Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Chapter No. I


Slnce rhe anclent ttmes rh. 6preaEn@ ot n€w tunar cr6cent marked lhe

beginningofa new monlh. With the d€votopment ot ctv zarions org.ntrtng lme tor

e(ended pe ods lnto weeks, months snd teaE, the tlnar phase cyctes tead to tho

evolutio. ot calendaB. lh6refore the pobtem ot dotermining the day of tiFt

sEhtingol n€w crescent moon arlbcted hlman betngr tt Invotves con stderatio n or

a nuhber of astronomlcat es wett as other facto6. On the orher hand th6 probtem

ol obserylng the new tunar cres.6nt at an eaniesr posstbte momenl ts chalenging

for bolh amateuE and professtonat .5tonome6. Th6 .st,onomtcat paEmetets on

whlch thesolution olthlsprobtem ts bas6d are b eflydtscussed in the ftsl .iicte ot

The circudstarces and parameteE assciated with th€ problem of sighting

new runar cresce.t Sreatty vrry wirh th€ v.rytng post o. or obseder on rhe globe.

The atfecls ot the geographicat tocation on the probtem ls briefiy discussed in rhe

next 6rtlcle. Atempts to determlne crle a tor the delermintngthe flrst ltslbitity ot

new runar c@scenr ai..y ptac€ rpp.ared as €any as the Babytonian ers (Faroohier

al, 1999, Bruin, 197?, tty.s, 19946). Signncanr adrances were made by Mustims

and AEbs during medlevgt perlod. A brt€l nccount ot thes6 ancient aid medieval

effons b discu$ed ln thtd.dtcte ofthts chapter.

Srnce anliqolty changing phas6 o, the Moon and a comptete cyct€ or rhese

vrriallorc has been ured a3 meansot k€€ptnEaccount ofcatendaG. |yas hasgiven

a delailed accounr of the history of ihe sci€nce of lunar crescent vlstblity and the

lslahic Calenda. (rryas, 1994.), Dogger h6 di$ussed lhe history and rhe

deveropn. of calenda6 (oo€get,1992), Fetngold &o€rshowitz hav. presenred a

(omparEllvesludy or morethan rw€nry catendaG or vsrtous (ypes both sncien, a;d

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