Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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In rhb ch.pter we stan wtth a b,t.f dtscGston on retativety Ecent G

di<ov.ryofthe Babllorlan cdrorla for tho 66t 6t vbtbltty ol new tunar crcscenl. A

sel or obsenatlonal d.ta solectld from rhe r*6nt tlteratore ts lsed to examtnerhe

ments orlhe Sabylonlan cnbrbn.Thts ts folowed by 3ome sphencat trigo.omeuc

conslderations ihat are llgnlllcant tor th€ condilloN on whtch the vlsibitiry or the

invisiblllty of th6 n€w lunar'o6cont haydepend.

On lhe basls of lhe t,igonom.tdc cofttd€htion the Lunar Ripene$ funclion

altrlhuled ro rheArabs rs.xplored and a tvodlfled Lunar Ripeness raw is suggested

and examrned in vlew ot th€ ,€.ordod oEerva{ons h rhe dara sel men oned

above. Thi3 Is dono uslng iho curient k.owtedgs, loots 6nd rechniques and the

.6uts of rhls erprorarlon ar6 present6d. a[ codputational wolk ts done Gtng the

In the end ot the ch6pter the gfrpktc.t modeL due io moden asldnomeG

olrhe early 20s century ar. retstt€d and compartson ot ihe same is done wilh the

Babyronlan and the medievat mod6ts.


No lrisonobery or spheriqt rrigonomelly existed till rhe halheharical

developnenb in,\rabia in lhe 9u dd rhc lorh cenlu.y AD; the probteh w6 o.ly

descnbed i. rems ofcertain obseNable paranercs shown in rhc Fieure No Ll I in lhe

dcienr and lbe early Chrhlian e6.lfdny visibitiry $ireion was deduced musl have been

basd on the observations and nedsulemenrs ot rhes observable qumtities. The figure

snows lhe sesiern bolizon a dnc when the sun S h6 gon€ r deerees bebw norizon

(the sole deprc$ion) and rhe crcsenr at M isjusr visible. AB is rhe equaror lhat nakes

an agle q, $e geogBphical latitude oflhc ptace, wirh rhe nomat ro the horizon. SM n

rhe sepeadon b€teen lhe Sun tud $e tvl@n comhonly knoM s .@ of lishl. and


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