Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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TheE is only onc noc clain ofnajcd eye vilibility of ffiant wilh t-Elue lcs

rnd -0.16, obeMtion no. 2?4, with q-BlE -0.22 | (AR- = - l .l9)- I1tis obs.dalion it

not allowed by both the Yallop s crilerion dd th. Lunar Ripenes Law but wnh highd

.tevariotr (1524 n 16 ahove s lcvel) dd loe hmidity (6linat d to bc lo'ld lhe

tuEnitude cohftast is favourabl€ for uaided visibilily lnd $e ob*nolion is not

uNlidble. In rll the esl of lhe cB@nl oben rions *ith I-valB ls lnd -0 16 lhe

claih ofvisibilily of cressnt is with binocular or wit lelescope. Thee claiN de also

nor ucliable 6 out of25 s@h claim 8 harc favounble uas,itt.L cotun lor n*.d

ete visibility with oplimm 4tinales of lehpcdtwcs ed rclative hunidiry'

The hagnilude conrAr for sme other r.porledly Positivc cE$€nl sidrinss

{ithoul oplical aid n nol favoudble. Th6e e obeFalion nunbe6 14l, 3 19, 416, I16,

315. 2a6. 611, 314,272, 2. The q-values (and A\"J fo! $ese descents & _0 153 C

0.8?), -0.1r (0.07),.0.101 c1.06). -0.047 (-1.t. -0.02?(0.167), 0.00? (-3-5),0.01 c0.7?),

0.012 (-1.01).0.018 (-2-88),0.109 G1.47). For 341.416.Il6 rhe thrc. crireda (Yallop\.

Lumr Rrpcoess Law md ihe nagnihde €oi!r60 e. co6islenl- For 286,633,114,212

dd 2 Y.llop's citerion allows.alcd cye vGibilily ud€r "perf*l lkibility condnionJ

but bolh lhc Lumr Rip€ness Ls* and lh€ naerrilude conltdt are nnfavoulable for nk.d

eye visibilily. Thu ir apFd thll Lus RiFmss L3w is nole coNistcnl with the

m.Snilude conlrdt rcsulis.

Io rhis work limiling t€lesopic hagnitudes &e not coGidcrcd as lhe r€poned

ccsem ob$fr.tions wnh bineuls {d lclcsP.s do.ol pevid. approPriale d.iails.

ThcrefoE lhe appopiale limiling lelescop.s cm not be conpnled MoEover, out wo*

is horc conccmed wilh visibility of n w casd witboul dy otircal aid


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