Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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9. JD of Conjunct, rh€ Julie Dat of the binh of.q M@n or the lsr

10. As., lhc a8c ofrhc Moon.r rh€ besr tim. e@ding 10 Yallop (Yallop, 1998),


L{C, the diff€rcncc berNcn th€ Moo. *r dd rh€ sunsel. it minucr,

I 2 ARCL, dc ot light or elonsetion of lhe M@n fion th. su at the b.st tme, in

ll, ARCV, the eladve altitudc of fie crc*ol .t the b.st 1ioe, it d.crees

1,4. D,AZ the rclaiile @ibulh ai the best time, in degrc.s,

15. Widtb, the cenlral widlh of lhc Fsr€nt al bcs1 rime, in dc minues.

16. q-val. rh. visibihy ptue1q dcfined by YalloP (Yallop, 1998) lo h.

discssd in d€rail in chapl.r 4.

17, Phi+della, fie dglc thal lhc.cliPlic dalcs with lh€ venical on th. wslem

hoii2on, in d.sE.s.

I E. Mlalit. I,loo. s 4liptic latiiude in d.8e'

19. Mlongi! Moon's.cliptrc lon8itudc. in d.gtus-

20. Slongil., Sun\ *liptic longitud., in dccres

21. M-SD, dgule s.minid.tcr of th. M@|L in @ oinut s.

22. As-Fac! e of sep@lioh fsctor d€fined in l.ler chap1e6, in dcgrc6

21. R-En, cslimat€d Rip.n $ Fucrion vatue dclin€d h chapler I

?4, R-A!er, averas€ Ripeness funcrion valu€ dellned in chapl{ 3

25. R-actual, acbal Rip.ns Fsction vtlue dcnled in chapls 3

26 DR+s! $e diflecnc€ of R-rclualand R-Enimaled

27. DRnc! thc difrccne of R-a.tu4l ed RnErage

28. MoonS M.g, Moon\ mogniiude al the besl lne of Yallop,

29. Lio-Mae(lin€), lh. LiDiting Mt8nitud. of the stv ned |ne c€s6t s

defioed by Scha€ff.r (Schaefd, 1988b) aloDs wnh ih€ Yallop's besl dne in

udveEal dne dis.ts.d in cha .r 4.

30. SI'(DME8), tbe univ.ssl tine wh.n the conrrdt ofthe stv bdelhes dd

rh. Mmn\ bljehBt just tum in favou of thc Moon dd 0E ditr€Gnc' of dE


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