Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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dau ofnininum aE ofvision for difcrc el.tiv. uinurhs- tlowrcr. all th.* modcls

isDrc the ridrh of fi. n.w lba cas4.d ftar vdie SMrly with thc Eanh-M@n

diskrcc for rhc saec elongllion. Thk c.!s!s vdiatioB in thc elully bdshh.s or th€

.Eeent of emc donsdion. Cons.qEntly, ft. s. pln of ARCV ad DAZ $c

t'i8hh.s of casnt v&i6 for dif.rcnt Eanh-M@n disranc.s. Th€ lsk of this

considdrion is rh. Fain caus. of l.ss.r succ.ss pec a8. of $.* n.thods N

conDlEd to the later ftod.ls foi posnilc ob*nations.

Th. Glliaion of vdyiiS bid nas of crc$crl si$ fic widrh or cE*.nt ro!

se €lonSa on (and $m. pih ofARCV-DAZ €luct thc phriical d.$nPlion otth.

poblcm by Bruin lead Yallop ro dcduce bdic dala €lating widtu ol cErent to $c arc

ol visioi. Yallop d.dwed this dll! fod $c minima of lhe linning visibihy .ur$ of

Inuin. Cons.qu.ndy. Ydlop @s su.cc$ful in dcducins hh3inel. p.6nttc' r.sr. rhc 4_

ulue ciledon. This crir.ion Produed bdler Gsuhs i. compari$n to atl th. ptcvious

mdhod!. Th. dcdudion ofvadous visibiliry condirionson lh. bsis otdircBnt dngcs o!

.r.valu.s $d rh2t ol rhc besr rimc of visibility' of .een frem rh. limitins risibilirv

cunes of ENin !'e thc motr markable of Yallop\ contibution l-hc \isibili'!

condirions pro\ idc ruidclinca lbour uds *h.t condnioos rlt co*cnr \ould hL casilv

risibl€. $hcn n $ill b. visiblc undo P.rfcd st.rhct condnions whc. Ue opricrl \o(ld

b< Eqlircd .d when fte cB$ent $ould bc sinPlv nor visible $ith ot Nnhout atrv

opti.al aid. rfu* condilio* har. poKd ro b. noN and morc Eli.blc $i$ incBtsnB

Thc najor co bution ol or e

is rhc comp.ri$tr ol .ll fi. htljcls

@rclically, frathcm.ricElly, phytictlly.nd in vi.w of$eir success p.rcentagcs

s.r of ob*wations colled.d tom d. l.t. l9ri c.ntorv till dcntlv. Anorhcr 3isnillcst

contribudon ol lhh wott is lo convcn aU th. mo<l€ls ino si.8l. Padm.tcr crn€ria 1 h.*

arc listcd bclo{ in th. inccsing order ofsucc€ss pcE.nlagc:



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