Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Mosl of the hlami. counri* follow d ob*wadonal lu.d cal€nde, ar leasl fot

ftn rcligious purposes, Although subslantial work is done to cvolle a pediction

ciiie on ro dcvclop a univerel calenda! by llys (1984b, 1988, 1991, 1994a, 199,1b,

1997) ed otheB, r truly lnilersd calendd could nor be d€velop.d. As according Io

coDmon Islmic b€liefactual sighline of$c n6! L6d crceenl is n*essaty to b€gin a

Lund monlh, such a univesl calend& $cns lo be inpo$ible. This b |fue €speci.lly

b€cau* just aner conjuncion $e new luna! crcscenr is nol visibl€ on rhe sme day

lhroughoullh€ worl,l, eveD ift*o places ofobseNatio.areoD sm€ loDgirude. According

1o recent delelopnenb (Scabefer. 1991. Yallop, I998, Qurcshi &Khao.2007)

ob*ryational l@r calendaB for each Isl.mic counlry m be d.veloped bur dc ooi

s.ncally acceptcd b)'' rarious Isl.nic conmunities.

ln Pakisian an Offrcial Commiirle (Ruer-e-Hilal Comnft(ec) decidcs about when

1o beg$ a Lunar nFdrh on tbc bdis ofpublic cvidence and obseNatioos. This connilre

sa$e6 infodaioi 3bour thc claim ofsishriig rhe csce Thc clrims arejudged oi

rhc basis oflhe diFdncsof$e Islmic Laws. Som€ FpEsenlalivesofvdousscienrific

organiatiom de cle consnhed. Oncc $c clain/s is jNritled relisiously andor

soientilicauy, $e Ennoucemenl is nDde rboul begiming ofthe nexr Lun,r m.nrh In x

way,lhe beginning ofE\v lunemond is bascd on public obscBations ' verined ii licw

ofde pnncipals laid dosn br lslamic shariaat laws (lisled inanicle 1.3).

'lle advmrae. is rhal a larse numb$ of ob*Ne6" trle pan in $e exeai$ and

wilh it the pmbability of sighlins .ew cBscenl is incesed. Morcover, hon oa thcsc

observeis de iionr rural arcas sherc thde is leasl ihduriallraffic 6nd liSht pollution,

aid n k higlJy prob.blc thal lhe obseNing condilions d€ n€ar perfect. TheEfore in this

sluljy lhe* public obs.rvations e considcrcd |o bave a hki degE. of autnendciry. ln

lhis \ork all lhcsc public ob$dation-b.*d d.res ofsiart of€ach Lunu nonth frcn ye.r

2000 b 2007 ae reproduced and 4 srudi.d in conparison wirh thc Yallop\ q value and


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