Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Tlus $c ,ulid Dlle of lh. Na M@n ie giv.n by


(2 r.2t

Thc dm€ deeribcd by this dat is lhe DlaMnical Timc and lhc coretions for Al mcr be

mad€ lo get $e Universal Time (discu*d in 0Encxtarticle). For anr l@al coopuralion,

th. Ld.l Zonc lide and d!i. n6r b. calculated ftom |he UniveMl Tim. and dale

ohaincd abovc on rhe bdis oatbe lonsirudc ofany place on rhe Eanh. Thc darc h $en

de day of conjuncrion fo! the place and rho rime of conjuncdon (he bnrh orNcw M@n)

can b€ dy rinc fom 0- 10 23r" 59'" t9h on thd dav.


ft w6 mentiohed earlicr thal rhedynahicsofatl soltr systcnr objec$ isdescibed

by lomula b6cd on 6adcs of Cl6sic.l Mcchdics and lhe Relarivisric Dyneics in

t.m3 or rid€ serics. In order b ersriv.ly ue rhcsc fomulas an apprcpriate ?rrs

argMerr cotrcsponding to rhe honeht of obseiving the lunar crescenr at my place on

lhe surface of the E rth h6 io be €valualcd. Such a lime a.sudent h6 ro b€ co.inuou

and mui halc a clearly dcUncd point of i's beeimine (|he aro rine). called .p€h.

various theorics and problems uF difercnr .pochs depending on rhs co.rext for a

geneEl consideFtion in pls.lary ad luE dynmics thft ,re lwo ihporlanl epochs.

Th€ nr$ of lhese epochs is a oonefl in edote pdsl coftsponding to rhe Noon al

G@nwich on Janlary l. 4? l2 B.C.E. on th. Julid c{l.ndar (or Nolember 24, 4? I I on

Cdgode cal.ndtu) (R€ingold & D.Rhowila ?001), Fren $is pojnt of timc rh. rine

elapsed tiu my laler point oflime in number of days md a possiblc fierion ofa day h


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