Young Storykeeper Volume III

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible! Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative. With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible!

Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative.

With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.


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166 | STORYKEEPERS VOLUME <strong>III</strong> AGE TEN | 167<br />


CRASH! Another wave hit the cove. Sam pressed<br />

his nose against the glass and I knelt beside him<br />

on my bean bag chair. Earlier I had pulled up some<br />

blankets as we sat in the chill of our lighthouse<br />

cottage.<br />

I bent my head and drew yet another picture<br />

of Granuaile, my heroine. I wanted to be just like<br />

her… “Jules the fearless sea captain and her<br />

hound, Sam.” I tried cutting my hair like her –<br />

except I didn’t have a sword so I used scissors<br />

instead.<br />

Oh, oh, here comes Dad… “Julia, get your<br />

head out of the clouds, you don’t see me doing<br />

that Granuaile nonsense… and WHAT did you do<br />

to your hair?” he said angrily. Did I mention that I<br />

only cut my hair today?<br />

“I’ll show you that I can be a sea captain and<br />

that I will find an island,” I muttered to myself.<br />

The next day, I put on my raincoat and my<br />

wellie boots and put on Sam’s lead. I grabbed<br />

my old rucksack that I had stuffed with snacks.<br />

As I closed the door of the cottage, I looked up<br />

at the lighthouse. I found my old rowing boat – I<br />

knew that Sam was good in boats so I knew that<br />

he wouldn’t leap out of the side. Before I started<br />

rowing, I saw land with my binoculars.<br />

“Sam, you and I will go down in history,” I said<br />

ecstatically. I slowly rowed towards the island, the<br />

sea wasn’t rough today. A short while later Sam<br />

and I hit land. “Land ahoy!” I hollered.<br />

I swung myself out of the boat and Sam<br />

followed. The island was covered with trees. I took<br />

out a notebook and mapped everything I saw. As<br />

we walked through, a bird flew up and away. We<br />

had walked for an hour or so when we heard the<br />

rumble of thunder. Sam and I darted back to our<br />

boat. The sky had darkened and it had become<br />

slightly foggy. I couldn’t see my home. I leaned<br />

miserably against the boat.<br />

Suddenly, I saw a big bright light – the<br />

lighthouse! Dad must have light it up. I got the oars<br />

out and rowed for all that I was worth. Lightening<br />

crashed and thunder roared. Sam sat at the back<br />

shivering. I pushed harder, my bones ached. The<br />

lighthouse was the only thing keeping my spirits<br />

up. Only a few more pushes…<br />

Finally, I made it to the lighthouse. I ran inside.<br />

“Where were you all morning?” asked Dad.<br />

“On an adventure!” I said.<br />

Aoife Azmi<br />

Co Cork<br />

IS IT A GHOST?<br />

Sean lived in a lighthouse off the coast of Dublin.<br />

He loved to work there, helping Dad with the big<br />

light, cooking with Mam, fixing their ship Rebel<br />

with his younger sister Sally and taking their<br />

dog Hooper for walks. But he was always afraid<br />

when night came. He swore he could hear heavy<br />

breathing, the dragging of chains, a distant howl<br />

and a really dumb, but spooky laugh. It sounded<br />

like this:<br />

Snort, ha, snort, snuff, snuff, snort, ha, ha,<br />

ha!<br />

Weird, right? Sean decided that it sounded<br />

like a pig that had found some slops in the mud.<br />

Once, he had seen a shadow in his room, doing<br />

that weird laugh. He dared not tell his parents,<br />

though, because he knew for a fact that Sally, who<br />

was much younger than Sean, was not afraid like<br />

him. He thought that it should be the other way<br />

around.<br />

So, after a yummy fish and chips, and a<br />

long game on his Switch that night (he savoured<br />

every moment) Sean decided to find the cause of<br />

this spooky stuff. So, after sunset, with his torch<br />

handy, he set off into the night.<br />

Two hours later<br />

“Help!” screamed Sean. He was outside,<br />

and a white floating person wearing old-fashioned<br />

ragged clothing and an Imperial mustache with an<br />

arrow through his head, and chains attached to<br />

his hands was chasing Sean, all the way to the<br />

lighthouse! Sean was fast, but this…<br />

…thing was faster!<br />

“They will come,” the ghost moaned. With<br />

quick thinking, Sean jumped into the dark choppy<br />

sea. Sploosh! The ghost looked over the cliff and<br />

shrugged. All he saw were small bubbles rising<br />

above the water, then they stopped. He floated<br />

away into the night, dragging his chains behind<br />

him. Screech! They dragged along the driveway.<br />

Sean’s head came above the water. Who will<br />

come? he thought. He decided he would head<br />

back. This was going to get complicated.<br />

Isaac Devlin<br />

Co Wicklow<br />


Once upon an ancient time, there lived an innocent<br />

mermaid who was lonely and sad. The only people<br />

she had were a fish named King, who was an<br />

angel fish. But he was always busy. The mermaid<br />

looked from her window of her room and sighed.<br />

Her dream was to find a friend or even true<br />

love. But seeing as there were no other mermen<br />

or mermaids to her liking, she decided to embark<br />

on a torturous quest to another city to find a friend<br />

or a match.<br />

The next day she woke up bright and early to<br />

begin. “Ahh,” she said as she rose from her bed.<br />

“Time for an adventure.” She packed her bags and<br />

off she went. She took a sea bus to Oceana, the<br />

closest town, but she wanted to go to Coral Reef,<br />

the biggest city in the ocean, and there she would<br />

soon find a friend or a true love. So from Oceana<br />

she stopped at Waves Cafe for a snack.<br />

“Where might you be heading off to, miss?”<br />

the cashier said, looking her dead in the eye.<br />

“Stealing the kraken’s treasure, eh?”<br />

“No, no I would never do such a thing! I’m off<br />

to Coral Reef to find a friend. I’m so lonely.”<br />

“Oh well, you best be going. People here in<br />

Oceana are no good match. Bye now!” he said,<br />

handing her the sandwich she ordered.<br />

“Thank you!” And off she went.<br />

“Oh dear!” exclaimed the worried mermaid,<br />

“The bus to the next town just took off 20 minutes<br />

ago. I shouldn’t have stopped at the cafe. Oh no!<br />

Guess I have to swim.”<br />

So she swam and swam until she met a<br />

whale. “Hello there, young miss!” bellowed the<br />

whale<br />

“Hi, I best be going. I have to get to Coral<br />

Reef. I’m lonely and looking for a friend.”<br />

“Oh, can I come with you? I’ve been cursed<br />

by a witch and I’m so lonely and I want to break<br />

the curse.”<br />

“What’s this curse anyway?”<br />

“Oh, I’m afraid it’s a curse where I’m a big<br />

ugly whale.”<br />

“Whales aren’t ugly. C’mon come with me to<br />

Coral Reef. We can find friends there!”<br />

So they swam to Coral Reef but it felt like<br />

ages until… “I’m tired.”<br />

The mermaid decided that they could take a<br />

rest, so they found a rock, they rested for a bit<br />

then the mermaid saw a crab and went to ask him<br />

the way to Coral Reef. They talked and talked. The<br />

whale became bored so when he saw a cave, he<br />

went in.<br />

Inside were crystals and diamonds. He<br />

wanted to take some back, but someone stopped<br />

him. “Oi!” they said. When the whale looked down<br />

there were little shrimps looking at him with spears<br />

“Oi!” they said again. The whale laughed and<br />

took a crystal.<br />

“Oi!” they said and the cave closed. They<br />

stabbed him with the spears and the whale fell<br />

down.<br />

Meanwhile, outside the cave the mermaid<br />

had finished talking with the crab and saw a little<br />

hole in the cave door. She knew the whale went<br />

there so she went in. She saw the whale on the<br />

floor.<br />

“Oh no!” she cried, her eyes teared up and<br />

she cried. A tear fell on the whale. He awoke, but<br />

not as a whale, as a merman. He hugged her and<br />

they fell in love.<br />

Bianca Wloka<br />

Co Wicklow

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