Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Freque.dy. claims of lery dy sighiiog e made in sonc rcgioG of paknb!

(pardculely for ianins rhe dontbs of Rd.a ad Shawat 4s ienrioned beforc) $at

ad nor accefled by rhe au|hodd€s. Oie offic Dajor @!s of rh4 dly clains of

sighting ofncw se$cnt in Pakisran is lh. kenness otlh€ clainr dd lh€ nisco.epdon

.mongst trasses ftar when lhe 'tighting" hos been eponed in the Kingdom of Saodi

Arabia lhe cr$€nt nrusl be sighred the ncxt day in palistan, However. tbe oilcill

d<ision about slani.g n.w luiu Donth in lh. Kingdom ofsaudi Ambia is nor baed on

acrual signdng of lhe n w c6ent Thee d€cisions e based on cnrcria rhar have

chased tuee tnes ov€t $c pan two decad6 (odeh 2o0o).

Up ro 1999 the citria vas 6 fouows lf$e Moon.s age at drsunslis t2 hou6

or horc alter fi€ New M@q ihe pevious day is the fi6t d.y of lhe Islanic

nron6. fiis actually matu lhd lhc luDr donrh begiG on tu day ofconjuncrion

oa Moon vhich occurs on€ or two dats e.rlis than $e rime shen tbe n.N

crescent becom.s vhible ro lhe naked .ye,

Fmm 1999te crilerjon {6 chareed ro the tottowing: The tunar monrh besins on

lhe eEning *hctr the sun*1is b€forc tlt moon 9l according to Mrcca. This \as

no€ di$rtuus .s ir is Fssible lhar rhc sunsel befoe moonsd sil occur even

belbre rhe conjunction. Th€Efore. rhe hmar montn may begin three days betorc

rhe ccscent b€comes vhible to nlked cye.


Ftum 2001oD\ardr rhe cirdion is:

a) Tl'e s€ocemic onjudion scurs b€foP Sb*t.

b) The Moon sck aner rhe Sun.

This is nore realistic bul it is scarccly possible thal the crcscenl becones visiblc

on dE day ofconjunction.

The Min p@mders signinc.nl in lh. .arti6r visibilily crnerion for lhe luoa

cEscenl aE LAC, AOE, ARCV, DAZ, ARCL, Phas ad lh€ widrh of cE$e.t. As

n.ntioned abov€ none ofrh€s pomelets alonc decide the visibiliiy or.on vhibilitv of


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