Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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l.nglh of new lum ccscenl (Qucshi and Khrh, 2007). In the fouowins we reprcduce

this cflorr wilh slighr nodiilcation md a codection,

Schrrer cjecred McNall! s expldaion on $e bais or his Yiw thar rhc

shonening oflhe cr{ent length is situply b.ca6c oflh€ sharP d*line offie brigntn€ss

of rhe cr€scenr clo* ro rhe cusps ( SchaelTer, 199 ! ). Usins rh. dcudte dodel of Hatl@

(llapk , 1984) for calcularing rhc surface brighhcs ollhe cesnt Scbaetrer claims that

Daljon\ collected obse aions anJ his own n€* dara fic tbe nodel Howewr, nenhet

Danjon nor Schaefer have sneecsred a ddhod lor calculaling cacehl ldg$ Hapk€t

rDdcl nat be accurat for $eoreical setling rclatcd lo thc clongalion ofrhe M@n bul as

frr as the obscryed cresc€nls are conconcd dEre oughl lo be a depanur€ frod snooth

relarion berween elongation and lhe crescenl lcngth. Thc tason we co.sider n baFd on

obsenarions ofsone norning and {enihs cesccDh.

ltosl of the edly desfiption of the phononen, concenuated on rclatine it to the

plEs (or dongation) of the Moon ihal is gcnet lly th€ !e6on b.hind the Phenonenon

As rhc clongalion increass rne lengrh of rhe cesccnl fronr cusp to cusP k€eps ioc€Ning

Nhich a connon obseryalion. The nathemalicd dc*riprion ol lhe phenomenon lems 'n

ufdeficicncy arc. br Daijon Nd !ho\t to bc incoftd bv McNallv Hosev€r. e or€r

esrimrrcd limil oo rh€ ninimu \idlh of visibl. cEse (2 to 6 arc seconds) bv

VcNJlly le ro ren .mdll "dlu*

lbr DJnjotr Liilil lhe d*np'ion due lo McNallv i:

logicall, souDd so is $at of Suh dd bolh rcsulkd in$ tcchniques for calculatng

hDglh of se$oa. HoNerer bolh llcNally dnd Sullan hrve nol reponed lhe aptlicalion

of rlEn desription o. lh€ Ecorded hisloricll dria found in lii€iatuE (Yallop 1998.

Schaeffer l99l elc ). Accordinglo Danjon, d desctibed by F.l@hiet al

si,(a) = st(.) cot(@) (5'l l)

Wh.c $e @ PQ = o is fie deli.icncy at in fiS l (Fatoobi e|' Al" 198) a is rhe

elongltion dd o i5 half the cccenl l€nElh tr apP€6 rhal Dojon tr*d lhe Sine


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