Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Fig. No. 5. L7: Mesuemcnr of Length for Cterent of Mav 28. 2006 as pholoeraphed rr

Xffiltr UtoveElty obsefrd@ry.

'the dlta aor the obsiedcEscehl lenglhshoM in |able 5 12 and the cbart i. fig

5. L? shows inlqesrine paficn. Clain d by Schacfer (Sch@fer, l99l ) fie crc$ent lcngh

is a sn@$ fiDction of elonSatio.. but lhis drE er sho*s a tMd that cl*lv exhibns

delialion tion oy such sn@$ rel.tion. I]lc dala sdple is snall bnl lheE de lwo

subsets eech having neally sE@th relations, separatelv. b€twcc. lhc crescent length tnd

the €longation. Hovever, rhen consideed s a conbiNd dala sel lh€ obsflatios uith

elongarion ll93 de8lees (by AnFa} l44l de8@s (bv Oner) 1667 degEes (bt

Ralini) md 20.12 degrees (by Qwshi) deviarc Mk€dlv lbm $e apPaEnl snoofi

rclarion exhibiled by the rcsl oflhe dala set Cecchl l€nsths in rhcse four cNs are huch

snallcr thm lhe uend shown by the rcsl ofob$wationsas wellss thcresultsofe&h rhc

mod.ls co.sid€red abovc fot calculaline lhs le.gtb of $e ciesccnl


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