Young Storykeeper Volume III

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible! Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative. With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible!

Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative.

With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.


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148 | STORYKEEPERS VOLUME <strong>III</strong> AGE TEN | 149<br />


One stormy night in the silent city, everyone was asleep. The waves<br />

were overlapping each other. The path along the seafront was flooded<br />

in rainwater. The drain was swallowing water in bucket loads. The beach<br />

was no longer sandy and soft - it was now all sludgy and squelchy. Every<br />

light was extinguished except for the flickering streetlamps. Everyone in<br />

the town had struggled to get to sleep but had finally drifted off. In each<br />

window nothing but pitch darkness was to be seen.<br />

Far off into the distance there were a few rows of houses and they<br />

too were suffering the storm.<br />

In one house a little girl called Lillian White was gazing out into the<br />

dreadful storm. She could not take her eyes off a lighthouse. Mr and Mrs<br />

White were snoring in the bedroom across the hall. Lillian’s brother Zac<br />

was snoring like an elephant! Next door her younger twin sisters Suzan<br />

and Cora were blowing bubbles in their sleep.<br />

Lillian had always wanted to go into that lighthouse and explore.<br />

Before she went to bed, she asked her parents what was in the lighthouse<br />

and they said a captain’s spirit was in there and his name was Barry<br />

Seaman. Lillian decided that one day she would have to explore it for real<br />

and talk to the spirit and see what it was like.<br />

“What would you like for your breakfast, dear?” asked Mum.<br />

“Cereal,” replied Lillian.<br />

It was made in two minutes and<br />

she ate it in two. When Lillian went<br />

up to her room, Suzan and Cora<br />

came down yawning as wide as their<br />

little mouths would stretch.<br />

“Where are you going?” asked<br />

Suzan and Cora at the same time.<br />

“To my room,” said Lillian. “Am I<br />

not allowed?”<br />

She got dressed and ready,<br />

and rushed out and went into the<br />

drenched street. She went to the<br />

harbour to see if she could possibly<br />

hire a boat. But when Lillian was<br />

told there was no need, she was<br />

surprised and looked and… the<br />

lighthouse was on the shore!<br />

She caught a glimpse of her<br />

brother Zac and said, “Got to go!”<br />

“What are you doing down<br />

here?” asked Zac, sounding surprised.<br />

“Just checking out some of the boats,” she lied.<br />

“Since when were you interested in boats?” he asked, sounding<br />

confused.<br />

“None of your business,” Lillian said rudely.<br />

She ran back to the house with her annoying brother. When Lillian got<br />

back into the house, she was very annoyed that her brother was getting in<br />

her way of discovering Barry Seaman’s spirit.<br />

One evening after the storm, the family had everyone over for a roast.<br />

The table was covered in roasted dishes in oily trays and saucers. Lillian’s<br />

mind kept thinking and buzzing about the lighthouse.<br />

“Would the spirit get angry and put a spell on the land?” Lillian thought.<br />

“Would it drift into any house and start possessing people and make<br />

them do horrible things?”<br />

Until she goes into the lighthouse…<br />

To be continued…<br />

Ellie Watson<br />

Co Dublin

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