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Ice, R=21 cm,H=32 cm,Porcelain2019Rainy, T-pot 24 x16 cm, H=14 cm, Porcelain, 2019Wintry, 39 x 21cm, H=47 cm,Porcelain, 2018Floating Dream, 48 x 32 cm, H=30 cm, Porcelain,201939

Yashuhiro ImaiMr. Yashuhiro Imai was born into the heart of the Imaifamily in Gero, Gifu, Japan, a place known for its abundantvegetation and hot springs. In 1984, 1985, and 1986, Mr Imaiparticipated in the Koudansha painting competition. In1991, he won second place in the competition for found art.(“arte objeto parco”). Later on, he attended Kuwasawa Research Institute and received adegree in Graphic Arts and Fashion Design. He spent time abroad in Germany, and thenreturned to his hometown in Japan, where he worked as a designer at ODS Planning,Issei Miyake, MIK Planning. At that point, Mr Imai became inspired and decided to travelto Mexico. In the early 1990s, he settled in the capital city of Guanajuato, where he nowfully dedicates himself to sculpture, painting and photography. Mr Imai has obtainedconsiderable recognition in Mexico through multiple exhibitions in private galleries andpublic forums in Mexico City and throughout the country. In addition, his artwork hasspread far and wide with the help of social media. He currently devotes his time andeffort to showing the value of the imperceptible in a meaningful way.By Kim Silvery.imai@hotmail.comBuds Of Happiness, photography, 2017 Clouds Of Fire, photography, 201940

Yashuhiro Imai

Mr. Yashuhiro Imai was born into the heart of the Imai

family in Gero, Gifu, Japan, a place known for its abundant

vegetation and hot springs. In 1984, 1985, and 1986, Mr Imai

participated in the Koudansha painting competition. In

1991, he won second place in the competition for found art.

(“arte objeto parco”). Later on, he attended Kuwasawa Research Institute and received a

degree in Graphic Arts and Fashion Design. He spent time abroad in Germany, and then

returned to his hometown in Japan, where he worked as a designer at ODS Planning,

Issei Miyake, MIK Planning. At that point, Mr Imai became inspired and decided to travel

to Mexico. In the early 1990s, he settled in the capital city of Guanajuato, where he now

fully dedicates himself to sculpture, painting and photography. Mr Imai has obtained

considerable recognition in Mexico through multiple exhibitions in private galleries and

public forums in Mexico City and throughout the country. In addition, his artwork has

spread far and wide with the help of social media. He currently devotes his time and

effort to showing the value of the imperceptible in a meaningful way.

By Kim Silver

Buds Of Happiness, photography, 2017 Clouds Of Fire, photography, 2019


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