Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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Mftovd. ir 9M . o, x&" * l,{ - k. Bur whcn boil 0M 6d I + A hav. the s4e

sign 0.3.1l) shows th &4 *ould b. mor. thd l, - & and if pM dd e +



differcnl signs &e would bc l.$ the ,L - .ts. Bul thcF v&iatioos u€ nor sMnal

The vahes for HS ohained fom (3,3,9) dc denolcd s X,b and:


(l I 12)

For a fi&d place (9 consrd.t) R,, dcPcnds on ae spa6tio. a, (rhe equabrial t'Ac

ber@n the sun ed the Moon).nd thc s.en 6I + A is *son dependeot fiat shall b€

shoM larer. Using (he looh sod le hniqu.s di*ussd in.hapter 2 ie, fo! $e dav or lh.

day alier conjunction aor s placc of ob*ryarion ii .valuaEd. Ille ninihud valueofas is

@lculaled 6ing rne lrchnique d.srib.d al lh. .nd ol Ptviou .nicl€ $ lhat ,tB is

dedu.ed. If lt- is calculat d using h csdml.d value ol a, rh.n w call il X." (m

Erimared valk ot Lunar Ripencit funclion), Il ir is .al.ulated uin8 an avedge vrlue

10.5 degres of a, thcn *. c.ll il I- (d .vcaec wluc ol Lud tuFns nrtudo.)

Ac@drnely A&" = i- - X,a,6d Alt-, = i^ - 1&) Thc sinpl€st fom ofrhe Ll|E



:) $i" a;t+,ry -rsj'o


Tlus Lunar Ripeness Law that piolidc a solution of the probleh oldelemining

rhe first day of visibility of n€w lunar cre*enl h based on the Angle lhat the Ecliptic

nat6 wilh the bodzonlal or $e angle 0 + a ihal it dak.s wilh the venical. on the dav or

the day after conjunciion once lh. coordinatcs of the Sun dd the Moon at the tim€ of

suns for &y leation.rc calcuhted. (3,3.1l) allo*s onc lo calculale,e,4 ed sine 6

applopnab value oi4 d sivenby(3.3.10), in (3 3 12) the valu. ofx"i ce be tound ltr


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