Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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,l md M dc Sivci

in the lable 2 of (BdaBnon & Flmou l96E)

These data series @ .vailabl€ on CD's dd laFs For r.cta.gular c@rdiml6 of

rhe phf,€ls |he dlia llles VSOPS?A. VSOPSTC dd VSOP8TE dc @d sd for the

spherical polarcoordinaEs VSOPSTBand VSOPSTDa!. used. A shonerleBionofrhese

data series isSilenby Meeus (M.eus, 1998)and lheff. tr u$d in this@r\ l. the*

hbles firsr €olumn gives.4s, fie eco.d ,s dd the lhird sives Cs. The dats file hs 6

sedes fo, €dh or rhe coodi.ates L (h€ helioccnlric Lonsnud.) and R (lne helioccntk

dislanc. ofthe Eanh) and 5 for fte c@rdi.ale B (lhe hclioc..lric Lafiudc)

Iiiclr s$ics lir L. ll .nd ll ne uscd as follo\s ro obhin thc heliccDkic polar

t't = LA; co\B; . I jT t.

r2.2 rol

i 0. l . 2. :1. 4. and 5 lor l- md I( and 0, l,2,3,4lor B Ihc suFrrscnpt tsund for I

(L). 2(lJ) and 3{R). x rus tolsh 0 lo dilfeonr incger lor di(feEfl coordinaGs and

their lssiatcd seri6- Fo. I - 0- /{i coftsponds ro lonsirudc scri.s. I = l

l/{iconsponds ro lari$de sri€s and I = 3, /r,coiiesponds to dist .ce serica. ll.ch

coordin eislhcneuluatdas:


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/. md , d. ir ndian nesuEs and X is in aslrohonical unils. These m as menrioned

crlier rhe c@.dinares of $c Eanh in heliocsnkic c@rdinare sysrcm wnce6 for {he

problem ofdckmrining posirion oflh€ Sun inour sky w. €ctually requiE rhe Cmcentric

coodinales of lhe Sun instead. In case of rhe Eanh this uNformation is sinple:


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