Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Atuin bsed his wolk (BNin, 1977) on 1he obseded avedge brigbh.ss of sky

agaiBl rhe posirion of th. sun b.los ho,iD, ,ner ssel (0ut natched tnc resuls ol

K@h{ et. al. 0 952)) and &e bdshrB of rh. M@n s a tu&tio. of ddud., b6ed or

lhe 1h6ry ote inclion dw B€npoFd (Benpomd, l9O4). The fi8ures gi!e, by him, Fie.

? $d 3 (Bruin. 1977, pp.339) arc r.poduced here in Fi8 No.4.t,1. On rh. b6h ofthcse

sludies Aruin developed the Lund visibilily cuFes (relarin8 atdtude, , of qeeenr

plottcd asainst s, lhe els depE$ion b€low hoizon) 6d fie Lioiring Visibitiry curyes

{Elatine, + r,gai6r r) ed pEenled in fis. no. 9 (in€tude<t in rh. eme Fig No.4.Ll)

(Bruin., 1977pp.339).

Fis ? shows how $e .!e,a8e brighhss of the sLy ,s diminishes afre! suist s a

Iunclion oI the allitude of dE sun, lhe elar dcpG$ion or orp r, s !n. su g06 b€tow

hodrcn. Fig 8 (Btuin, I977) shos ihe @iarion of rhe av€ragc brightne$ offu M@D

ar s a fnncrion of the alritude ofthe M@n n above honzon .r h. Lnnar Visibility odes

dev€loped by Btuin shown in ng 9 @ruin, r97?) are d€vetop€d using the two functioB

Asum. a panicular brignness ofsky after rh. sunse! ey lU_ stitb, ead our lbc

corespondhg sotar deprh below horizon fbn nC 7, r = 4,a degEes m rhis casc. In o!de!

lhat lhe @en is visibh in such a bright sky lhe ctscenr should also be at lsr a

bighl (lor s!ilb). Then ftod fig 8 Ead onl rhc alftud. of ihe M@r wirh Ih.

coftrpo.ding bnghh€s rhar @Des our to be, = 1.9 d€gr*s. This pmduccs a poi on

!h. visibility curye jn Iig 9 1hal shows a rcta onb€rwentheahruderofth.cresc.nted

ne &ld dip r below hdjrcn foi a panicultu brighrness of cre*enl and oa sky. Thus a

visibilitycure isa coltectionofpoinbG,i =//r), shere oe bnenbes of cr*.nt ad

thal.of sky mrh for cooshfl widrh of cE*nl. The qucslion is rhar fig 8 giv6 rhe

brishl.ess of&c tull M@n (dound 30 d hiiur.s Mdc) and rh€ cGcenr is eeneo y

less rhan t alc minule in width. Bruin Galias this probteh bul t.av$ i! s ir is by shrinS

Oat any dikrcpalcies shau b€ accounrd for by soh. rtnd of .Gcsbh,, taclor As


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