Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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0.0 < .1R,. < 1.6 p8tbiti,tr o! ,hltw o! Ji6t M@nt btrh ond withoul

optt ol h staq !o, tigt.r tdlituds. Lo.a!|rA N6t tuith opticd! a ! a".!

th.a try nelnE lt Nlth haL.d e!. h6 a eood .ranc. o! opticdlr u"tided

ne,> 1.6 th. pNtlbnrr oJ' tbi!i!, oifust cnse wtuhout optcat t st ona

Jor bo& Iow.r and highu tatttud.t,,

Another way oI lootjng inio ih€ delaih of Lue Ripene$ hodel is lo look inro

the plots ofaverage ripehess fmcrion md rhe acod ,ipenes tuncion for borh vhibh &d

invisiblc crcsei$ for single talirude, U.forluarcly, rhe dru avaitable dd considercd in

lhis work h Esrficlcd in rhc F6e lhat scieltifically re@rded ob*dalions fo, a sinetc

hnud€ a€ nor found lery fr€qucnrly €xcept tor Athens (ladrude 38 dc8,as .orrh) ed

Cape Tou (laritude 13.9 degr4s so!rh). !n panicula, for sn,I€r tatitudes. plac6 cto*


herc od tbeir d.h pto(cd for Alerage Ripenes Fundion &,, and the Acllal Ripen*

Fuiclion R6y for borh rhe Eponedty inlisibte dd the vilibtc oe*mr! Thesc jnctudc

plees with laritudes L8N, 33 95, 6.5N dd 38N (FiguB 3.3.6 1o 1.1.9).

Figure 3.j.6 for tadtude 3 L8N snows tbe b€sl slc

sieh,incs ou, of 6 (83.37") in asrcen€ wnh $" ,_J:'iff:ln:"11,'#:J:

obscdat'ons (6 our of6) e in agrccm€nl wilh the ta* toi this larilud€. Nexr is Cap.


ll.9 S) wirh succcss percenhgc 65% (ll posrlire siehings in sgenenr

od, ol 20, the needrvc obseryauons fo, Cap€ Toq are In agrehenr sirh la\ tor

9lJ% c66. This 6 ao owed by ,40r.6 (ladrlde 39N) w,rh 2 oul of3 {66.7910) posirivc

eghlingsad II o of l8 (61.l%) neSariv€ sighdnes a8rce snh fic lav. Ior laritude 6.5

deg!.es, I our of2 (50%) posilive sightings od 4 oul of6 (66 ?y.) asE. wirh rhe tan.


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