Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Tne ddc oa aliflic wirh lnc horizon plats d impondt olc for th€ condirioE of

edli.st visibility ofn.w tun( cese.i. For norlhd h.misrhcre if. conjunctio.

falls nes aururual equinox this ssle is snall for borh hiddle md high.r

latitudes md fi€rcfoE cBeol is eidlcr cloe to rhe horian or .vcn b€low lhe

hori&o .r rhe lin ofsu*!. Th.EfoG old.r @scenG may *ape si8hli.g.

Th€ acicnt Bobllonie crildion for the €elid visibitit, or new tunar ccscenr

h6 the hienc$ suee$ pcencge (96.4rr'o) monesr alt rhc nodets consid.Ed in

lhis cbapr€r for posiljve sighdigs coGidered in lhjs tr!,k. Ho$!ver, $c su@e$

perccnlage fof neSalive lidri.gs is nol good enouSh (59.9%). Th$ the o!e6[

succ.ss pe rcen rzge ot lhe Babylonie c rir.rion is 75.4%.

The ideas retated b lh. Luar Ripeness tuncrion thal deletoped dlrin8 $e

nedi.val ca ae lhobughly invcsligared. Wirh ftoucm rahnques of

ohpulltioB rhis hs Esultcd i o a useful ne6od for det mrnrng lhe day ofrhe

fi6t sighdlg of @w lumrc&$enr. The onl/ probteh thar sdaced againsr lhis

nethod i3 lhc sightings that deviared from rhe nod€l i. hisher tatlludes. Thee are

older c,€*ents a.d brighler crcscentr h,v€ lowq Rip.ness

11"' ly:. rh€ s@ess per.nlas. of Lunar RiFnB rarv for posnive

siel incs G 9.8% (bcrb rhan alt hod.ls coNidcEd excepl Babylonitu cril.rion)

bul rhal fo regadve sightings n only 57.?% (wose lhan all ofter crneria

consideEd in this .hapte.). The o!.hlt succe$ p.,cenbg€ is 72.l./o.

Theadw.rage ofnelhods lhar sre bakd on Etarion beNeen ac ofvision &d

!€hdve .zinulhs ed thal dc moE lhomu8hly invesric"ted durjng Eod.rn.6 is

a6o exptored. Il is fomd lh, rhe Indie Dcrhod b.sed on dr b.sic dala of Scho.h

is rhe besl aDones! lhe ARCV_DAZ ba*d Dedods

amon3st the €npidel Dodels ofte e&ly 20,r cenrur', rh€ rndid De$od be.l

uccss peEenlaec tor posnrve srghrings {eo.l"b)

rollw.d b) rhe Mlmdets herhod r84?%r and rh. me$od due ro Maundcr


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