Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Fig No 4l l

Ta!t.4.1.1 is d.v.lopcd sina the sc prcssn Hildol i4 o!&r !o sDlv* $'

crts@t ob*frarion @rds t Ln tod ti|c E (S.h&Lr' 1988t Ydlot' l99E Odeh

2004). In @h mw of thc l'bl. obsfrrion Dmbq (s sign d bv Odch (Od'lL 2004).

dde of ob*darion. ldrlud€, longrld. &d.lcvstion tlove s l.v.l of lh' ple ftos

wh.d th. c'€l6l is ob*dc4 followEd bv $. diMr.d ldp.tat@ 3nd 6ri6aldl

Elarivc h@idny. Th€ .ext thF @luld @nr.in $c uit.6,l lim' &d th'

ldf,rdlig Ms,in4le .dr6t wh.n th. ru&ttn d" co,rr/dt b4om$ j6t f!vo@bl'

for siShrinS of c'lsdt (@lum vith hddinS .3l!n) *id n is b€sl for sidlinS

(@lwn wi$ lsdins 'bd-) ad whd i is favo@ble io' sidtina ror th' lar rin'

(6ltm wilh hddirg 'ta'r). This 8iv6 lh. tine Engc lor $e posibl' Et'd cve

visibihy ot $. c'ls6! TIE rus,,'& .otdr i3 @Nid.ied onlv fot @id'd visibilit,

oa crcsdt. Th. lan $E 6ll,!m @Duin th. i.fonMdo. E$ditg *tEths lhc

clt* M claincd b b. vi3ible widout dv opdcal ai{ wi$ a bi'@ulu ot eith a


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