Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Chapaer No. 6

Dtsct ssroN

'ftis rvork $is inrsd.d to qplorc fld.ompae fic mathcmaical nodels for the

crneds under which rhe new lund cresenl could be lnible at silen locdion on th€

Eanh, Mormk!, it was intendcd that acomparhoD offiese nlodcl is conducled and the

models are nodified if posible, The lask of compdien od nodiEcadon of the nodel

hs b€en succcsstuuy achielcd dd a neN model the r.vahe criterion has heen

dcveloped. A sumdary ofthis wo is presnted below sith r dkcusion on the najor

achicvedenG ofllrc Nhole eihll.

Fi6t ofalla bener undcFt.nding ol$c issues. conpubrional, aslrononrical dd

obrerarional, associated wilh rhe prcblem;f l|t firet sishri,lg of$e new lLmtr ssenr

is devcloptd. Wc have €xplodd the comPulalional tchniqucs and tlrc asrcnomical

alSornhm dd rhcir applicadon (o $e extcnt that is .ecsary aor rhe calculations

irrvolved in solving lie problem desribed in nr€ pEviors paraeraph lrritially lhc

rcchtriques wcre nnptmenled on Miciosoft Drcd work slcels bui duc lo leDglh,

calculalions and lhe use oflong fomuld Ne \cre for.ed to dcrclop a cortputfr prcgnD

tlilalol. T]le prognm has been used lo do allcrlculations lbt detemining c@ldinalcs of

$c sun sd $c Moon.s well as the padmelcs inlolved in oor pobhm lhe rc$'lts ol'

nr. applicalion of $ne of tne modcls @ obunEd $ithin ln. pro8nn and lltosc for other

modcls arc done on fic basn of $e dala generaled by pngEm thal is salcd as ao ouqul

fllc. This file is $e. kanslom.d into an MS-Dxcel rork shet md lhe resuhs of orhcr

modeh re oblained therc. Tbc hbl€s comp sing thse ts!l$ tifiin dre m.in t€xl and

thar apF{ in |hc apFndiG rc all d€velop€d fon rhes *otk sh€ets

The modcl due to Babylonies as d*dibed by Fatoohi et

$at wa modilied by the MuslintAFbs is bricfly desribcd ir


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