Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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usirg (3.2.l0) il tlr4 lat s into:

(aM -as)<tPu - Ps).inttsinv


ThN whcmvd ih. Ncw M@n is bod jsl bcfoG le.l su!54 ln. LAc .hould bc

tu8lliv. if condidon (3.2. | 2) o. (3.2.1l) is s.lkfi.d if thc ce.d i3 $ulh of th. Sw.

ln rh. hod.m s.tup oE csjud olcul.€ rh. Elarivc ,ltirudc ARCV offic M@n

d th. tim of S!Mr. lf ARCV is nc8.tiv. rh. LAG ha ro bc rceaiivc. Still lhc

conditioN (3.2.12) d (1.2.13) show lh. d.Fn&nce of thc ph.mmenon on dE (i)

.q@to'ial Mdidle. of lh. Su $d th. Moon, (ii) thc hnudc e of lhc ple, (iii) thc

aliptic hlitud.s ot th. Su. srd ih. M@n .nd (iv) lh. egl. v or.cliplic with $.

hoden. Thc Tlble 1.2. I sho*s smc of lhc n gltis LAG ces during the ye6 2000 to

2010 AD tor Kech'. Paki$d (lariud. 24.85 d.g6. lonenudc 6?.05 d.e@t.

Ne8{iv. LAG ces on thc da, olconjun tiotr Frlly oeu tom smdl !o n di6

llritld.s bul @ sis.ili@l a. cld dividine linc b.l$q conju.dioMl luN qlcn&6

ed th. obacMiioMl lune cd. t!3. for hirl| htitud. pl*ca rcearirc LAG 6cn anc.

conjuictioi dly @cu moE f€qu.ntly. The coluntu of 0E r.blc in scqucncc fom bn

ro dsht e d.*dH b.low:

tsrl dllc of coijuiction.

tncd Timc of Conjmtion,

Zorc (PST) tihe of locd su!a,

As. of M@tr .t le.l suet in ho6,

Elongadon or Moon rroo tlF 56 in dcrFs,

Delimtion of M@n in dceE€$,

Delidlio! of Su itr &88,

Righr AsEion of M@n i. dcgG,

Rieh AsEid of Su in dcgr6,


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