Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Seid.lm@, 1988). The TT is d.fined in FlatioD witb the "lnt matioDl Alonic Tine"



Btce TAI it dgul.t€d &cording ro atomic rimc, In TAI $c b6ic uoir of rime is thc SI

sond {defined by Bueu Inremarional des Poids.l M.su6, BIPM, in t96?, a

dudlion of9,192,611,770 periods of rodiarions cooesponding ro lh. tmsition b€rween

uo htFrfinc levcls ofd.gbund slat oflneCesinm lll abm G.t tenerat.,2OOt)).

A day on rhk scale is 86400 SI seonds long {Astonomicat Atndrc, 200?). On rbe

other hand rhe clet dm." is thc Univ.Ml Tin€ (Ul denned wirb rcf.r.nc€ ro nem

sun and Nocialed vi1h thc Crccnwicn Md Sid@t Tim. (GMST). UT is detircd as

$e hour angle ofrhe Med Sun ar cEenwicb ptus 12i6. Due ro rhe in€euta ries in the

rctations of th€ Eanh ihcr N di$repancies b.reen the lwo rimes. rhe TT and rhc UT.

This dillcrcrce is ruferred ro as $c delht (At):



Th.rcaore wh.nevcr w wanl b dd@irc th€ position of $. SM and lhe M@.

lbr a panicular lime on ou! clocks w€ have to fomutate rhe rine argudenr using rhese

cons'dcEiions othcnvi* fie clock dn. of the phcnomena shaU nor be appropriat€.

Finally. rhc lime arSunenl in drc rhcorics requi,es lhe delemimtioh otrh€ Jutim Dare of

the UT in question. TIE Julim Dale is th. sys!€h ofconrinuols limc sle lhar begins o.

Noon or crcen*i.h Jduary t, y6 -4?t2 (cdlcd lhc cpoch oftne..r!lian dde,) ln rhis

r,m€ scare tlre moment described by a date (CEeorie or Julie) ond rine (UT) is

considercd as rhe "nmb.r of dayJ,, d.nor.<t 6 JD, (consisting of a whole number

indicali.g rhc nuober of days .tapsed sj.ce tbe ep@h of Juli& Dar€ dd a filclion

d.sribine the flacrio.s ofa day after lhe whole number of dayt since the ep@h of

Julie Daie. Using rhjs JD for &y Domol lh. 1 is tten .ddcd lo .c@unr fo, th.

icguldnies in the oradon of thc Edrrb. The theories use tinc arghehl I lhat is on lhe

$al. of".umber ofJulio centudcj ehps€d rinc rh. epoch r2OOO.O. Thus usine tbn


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