Young Storykeeper Volume III

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible! Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative. With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible!

Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative.

With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.


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146 | STORYKEEPERS VOLUME <strong>III</strong> AGE TEN | 147<br />


Abbie Kelly<br />

Co Dublin<br />

A long time ago in Ireland, in a very small<br />

village, there lived a girl with her mum and<br />

her grandpa. Her name was Alexa. Six<br />

months ago, Alexa’s dad had gone out on a<br />

boat trip and never came back. They hoped<br />

that he was still alive. Her mum said that her<br />

family were going to move to an island called<br />

Valentia Island. Alexa was not happy.<br />

It was the morning of the move. After<br />

breakfast, Alexa had to go straight away<br />

because the people who were moving in<br />

were arriving. Alexa said goodbye to her<br />

friends and off she went. Her mum was<br />

reading, her grandpa was steering and Alexa<br />

was staring out to sea. They got there and<br />

Alexa jumped out of the boat. There was a<br />

girl with two dogs sitting down. The girl said<br />

hello to Alexa. She said her name was Mia<br />

and her dogs’ names were Sammy and Milo.<br />

Alexa was so happy that she had made<br />

a friend already. She said goodbye and she<br />

went to her new house. Alexa ran to her new<br />

room. It was the prettiest room ever! She<br />

saw Mia and her dogs again. She asked Mia<br />

whether she like to go on a walk. Mia agreed<br />

and they ran up a big hill.<br />

At the top of the hill stood a big<br />

lighthouse. Mia told Alexa that an old man<br />

used to live there and anyone who went<br />

in would not come out. Alexa said, “Let’s<br />

go in.” The door slammed shut. The dogs<br />

started to bark. They were not alone.<br />

Mia asked Alexa why she had run in.<br />

She replied, “My dad was last seen on this<br />

island, so I wanted to see whether he was in<br />

here.” He had been last spotted beside this<br />

lighthouse before he went missing. Alexa<br />

told Mia how she longed to see her dad<br />

again. Suddenly, there was a loud BANG! A<br />

dark figure came towards them. They were<br />

terrified. The dogs were barking frantically.<br />

Alexa saw her dad standing before her.<br />

He told them that he had hit his head on a<br />

rock. He could see the light of Valentia Island<br />

Lighthouse and swam to it. The lighthouse<br />

had saved his life. He had been living in the<br />

lighthouse all this time as he had lost his<br />

memory when he hit his head. Alexa’s dad<br />

could not remember his name or his family.<br />

Alexa brought her dad to her mum.<br />

Her mum was shocked. When Alexa’s dad<br />

saw all his family, his memory came flooding<br />

back. He remembered the terrible storm at<br />

sea. He was trying to control his boat when<br />

a wave knocked him out of his boat. This<br />

was when he hit his head.<br />

If the light of the lighthouse had not been<br />

there, he probably would have drowned. The<br />

lighthouse saved his life for sure. The family<br />

celebrated with a big barbecue feast. They<br />

lived on the island happily for the rest of their<br />

lives.<br />


It all happened so fast. I was a little afraid,<br />

but I knew I had to act quickly. It was the first<br />

time I had gone on a night walk with my dog<br />

Zora and I was a little tired. At first, I thought<br />

I was seeing things as I reached the old pier.<br />

Zora began to bark and her tail was wagging<br />

so fast I thought it was going to fall off. It<br />

appeared again.<br />

I looked around me and there were<br />

no other people in sight. The lighthouse<br />

appeared at the end of the pier for the<br />

second time. It was tall and round and the<br />

bright moon bounced off its large head. A<br />

few seconds later it disappeared. Zora then<br />

sprinted to the end of the pier dragging me<br />

behind her.<br />

It was so calm it seemed as if the sea<br />

had frozen over. Zora sat at the edge as if<br />

she was waiting for a treat. All of a sudden<br />

it appeared for the third time and the black<br />

wooden door opened slowly. I froze with<br />

fear, but Zora was very excited to explore.<br />

Zora pulled so hard that I fell through<br />

the wooden door. Bang! The door closed.<br />

When I looked around me, I could see<br />

pictures of my family on the wall. I was a<br />

little confused as I had seen those pictures<br />

before. I then realised where I was when I<br />

sniffed the smell of my nanny’s homemade<br />

bread. It is the best smell in the world!<br />

A voice from the kitchen said, “Kaila<br />

come in and get some bread.” I ran in and<br />

gave my nanny a hug.<br />

She whispered in my ear, “I love you.”<br />

The next thing I heard was Zora barking<br />

and when I blinked, I was lying in bed with<br />

Zora licking my face. I looked around my<br />

room and everything seemed normal. I<br />

sprinted into my mom and dad’s room to tell<br />

them I had met nanny again.<br />

My mom hugged me and said, “Oh<br />

Kaila, that must have been a beautiful<br />

dream. Nanny lives in heaven.”<br />

It was the best dream ever. I hope I see<br />

the lighthouse again.<br />

Kaila Macklin<br />

Co Wicklow<br />



Once upon a Saturday morning, there were<br />

two little twins called Sophie and Sam.<br />

They were nine years old and they lived<br />

with there mum, dad and their older sister<br />

Emma. Emma loved taking Sophie and Sam<br />

to the lighthouse next door.<br />

Emma decided to take the twins to the<br />

lighthouse. On the way there, Sophie and<br />

Sam ran ahead and Emma slowly followed.<br />

But when they got there, the lighthouse<br />

door was wide open, so the twins crept in.<br />

As soon as Emma reached the lighthouse,<br />

a gust of wind slammed the door shut…<br />

BANG!<br />

Sophie and Sam suddenly found<br />

themselves stranded in a cold and damp<br />

stairway.<br />

“Let’s head up the stairs and turn the<br />

big light on,” said Sam.<br />

“Okay,” replied Sophie.<br />

So they went up together and all they<br />

could hear on the way up was dripping water<br />

and their feet squelching on the stairs.<br />

Meanwhile, Emma was shouting.<br />

“Sophie, Sam, where are you?” she cried.<br />

“Mum said dinner will be ready soon and it’s<br />

getting late!”<br />

Emma’s heart was pounding with fear.<br />

“Where are they?” she said to herself.<br />

Sophie and Sam reached the top of the<br />

lighthouse. “Yay! We are finally at the top!”<br />

said Sam.<br />

“I’m so cold, Sam. Look over there in<br />

that box,” complained Sophie.<br />

“Oh yeah, there are loads of blankets<br />

over there,” replied Sam.<br />

Sophie and Sam took a blanket each<br />

and turned on the light. Emma saw the<br />

light and saw the twins at the top of the<br />

lighthouse. She tried to open the door, but it<br />

wouldn’t budge so she called her mum.<br />

“Mum, Mum! Sophie and Sam are<br />

trapped in the lighthouse,” Emma told her<br />

mum.<br />

“Really?” asked mum, in great fear. “I’ll<br />

get Dad to get the crow-bar.”<br />

“Okay, bye,” replied Emma.<br />

Mum and Dad dashed to the light house<br />

and they broke the door open. Emma went<br />

inside while dad held the door open.<br />

“Sophie, Sam I found you!” said Emma.<br />

“Yay, Emma!” replied the twins.<br />

“Okay, let’s go home,” said Emma after<br />

their adventure. “Do you want to come to<br />

the lighthouse tomorrow?” she asked the<br />

twins.<br />

“No, not again,” said Sam.<br />

“Yeah, let’s just go to the beach from<br />

now on,” said Sophie.<br />

“Okay,” said Emma, in confusion.<br />

Chloe Nolan<br />

Co Wicklow

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