Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Chapter No.5


Durin8 rhls work lt ls obs€oed thar since th6 Babytontan eE flt recenty a

nomber ol pr.diction crltsrta, mathehatic.t .s we as obsewational. were

developed ro detemln€ whon the new tunardesc€nl woutd be flrsr seen tor a gtven

rocataon. as tho fist appea.ance ot new tunar crescent marks tho beginning ot a

new month in obseryarionat tunar catendaE thele crireria and modets are

sagnirrca.t fo, calendaicat purposes_ wh€ther an actuat obsrya ohat tuna,

carendar, like the tstamlc Lunar catendar, ui izes lh.se crireria tor arangtng its

carendar of not rhe36 c.trerta provtd6s a €uidance for both teslhg an evtdenco ot

crescenl si8lting by common peopte and tracing down ihe dares ot a catendar jr

hErory where app.opriate dates are not we recoded. Ttus the main uti ty oi the

prediction c terta tor the eartiest visibiny of new crescent ts to regutate tho

obsefr atlon.l lunar catendaf .

Although ftrst order approximations, rike Anrhmetc LunarCatenda, thar are

oased on lh6concept of LeapyeaFand rh6 averag6 mooon or rhe Moon fave been

in use, Nluslims hEve been to owing dctuat si€htng o, crescenls ar teast tor the

monrhs of fas n8 (Ramazan) and pitgnmage (z hajjah), the acruat moion oi the

Moon varies grea y due to vartous tactoB whtch causo rne obseryarionat catendar

lo be ditfered froh the arithmelc c6t6trdar.rh6 Catendars if based on a prediction

c lerlon llko thar otya op or ihe one devoloped In this work are rhe cto56t to rhe

ob*patlonat catendai In this chapter, wecohp6rethese carendaBwith th€ a.tual

obseryatronat catend6r in pracrice In paktstan tor th6 years 2ooo ro 2OOz, ft ts

found rhst on avorage 93.7% obseryadons ,16 ac@rdtng to rho yalop,s o_v6tue


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