Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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whcre, 90'r : lnd , - 9ou : R The sollwde Hilalol wo develoi,cd in $is work

ror lh€ delcrminarion of lisual linitiie naehitude thc major nePs ol calcularions

iadoplcd lion schacf4 s pogBE) rc lised b.low wih bncf de*riPtion Rel4nccs

and dcrailed d.sc'iptions can bc folnd in Scherd (1993)

Thc prcgEn funcion /drat r'l(,) 1at6 s inpu/pE-c.lculatcd valnes listcd bclow:

. a4r. thcal(iludcofnoon abovehonzon. tdu. ftc azinnth oithc noon

. par. the alrillde oflhc place abovc sea kvelih ndcB, Pn,z. cslimlted rclalivc

hunidny of the place. p/a/. lairud€ of the plde. PratP. esrinatcd lcnD€dlrrc of

. sd/pn4. lhe right Nensioh ofthe $n at the inc of ob.cnstion.

. \eshlil (= 0.365.0.44,0.55, 0.?. 0.9) $. {av.lcngths @@spondinS lo U- B. v.

R md I bands

. b,r.r[t (* Sxl(]iJ. ?x10 i. lx10fr. I'loi3.3xlOI) p!3ncl$ !.lues in lho

nish dhc brigihss sssilled snh .rch wvelenglh $lccrcd

. a!r1t (= 0, 0.0.01!. 0.008.0) p@eler values in $e cxrinction cctlicicnr

corespondins lo lhe ozrne factor ssdialed wirh ceh wavel.neth sclccled

. rr.!.r/, (- 0.0?4- 0.045. 0.031. 0.02. 0.015) p.Bmcrer values in $c cxrinclion

ceficicnr coftspondi.e to ihe w@ficr facloa (hmidnx lcmpedurc elc )

associatcd wilh each wavelengh sel{tcd

. @vh[j] l. -lA.%. -10,45. -11.05, -11.9. _12.7) lhc nagnitude of fuu moon

coftsponding ro dififtnt slel.d warclen€lh b6nd5

. mschtil (= -25.96. -26.09. -26.74, -27.26,- -27.55) fic $lar magnilLrdc

coftspondinS to diff€rc sel*ted w6v.le41h bmds


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