Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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lf thc hviligh briebhes rv/, doninats ovc. tne day lieh briehhcs dat, rhc. thc sud

.i r,grrb and .' ,1, are slored in ,r.r/t otncffi$ rhe sun of ,'s&r, md etb rR noE'd

in L.r/t Morcover. ifrhe Moon is.bov. horizln thm de,, C lho addcd to bs.r/t/.

l-iially, fic brighbes ,.\rrlt is @neened inlo .m-tanb.6. fon cquaon (4l.16)

till rhis point all conpulalion is done id a looP that €recutes Ilve timcs again, once for

sch wavel€rylh bdd *l4td fnc €aicula$on ol 6e limitins naghitudc /€, is donc .s

la (tel < l5o0) ic,,e=loat..eo lo-re)

Els { co,a - I o ! rr . .n o " I 0 r ' }

kh = tum'\t + Jctu" tb.t r




t.. = t6 i1 -2 t,IVD) d.".htzl

\ In(I0) l

(4.) 21)

Schaelcr (Scha.fer. 1988) in his drtshold co.tdsl nodel calculates /i as rhe log

of $c ratio of rhe acrual tohl brigltoBs of th. M@n ad $e tolal biSlttnss oi $c Moon

neded for visibiht fo. rhc givcn obsping condiions ln this rc|k we considr rhc

mlg.itude oflhe Moon and $e lisual limiliog naennude slculatcd frcm thc alsoinhm

givcn abovc- The diftcmc. of Moo.s naenitude z"d!A and lhc visutl limitins

nalnitude le- is consideted .s nugnitude .onxas de"or.d 4 zDzq A plol (Iig 4l I

bclow) sbows dirercncc ofscbacfcls thEshold cohtrasl I and $c nasnnudo contasl

/r43 Scries I sho*s ,1aas lor crcsmls $ wca not $cn and erics 2 shows ,'lu zg ror

crusoent ihrl \vcre sccn Sdies I and series 4 sbow ,4 cot.spondins lo dcsccnc $al

wce not sen d lhal scte sen Esp.clively.lheda1a lor this fig is talcn lrom Sch.cfc!

(1988). P$nive vales ol cont6$ fo. crcscns $al wrc nol *o ad lhc nesrtilc

vrlues lor conlrdt lhal *erc sccn snoN lhc inconsistcncics ol thc modcLs qirh lhc

ob*ndion. Th6e inconsisteoci.s may E$ll fDn .stiDatcd lalues of t€npcaorc a.d

Elative hlmidill adopt€d for lhe calcllalions.


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