Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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In fer sihin lhc tuldion di.i@{tt. lhc prcgr&n Hil.lo! ha


do-|9kL l@p

rhar remiDrd *tEtr rhe iddrifid za,r rcccivB V' (pl*in8 dld le,) fion thc Br.

If my oths key is prcsed lh. pregm rmdN in wait ndq PEsing Panicdd k ls a

is obvioN in the er.l{ar. cohbilsriotr vdio{s&lions e iniii.l€d likc inc@ing or

deoeasiry tim€ dd datc, chegilg tmpdal@ or hlmidity o. wiling to th€ output nb

r.rngafir. bitiad.g any ofthFc.ctioro Gp..G th. *ftution ofall lhe conpulalions

wilb new timc, dale,lcmp.dture or huDidily. In cd. ofpre$ingP all lh€ data is winen

ro fie out file s.r'"a4.t in one lin€ a.d prc$ins 4 Mit s only rhe $lected !alu$ oI

tine and conesponding value of thc diffelcnce of doo.\ magnilude and $e liniling sky

masnitude. Tlese f€atues of thc progm Hihlol (varyin8 dne, dale and !@lhcr

conditio6) nEle tbe progrm norc dynoiq .s compdd lo Mooncalc of M&ru

iMdd, 2001 ) ad A@uai. TiF. of Odeh (Od.h, 2006).

In view of lhc prcbls of d.rminiig th. dlr of the fi6l sier ing of new llld

c@.nt in this cnaFd w cxploEd.ll thc Mjor 6pet of conp arional cForls. Th€*

IE sm!.ndylicd dyn.Dic.l lhddcs VSOP87 and ELP2000 d'at dryib. th.

motion ofplseB loud thc Su sd oflh. M@n reund the Eanh. The* e m.

mosl rent dd nost accunt. avlilabl. looh for the delmi.ation ot

ephendb oflhc Sun dd th. Mootr.

Ite ateonlhm lhat lelds lo lbe dct min.lion oftb. dynmical lime ofde lud

@njucdor or lh. binh ot ncw Moon.

Tn€ pmblms ssociarcd wi|b th. dynamical &d uiv€Eal lim€ ed related

isues. Wiihout having a @mpl.l. kno* bow of lhse isues apprclrjalc tbe

argmcnt for the d.lminadon of lud ed dE $l& cmrdimres co not be


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