Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Tt. ob*Mtio6 @sidered in th. llblc 4.3.1 e ody rno* *lq il wr claim

rhar rh. cc@ 6 sn by dy n@s .s ll|e r€cordi enen rhe

de not El.ver. Moeov.r, by vrryiog thc Grinared t€npdt@ dd Glatirc huidily il

n €valual.d 10 oblain oplimm @ndilios for nr}€d eye visibihy ol $. asc.nl, If th€

ntaEnituda co"na is obtairea ro b€ i. favour of visibihy onlt dcn lhe lim. ra.8. of

naked cye crescenr lisibility Ee delemined md included in thc rzble.lt thc nagnitude

co"rf"rr is nol found b be in favou. of u.aid.d visibility the l6t posiliv. value of lhe

nagritutu conn$t is c5lculaled md th. se vatue is included in aU the thR

coGpoodins columns. 'rhe s,m positivc vahe in all rh* @tM.s it rhc indicalion

that under lhe walh.r ondnioN consid.Ed the cr€sccm ws Ev€r visible to lhc naked

]-his table shows tbal $erc d€ ll cases ofposidve sighting claihs {ilhout opiical

aid when nagnilude contmt was nclq in iavour otunaided visibility. All tsc positile

css e aho nor in aet€emenl wilh tbr conditions due io Folhqi.ghm dnd nalndeu

Lunar Ripeoes las d@s nol allow l0 of thcse dd the two of lhen e oily ntr8'hal

cses a.cordins b n. Only one 6e mlcdly diff€D fiom Lllm RiF@ss law. Onl, I of

$csc 13 ces ue not allowed by B.bylo.id cdknon. To or thesc ces m not

allowcd by lndim n€lhod ed rhe !6t of th. thrce m n&giMl c66 i. Indid method.

Boih Bruin's limit 6d Yallop s critcrio. do not allow.ine ol rh.s cases ln cae or

orher tou dlaims Ellfoutcs* are marginally lllow€d by Bruih's critelion bul Yallop s

dlsion difieB a lot in one oflhem.

Thc liBt pase of the lahh 4.1.1 shows t$o etaa odinarv claims of nakcd cte

vi.ibihy of crc$enl, ob6 No. 189 &d 455 wilh q_values -029 dd _0 216 Thc Yallop s

c.it.don d@s nor allow naked €y. visibitilt for lhc$ q Qlrcs 8d tlE naanittde

.o"r'4r, b ale nor favoMble ev.n wirh hiSlly exassenled wealh.r condnions The

Modifi€d Ripene$ Fuciion (chapb 3) !alu6 corespoldine to lh€s oberations e

aho noi favoudbte G0.95 md -0.62 in tablc 1.5.1) for cEsc€ni vkibililv Therefole th.*

obsedations, as lhey fdil to etisry evoy model, de highly melilble ahd ar. outlie*


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