Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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In cae ofMoon nonh ofediflh:

DAZ ! ES = EJ J JS lassine

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and c4c ofM@n soulhof(tipric:


o,lz - o5 - p1g , 115

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"in, cos p

DAZ siven by (l.a.l) js much sfraller $& rhar eivcn by (1.4.2) for th. r.son tar in

(3.4.1) rhe difirEicc of dqliiatioD of rh€ Sun qd rhe M@n (\ _ 6M) is sna er

rr{ |han

in (3.4.2). wnh k4er aRcL (SM') for M, (3.4.2) as compared |o M (1.4.r) &ry j,

rar8.r bul &[ or Rd. is sdc. Ahhongh A&,i (Ra, - &ryJ r sme tdr the two ca$s bur

crc$cd al M. is older, rhick.. and brighrei mucb soaler rhan for M. Esutts into

dill.Enr ofarcs oftishr (ARCL) or older cE$eit with large! ph6e. Thus in case of in

case ofM it hst be difijcult to ke the crescqr s conp&.o ro rne c6eofM..

When€ler as is v.niet (perpodicuttr to rhc horiz!) DAZ vanish€s


aidnioo of I Oo (when Moon is ctosesr !o rhe t dnh) b l2v (,hen f.nhd lhe M@i

frcn is

rh€ Ea.rh) ccu_ As and whei tu i; nor v€niet lhe ol. DaZ coh€s



lnd Oe oplimum condiroN for as ca b€ retded. For hucn ls8er valu€s of

4d DAZ

older dd wjder cesc€nr may b. visibte wirh s@ er vahca of ARCV or aD. So rhe

oodels inlolvine ARCV-DAZ rclarions comc into play. h these hodel ARCV is a

runcrron ofDAZ so as should aho be a fuction ofDAZj

4,. = 4.. cosa ad ARcy = ftDAz)=aL

- -[(DAZ)



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