Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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fhis nbdi6c.tio! i! rn oL by Fo$dnBltn it lppli€d to dE obseutio4

repsr€d by Forh€.ingh.n .rd e$lrs e pc5I.d in Tlble m. I 4 I TIE dat! of the

lnbL n d$ pr*ft€d in FiA No I4.1 !t ir 4ily sa th3t rh€ l@t sq@e ntins ro a

s@nd d€gE polynohisl h.5 id inprovcd $ylhin8 6ttF tN nore positive

ob*N.don have lill€n into th€ mg€ ofn g{ive vd!$ of vd Th* ee Nmb€red 6?

(ofo.t 27, 1878) a$d l7 (F.b 20, l87l).

Dunng th€ sme.6 Mdundg (l9ll) @Nid€rcd &olh€r b6io data s.i given in

the hbl. .o 3 4 4 b nr $e obwnioml drl..

20 30

hvl3bL cro.c.nt3 . villbL cr.8c€nb . Forh6rinoham tute

Fig. No 343 Fothringhan s Rule


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