,

1. Introduction

Faraid or known as Islamic Inheritance Law is one among three of the main knowledge in

Islam. Faraid is the plural word for Al-Faridhah which means something that is required or the

division which has been fixed with their respective rates. Before the faraid is practiced, there are

several aspects that we need to be clear about. The aspects need to be settled are; the maintenance and

burial, the deceased’s debt, the wills of the deceased, the nazar of the deceased and lastly the

distribution of the remaining assets to the heirs who are entitled to. Wills literally means connect and

deliver while technically it means contribution of a right that is done only after the death (Mustofa et

al., 2009).

Faraid is the study of the calculation and allocation procedure of inheritance for each of the

beneficiaries according to Islamic Law. The law has been set up by Allah S.W.T precisely based on

verses 11, 12 and 176 from Surah an-Nisa. All the details about the heritage of each of the

beneficiaries following the condition that occur are explained in these verses. In the verse 176 of

Surahan-Nisa, Allah decrees that, “When there are brothers and sisters, both men and women, the

male’s share is equal to that of two females...”.

Understanding the basic of estate distribution is important to identify individuals who will go

through the process of distribution of the estate either sooner or later. This is because by

understanding the basics of faraid, it provides an easy way to manage and plan the distribution of the

property of the deceased person. This can avoid possible conflicts, delays and eliminate irresponsible

division or neglect the importance of estate distribution. Therefore, the beneficiaries should have at

least the basic knowledge of knowing who started faraid beneficiaries property inheritance, the right

of inheritance, property type and number, and form of the division.

By understanding faraid, hopefully it will change the typical perspective in considering

matters regarding properties which always leads to a fight and a split in a family. It aims to change the

society view about inheritance so that it can strengthen the affection among family members.

Therefore, the settlement of the estate can be done fairly.

Not only from Qur’an, As-Sunnah is also another source of information about faraid. From

the As-Sunnah, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, “There are three types of knowledge, besides the

three just be an additional (secondary), which are the verses muhkamat (clear certainty), the Sunnah

of the Prophet, and the faraid”. Additionally, faraid is a very important knowledge in Islam. A quote

from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., “Study the faraid and teach it to others because half of the

knowledge and it will be the first thing which will take out from my nation.”, reported by Ibne Majjah

from Abu Hurairah R.A. Faraid has been determined by Allah S.W.T to avoid people from commiting

injustice and to be fair to all beneficiaries.

Until today, even though faraid has been introduced since long time ago, many Muslims do

not know how to implement faraid. In implementing the inheritance among Muslims, there are some

questions of jurisdiction, lack of uniformity of laws, and procedures. In addition, there are also

problems such as seizing property among heirs, disputes when dividing property among heirs and

injustice that should be prevented from occurring.

Many problems occur due to the lack of knowledge about how to divide the property.

Beneficiaries have no knowledge and do not apply the knowledge of faraid. Therefore, we need to

create awareness about the importance of faraid to prevent things from occuring. We need to make the

Quran and Sunnah as our reference. The Prophet said; "I leave to you (Muslims) two eternal

inheritance, when you hold them, you shall not go astray, the Book of Allah (Qur’an) and Sunnah"

Precisely, when lacking of knowledge about faraid, thus the beneficiaries will also be

mistaken about faraid such as not knowing about their status as a beneficiary, hence they do not know

about the rights that they have. This will open up opportunities to the irresponsible parties in taking

advantage on them by taking away their portion in the property. In order to facilitate the beneficiaries,

we need to create awareness about faraid and implement a program that can be used to calculate

faraid. By doing so, they will know about the importance of faraid and this can help them to calculate

faraid without having any doubt.

The objectives of this paper is to highlight the calculation of asset distribution of inheritance

among the qualified heirs. Also aim to improve facilitate people understanding in calculating faraid

by the project is to cover the entire portion according to the faraid Law from the Qur’an.

2. Literature

According to Islamic Law, faraid is a division of the estate after the death of a Muslim which

has been fixed under the Islamic Law on the legal heirs and heirs who are eligible to receive the

estate. The deceased will also need to first fulfill what permitted by Islamic law before distributing the

property. From Ibn 'Umar R.A. he said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "The obligation of a Muslim

who has something (property) which has been willed to be given, two nights and then let the will goes

into his/her hands," from Hadith Sahih Muslim history. The remainder left of the property, after

deducting and excluding all funeral and the deceased debts, is distributed to the heirs.

The amount of the property acquired shall not be questioned because Allah S.W.T has

calculation of the division in the Quran. In the verse 7 of Surah an-Nisa, Allah decrees, “For men is a

share of what the parents and close relatives leave, and for women is a share of what the parents and

close relatives leave, be it little or much - an obligatory share.” This has proven that Allah has set up a

portion for men and women. Only women will get half of men’s, which has proven in the verse 176 of

Surah an-Nisa, “When there are siblings contain men and women, then the portion of the male are

twice of the female. There are two types of estate; testate and intestate. If the person dies and leaves a

will, the estate is called testate. In a contradict, if the person dies and does not leave a will, the estate

is called intestate. An intestate estate is the estate of the deceased without leaving a will (Abdul

Hamid, 2001). The estate that is left by the deceased, which is lawfully owned, needs to be settled

using faraid. Once the person dies, all properties are treated as a legacy of the heir ownership.

Distribution of inheritance using the knowledge of faraid will result in one to decide about the

division because it is based on revelation. Humans or the courts, for example, only serve as the

implementers of the law of God in fulfilling the needs to apply. The property needs to distribute fairly

to all inheritance. There are two types of property which are moveable and immoveable. Examples of

moveable property are house furniture, jewellery and clothing. As for immoveable property, it is the

property that cannot be moved such as land and house. However, in Islamic Law, whether it is

moveable or immoveable property, it needs to be distributed fairly. It is immaterial whether the

property is real (land) or personal, movable or immovable faraid covers all Assets (Un- Habitat,

2005). Nothing in Islam is unfair. The way how to distribute the property has been formulated in the

Qur’an and all Muslims are obliged to follow faraid. Ibn 'Abbas R.A. reported that Allah S.A.W. said,

"Give to the right of the estate which is pursuant to the Law of Inheritance according to the Book of

Allah (Qur’an). The advantage of the division which is pursuant to the Law of Inheritance is given to

a man who is the closest (to the decease). They can choose how the division will be after they discuss

or agree to divide without being forced or influenced by any party.

Meanwhile there is also the beneficiary who has not received any part of the property, called

“Asabah”. Asabah at times takes the remainder of the property but does not obtain the property at all.

Other than that, there are also the beneficiaries who are filtered to receive the property which is called

Hajb. There are two types of Hajb which are al-hajb bi al-wasf and al-hajb bi al-shaksi. Al- hajb bi alshaksi,

can be categorized into two types namely hajb hirman and hajb nuqsan. Faraid has several

benefits which makes it better than the system of inheritance that uses hereditary heir method. Faraid

is fair compared to the system of inheritance which somehow results in women getting more than

men. Supposedly, women’s part is half than men’s as mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah an-Nisa verse

176, “When there are siblings contsisting of men and women, then the portion of male is twice of the


3. Methodology

Step 1: Finding the values of the nett asset. (Mustofa et al., 2009)

Firstly, we need to find the constant values such as the amount of the deceased’s will, the deceased’s

debt, the funeral cost, and the total value of the deceased’s property (moveable and immoveable


The formula is used to determine how much from the property that should distributed (nett

asset) using faraid. The equation is as follows:

N = A-D-M -W -Z (1)


N : Nett asset A : Asset D : Deceased’s debt M : Funeral cost

W : Deceased’s will Z : Nazar

Step 2: Getting the exact value of property for each qualified heirs by using the method of faraid

calculation (Abdullah et al., 1998)

From the equation, we will get the remaining property of the deceased which should be

distributed using faraid. The portions to be divided for male heirs are as follows:

Table 1: Male Heirs with Specific Portion and Requirement

Heirs Portion Requirement

1. Husband

1/2 i) No descent downward

1/4 i) There is a descent downward

1/6 i) There is a descent downward

1/6 + Asabah i) There is a female descent downward

2. Father

Asabah i) No descent downward

3. Grandfather

(Father side)

4. Step brother

(same mother)




i) There is a descent downward

ii) No father iii) No sister iv) No brother

iii) v) No step sister (same father) vi) No step brother

(same father)

i) No descent downward ii) No male descent upward

iii) Only has one sibling from the same mother

i)No descent downward ii) No male descent upward

iii) Has two or more siblings from the same mother

Table 1 shows the portion for male heirs according to the requirement to obtain the specific

portion. For other male heirs who are not included in the Table 1, they will get Asabah if they are the

qualified ones to obtain the property. Whereas Table 2 shows the specific amount for female heirs

followed by the requirement to get the specific portion.

Table 2: Female Heirs with specific portion and requirement

Heirs Portion Requirement

i. No son


ii. Has only one daughter

1. Daughter

i. No son


ii. There are two or more daughters

i. No son

ii. No daughter


iii. No grandson

iv. Only one grandaughter

i. No son or daughter

2. Grandaughter


ii. No grandson

iii. Has two or more grandaughters

i. There is one daughter


ii. No son

iii. No grandson

3. Sister



4. Step sister (same

father) 1/2

i. No father

ii. No grandfather

iii. No descent downward

iv. No brother

v. Only one sister

i. No brother

ii. No descent downward

iii. No father or grandfather

iv. Has two or more sisters

i. No father or grandfather

ii. No descent downward

iii. No sister


iv. No brother

v. No step brother (same father)

vi. Only one step sister (same father)

i. No step brother (same father)

ii. No descent downward

iii. No father

iv. No grandfather

v. No sister or brother

vi. vi. Has two or more step sisters (same father)

5. Mother

6. Wife


(father’s side)


(mother’s side)




i. There is one sister

ii. No descent downward

iii. No father

iv. No grandfather

v. No brother

vi. No step brother (same father)

i. No descent downward

ii. No sibling

i. There is a descent downward

ii. Has siblings

1/3 from balance

i. There are one mother, one father and a husband

ii. There one mother, one father and a wife

1/4 i. No descent downward


i. There is a descent downward


i. No father

ii. No mother

1/6 i. No mother

9. Step sister (same




i. No descent downward

ii. No male descent upward

iii. Only have one sibling from same mother

i. No descent downward

ii. No male descent upward

iii. Have two or more siblings from same mother

Step 3: Getting the exact value of property for each qualified heirs by using faraid calculation

method. (Rohaizad, H., 2004)

There are 6 parts (the portion for each qualified heirs in faraid) which are already fixed:

a) 1/2 b) 2/3 c) 1/4 d) 1/3 e) 1/8 f) 1/6

When a group of heirs is given portion of a/b and another group is given portion of c/d, we can say

that the distribution of property among these two groups is represented by the ratio a/b: c/d. We can

solve the equation as we solve any proportion ratio. In general, the ratio can be seen as the ratio of

portion as follows:

a/b : c/d : e/ f : g/h : i/ j (2)

Where a, c, e, g, and i are the integer 1 or 2 and b, d, f, h, and j are the integer 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8. We can

write the equation in (2) as:

F = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + P 4+ ... + P n

Where F represent the sum of portion of the qualified heir, n represent th number of qualified heirs

and P represent the portion of qualified heirs

After the heir(s) has been listed and the portion is already known, the exact value for each

heir(s) needs to be calculated. The formulas are as follows:


Case 1: if F = å P k

£1 then T k N





Case 2: if F P k 1

k N

then F

k 1



T k : Total of inheritance for each qualified heir

P k : Portion of qualified heir

4. Numerical Examples

Scenario 1: At death of man left a wife, a mother, a father, a son and a daughter.

Step 1: Finding the values of the nett asset

For the first step, we need to determine the constant value of the total asset, deceased’s debt, funeral

cost and deceased’s will. For example, the values are 100000 for the asset, 14000 for the deceased’s

debt, 2000 for the funeral cost, and 3000 for the deceased’s will.

Next, we will calculate the asset of the deceased by substituting the amount of the total asset,

deceased’s debt, funeral cost and deceased’s will. We will substitute the amount into the equation to

obtain the nett asset. The equation is as shown below:

From (1), we substitute the values to nett asset,

N =100000-14000-2000-3000-0,

then we get the values of the nett asset which is 81000.

Step 2: Determine the portion of the qualified heirs

Next, we need determine the heirs left by the deceased. For example the deceased left a wife, a

mother, a father, a daughter and a son. From Table 1 and Table 2, we have determined the portions of

the wife which is 1/8, 1/6 for the mother, 1/6 for the father and daughter and son will get the balance,

which is asabah, where the portion of the daughter is 1/2 of potion of the son as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Portion of Heirs (Case 1)



Wife 1/8

Mother 1/6

Father 1/6

One Daughter


One Son


Step 3: Getting the exact value of property for each qualified heir by using faraid calculation method

After we get the specific portion of the heirs, we will substitute the value of the balance of property

that should be distributed and the portion of the heirs to get the total portion. Next, we need to

determine the case either Case 1 or Case 2 by summing up the total portion of qualified heirs.



k 1

P k











Since F P k 1 , it is categorized as Case 1. Hence, we need to find T byusing equation (3).



The remaining portion will be distributed between the son and the daughter has been calculated and

shown in Table 4.

Asabah: 1 – 11/24 = 13/24

Total for the wife: T 1 =1/8 x 81000 = 10125

Total for the mother: T 2 =1/6 x 81000 = 13500

Total for the father: T 3 = 1/6x81000 = 13500

Total for the daughter: T 4 =1/3x13/24x81000 = 14625

Total for the son: T 5 = 2/3x13/24x81000 = 29250

Table 4: Total of Inheritance for Each Heir

Heir Portion Total of inheritance (RM)

Wife 1/8 10125

Mother 1/6 13500

Father 1/6 13500

One Daughter 13/72 14625

One Son 13/36 29250




Table 4 shows the total asset that has been distributed to the heirs after the asset has excluded the

debts, funeral cost and the deceased’s will. The wife gets 10125, the mother gets 13500, the father

gets 13500, the daughter gets 14625 and the son gets 29250. If we sum up the entire portion, we will

get back the value of the nett asset which is 81000.

Scenario 2: At death, a woman left a husband and five sisters.

Step 1: Finding the values of net asset.

Another example, as calculated previously we need to determine the constant value of the nett asset,

deceased’s debt, funeral cost and deceased’s will to get the nett asset. The values are 50000 for the

asset, 8000 for the deceased’s debt, 2000 for the funeral cost, 1000 for the nazar and 1000 for the

deceased’s will.

Next, we will calculate the asset of the deceased by substituting the amount of the total asset,

deceased’s debt, funeral cost and deceased’s will. We will substitute the amount into the equation to

obtain the nett asset. The equation is as below:

From (1), we substitute the values to obtain the balance property,

N =50000-8000-2000-1000-1000,

then we get the value of the balance property that should be distributed which is 38000.

Step 2: Determine the portion of the qualified heirs

Next, we need to determine the heirs left by the deceased. In this example the deceased left a husband

and five sisters. From Table 1 and 2, the portion of the husband is 1/2 and five sisters will receive 2/3

from the property as shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Portion of Heirs (Case 2)



Husband 1/2

Five sisters 2/3

Step 3: Getting the exact value of property for each qualified heir by using faraid calculation method

After we get the specific portion of heir, we will substitute the value of the nett asset and portion of

heir to get the total portion. Next, we need to determine the case either Case 1 or Case 2 by summing

up the total portion of qualified heirs as shown in Table 6.



k 1

P k









Since F P k 1, it is categorized as Case 2. Hence, we need to find T by using equation (4).


k 1

1/ 238000


Total husband:


7 / 6


Total for sisters:

2 / 338000


7 / 6


Table 6: Total of Inheritance for Each Heir (Case 2)

Heir Portion Total of inheritance

Husband 3/7 16285.71

Sisters 4/7 21714.29

Total 1 38000.00

5. Conclusion

The awareness about Islamic Inheritance Law (faraid) is very important among Muslims in

order to be fair when distributing the property of the dead to the heirs. Faraid is used as a way to

distribute one’s property based on the reference from the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. By following faraid,

there is no doubt about the fairness because all aspects about faraid have been recorded in the Qur’an

and As-Sunnah and as Muslims we must believe that the Qur’an is the book of Allah and As-Sunnah

is from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Without faraid, undesirable situations such as fraud among heirs,

or not being fair among heirs will occur. That is why Muslims need to practise faraid, learn and teach

it among Muslims. By doing so, it can help Muslims to achieve true justice.

It is recommended to the future researcher to carry out a specific research about faraid which

involves people who have both genders (hermaphrodite). In this research, this aspect is not included.

They can be male or female. It is very important to clearly specify the gender because in order to

determine the portion, it will be based on the gender of the heir.

6. References

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