Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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(54.lYo). Howv.r, in t m of th. su.6e pc@nla8e {o. eSatve sighdnes

Forhdinghm\ crilfion is rlE bcn (@ons$ slt m.thods consid@d in th.

chaptet wnh 94.7% fotlMd by Momdeas (82%) ed th€n rhe Indid ednod


The oveEll success pcrced.ge of rhe In<tian mcthod is 79.5%, oflhc Maundeas

merho! is 81.lqodd rhat ot FohrinShm\ method a 7@.

The .uth@ ciry or succ.s of .ach is m.6uEd in rems of nhb.r of cGscnr

siShtirgs wirhour oprical aid (posi,jve sigtrings) rhal ae In aEreehent qnh $ecnl.non.

Some aurhorc have sre$ed on lesdng cdt.ria on rhc basis oI nunbcr of 6es whcn rh.

cnlqon prcdicts sighrins ed dlc qe*ent i, nor s@n (nee.rv. sghrncs) (Far@hi e1 sl,

1999) 6 wctl. How€vq odlcB hav€ indicated rhar cban

inoe.s wirh insca* in moe .,"","J;; ;;::,;:T:::"::i1",#;

1988a). -IheEfoE our eftpbdis is on .xploring @nditions uder ehich cE$enr cm be

scn od not on whcrh.r il is &rE y stu or noi e rhat lDNo.s may be 3t€lchcd for

Judeing ft€-eliabiliry ofthe cl.jG of siShtin8e A3 menrioned cadier thee c& be a

ro n€gadve sightings. rfa c terion pedicb sighilg snd

mc @rccnr E not 6crldly *en d@s nol sl dll ncm lhat 1h. $irerion is not rcliabic. TIE

:::lq condi,roro 8@,ry str6, vis,brny.!cn ,f


sry,{ no, ovft$r as sh,rr br *.n

rn rhc n€xt chapG. B.tole authcndcn, of a cdledon is ,

:jTt ":t, ::_ * *; ; ;;;;".;" *:lj:: :"ffj;j:T

Frw€cn the dimtt illmimied Ihin cecot ad lhe bignrnes ot IM&h sky,


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