Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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visul sighring epo.t must b. suppon€d lhrcugh a wnness rcpon.

The p.rson involvql in rcponing musl be eliable. adull, lruthful, sme

virh good cyesielt !f it i! preved dat the Fen pioviding wihess

puDo*ly nisled the pe6on ousl b. punished.

!iii) Thelisual sighling Epon should nor coniict vilh basic scientific knowledgc.

'lesling ofcvidcne ot sighting on scienlific srcunds

includc 0hcckine oflhu

shapc of crcscen! ils inclinalion. Poshion in sky. altitudc. imc ofoberyalion

dd sky condnions.

Sighting should be caried our in sh o.8ditd way for €dch moflh.

Accunula(ion of emB @orriculally in view ofconsideling ! toonth ro bc ol

io days due lo invisibilrty of ih. adcent of i,te 29'" ofoiscutire nonlht

bd ro be avoidcn *hodd thc ns c6c.nl is sighted oo 2Etr ofa nonth. li

such ascs con crions ec nadc b bcgituing of thar mo lr

As the klamic lav and lhe Qudih injunctions depend hcovily on tbe fiNl

sishling of new lunar cr€scent the eE ly hlanic slale plrced speial enphsis on $e

Bsdch i. the lield of Asmhony. CoNcque ly €nomous onlribution! $n mde in

$c developmcnt of $i€n€e of fie @lid visibility of new crcsnt dd pEdicrion


Tne nod.h dcvclopmenl of lhe sciencc of erliesl noon_siehinS bc8iN vnh fic

obFMtio.al work oa Scbnid vho Bordcd a ldge nmber of.cw and old cescmB

fon Arhens io th.lal{ h.lfof lhe l9'i c.ntury. On rne basis of rhis obsdarioml dalt

Fo$qinglm ([olhcinskm, l9l0) and Maunder (Mabd.r, l9ll) dweloped the

obscralion.l oirdia of ediest vhibility of ns lmd crescent. A similtr work is


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