Outliers A/W20

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Halo, Patcham

Selfies in the best possible light

IN JANUARY, Natalie Mears walked into a salon in the

heart of Patcham near Brighton with a dream. But the

space was dark, and very purple.

“I’m at an age now where I thought if I don’t do it

now, when will I?” she explains of her decision to open

her own salon, Halo Hair & Beauty. “I knew I had more

to offer than just working in someone else’s salon.”

Indeed, her vision was of a space that was warm,

inviting, and offered myriad services to the community.

And from the beginning, it had to be Redken. “It’s where

my heart lies, I have Redken in my veins,” she says.

“People come from far and wide for Redken colour.”

She was all set to make her dream come true when

the world went into lockdown. “It was like having a

birthday taken away from you, I had been so excited,”

she recalls. But when lockdown lifted, she was ready –

and with the help of plenty of friends, they turned the

salon around in just three days. “We roped in everyone!”

Those dark purple walls are long gone. Now there’s

plenty of blush (or is that Shades EQ pink?), white

and grey in the interiors and a gigantic pink bow on

the door, a sign of the treats you’ll find inside. But the

biggest talking point, and social media draw, aside

from that Shades EQ and Color Gels Lacquers shine,

are the enormous Hollywood-style mirrors that fill a

wall, and can be seen from down the street. It’s an ideal

illumination for the team’s work and for the clients’

perfect selfies. “It just gives the most lovely light. I’ve

had ladies book in for a blow-dry just to get a selfie in

front of it before a night out,” she laughs.


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