Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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'fte najor achjevem€nt of this m* is th. romulation of t neq sincle pstuerer

cireion on lhe b6is of rhe Fchniqus deleloped bv Bruin and Yallop using lhe

bngnrrc$ modcls develoFd bv Sch&fer dd othe6 rhc visibilirv cuFes and thc

liniting visibilily cwes aE developed for crceenls ol diffeEnl widrhs ll'!l wcrc

actually obened tnd hav. bcen rcpodcd in lile6tue Bruin dcvelopcd lhe$ cllvcs on

|he bdis or{i) lhe ale6se bdshlnss ofthc tult M@n md thc wv i dalt,s *nh rhe

decr€sing alftude abole hoi@h and (ii) tbe avedge brighiness ot the skv dudrg

t*ilid &d fic way n depends on lhc dolld d'prc$ion b'lov horizo' On lhc olher

hand tc bave usd rhe adual brightncss for Ihe obscb-ed cEsc€nB ola fixed wid r llEn

lor tn sne ofobselvation we hare calculared th' al ude of skv poins bavins rtrc sms

bridft$ d $ar ol lh€ dcsenr for difrercht solar depcsions such compuratios m

Ep€ai.d for a nunber ofobseryed cE$e 5 of the sahe wjd$ al dilIelenl localions and

dmes. The aliudes or thc skv poitrts lhu obt'ined re ten 'vc6Bcd

our Thc wnole

prccess h rhe. rcpeaFd for cnsce.t ofdilTereni widlhs

These conpulations tesulled inlo our lisibililv curycs ed $c linnins visibihv

curyes. The linitihB lisibilitv cses we have obEined ae slishtlt diferenl



of Bruii with nini@ slightlv displ&cd The ntlighl linc joining thc ninina oi dEs

cudes has a slope of9 3/5 as compaftd to 9/5 for Bruin s cutves Tnis lcads lo slighd,

differe b.sl dme of visibililv" which is 4 l/9 1 rine th€ noo'elsuosl lag aller thc

suet (6 cohPdcd lo Yallop s be$ tine which 4/g rincs $e noonst-sunscl lae afiet

rhe suset). Th€ bdic dala ob$inod fion the ninim olor liniringlisibilnv cu8e l-rttd

b a fiird desee Polvnodial tsuls inlo the fouowine visibihv pdamslcr:

s =(.4RCV - (4351 31 /3 + 2222075057t4! - 5 422641ritf + l04l4l?tt)/l0

we have als dedeed visibilitt condi$ons in a tum€t simild io lbar of Yallop'

Our vhibihy condilions tre sliCh v difiere lron those of Yallop Howevet' ltplj_'n8

our model on the obseNatioml dal! the succcss pcrcenrage is iound lo b' thc besl

dongn all the dot nodels tll erist and lhar dc €ncd dd conpaed in lhis \orr'

Thc e6on is tbat our model is baed on $e acrual skv brighhre$ and lhe btislrhss oi


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