Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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while d€vcloping rhe "vbibilitv cudcs" (it againsl 5) $d the limi$n8 visibilitv

c!ru€J (, + r against r) for.onstad brightn.ss Bruin @nsidcrcd the avedgc brightnes

of w$m horian duiog rwiligh od fi. ldistion of lh. bdgltN of lh' full M@n

with tlE alitude above hotian c me ion d @lier' Instcad of @cid'dtrg av'ase

brightness oi sky we hav€ coNideEd dual blighrnds of skv and fte cr'scent calculakd

sing the techniques developcd by S€hefet sd olh'6 (Schmier' 1988b, l99l) i' lhe

$nw@ Hilalol. W. $lslcd c@ent vi.ibilitv circUmtarcls of ldious rcw Mm6

css wh€n lhe crcscenl Ms rponed b hav. beo sn For cFs415 ofa pan'culd

width we found lhe altiludes I oi skv points with btighhess equivalent lo that ol tho

particlle crc$. at dill€tnt $l& depEsio.s r' Th. ovcdgd of the


of skv

Doinrs for difl'rnl $ln dctr.$ions for plirhuld sidlh d Lbllat€d in T'blc no 4 4 l

The left most column of lhe lablc contains ihc solar dept€ssions r and ihe toP rov grv€s

rh€ {idrhs r oflhe crcsenrs sclaled ed thc n xl one giv.s its na8lnude Thc enties of

$e 6r of rhe €blc ue lhc aldtu&s , shcE lhe stv hs rh' sm€ brighhAt 4 lhc

briehtness of tnc cresknl ofthc width al th. top of lh€ @luon.

It should b. nol€d thal duins ihe twilighl 1ne widrh of the crc*dt vd'es up b a

dc seconds for very wide d.sc.nls. Se6on to eason ed for dif|ere'r lalitldes the skv

bddrlnes fot th. sdde altitu.l€ cl6e lo th. poid ldee ihe sun sts also vdi's lor qch

column of th. lable 4.4.1 a numbq of c!*s of alnosl eme cE$enl widtb wE

@nsidered md each ahitudc is aveEg€ of lh.se cdes Thc dtla of lhe tabl' 4 4 1 is $e'

plott€d on a sraph shown i. fsw 4 4 1.lb lhis figure n as a fuhclion ofr (i' =/6,) @d r

+ ,' = s 6 a fuclion ofr (rl = sat) aG bofi ploned /ft represnl the "visibilitv

cwea &d the s(, rc9dnc the liniting visibilitv cudcs" sinild lo wh'l Btuin

(Bruin. 1977) developed.


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