Young Storykeeper Volume III

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible! Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative. With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.

To celebrate Cruinniú na nÓg, Great Lighthouses of Ireland and Fighting Words invited 7-12 year-olds to become Young Storykeepers. Your lighthouse-inspired stories are incredible!

Fighting Words and Great Lighthouses of Ireland have devoured every single one of the 1,256 stories, poems, illustrations, song lyrics and even stop-motion animations submitted for the Young Storykeepers initiative.

With so many entries, these wonderful works will be showcased in a multi-volume Young Storykeepers digital magazine over the coming months.


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136 | STORYKEEPERS VOLUME <strong>III</strong> AGE TEN | 137<br />


Our story starts with Jack, an ex-military sergeant moving into a lighthouse<br />

to save ships from crashing into a cliff on the coast of America.<br />

The lighthouse is on top of some dangerous cliffs. It is painted a<br />

pale red and dark yellow colour and has vines growing up its sides. The<br />

lighthouse has a large light so that it could be seen from a long distance.<br />

Jack has so far saved twenty ships, ten planes, two aircraft carriers,<br />

a jumbo jet and half a million people from hitting the cliffs.<br />

One night there is a ferocious storm with waves the size of mountains<br />

and a violent, driving wind.<br />

A ship is coming too close to the cliffs, even after Jack has turned<br />

on the lights to warn them off. After two minutes of trying to get the ship<br />

to turn away from the cliff, the ship hits the cliff with a sickening crunch.<br />

Jack runs down to investigate and finds out that it was no ordinary ship<br />

but a spaceship.<br />

He realises it has hit the rocks because it doesn’t know what the<br />

lighthouse means.<br />

Jack enters the UFO and comes face to face with a xenomorph,<br />

Jack kills it with ease. He carries on down a small and bloody hallway into<br />

a big room and sees a thing out of a horror movie. It has four arms, no<br />

legs, a deformed head and a bloody torso. This monster puts up a fight<br />

but, in the end, Jack comes out alive, but with a nosebleed.<br />

The next door leads into the armoury, where there is a plasma gun<br />

and a nuclear bomb that looks just like the Fat Man. He picks up the<br />

gun and goes through the next door. This room has a vampire in it! Jack<br />

needs three hits from the plasma gun to take it down.<br />

The next room is very hard. Inside is a mind control demon and it<br />

takes five plasma hits to knock this one out!<br />

The door to the last room is plastered with skulls but he still goes in.<br />

In this room is a mini dragon. Jack shoots ten plasma blasts at the<br />

dragon but nothing happens. So Jack runs outside and straps the Fat<br />

Man bomb that he has collected from the armoury on top of the ship. He<br />

sets the timer to one minute and runs!<br />

One minute later the nuke blows, but Jack is far enough away to<br />

survive.<br />

Zachary Bunce<br />

Co Dublin<br />


Once upon a time in 1998, a twelve-year-old boy named Jack was at sea on his<br />

way to his favourite place on earth, Rockabill Island Lighthouse. Jack usually was<br />

with his dad whenever he was out at sea. His dad was one of the best fishermen<br />

on the mainland.<br />

On this day, Jack’s dad’s boat hit something hard and the boat rocked from<br />

side to side for at least two minutes! Then the boat started to go down, lower and<br />

lower, until Jack and his dad knew they had hit the buoy from the lighthouse. Now,<br />

they knew that they were near the lighthouse so if the boat did start to sink, they<br />

would be able to swim to the lighthouse. Jack and his dad had been working on a<br />

lifeboat at home in their garage but hadn’t been able to finish it yet.<br />

After about ten minutes of the boat sinking, Jack and his dad had to jump off<br />

the boat and swim to Rockabill Island. So, they both jumped off the sinking boat.<br />

The water was freezing but they were either going to die or live by swimming a few<br />

hundred metres. But when Jack’s dad jumped in, his leg got caught in the hole the<br />

buoy made. He could not move his leg out of the hole. Jack knew that it would lead<br />

to certain death.<br />

Jack’s dad said, “Swim to the island and stay in the cave! The next day the<br />

lighthouse keeper will come to the island in the morning. Get a lift home and tell your<br />

mom about what happened to myself!” Then the boat went down with Jack’s dad.<br />

* * *<br />

When Jack got to the island, it turned out that the lighthouse keeper was in the<br />

lighthouse drinking a cup of tea. He said that he would get Jack a lift home in the<br />

morning.<br />

* * *<br />

Many years later<br />

Jack is now forty years old and is looking for a new job. The last job he had was not<br />

what he wanted to do full time. But one job caught his eye: a new lighthouse keeper<br />

for Rockabill Island Lighthouse. It was apparently well paid - £100 per week. But<br />

then Jack remembered that his dad had died on their way to Rockabill Island. Tears<br />

swelled up in his eyes. But that was a long time ago so he got over it quickly.<br />

Jack took the job. The next day Jack headed over to the lighthouse. That<br />

evening Jack shone the light on the sea and he saw a boat smashed up right beside<br />

the buoy with a boy who looked about 12 and his dad in the water. And the dad<br />

looked like he was getting pulled under the water. Jack ran down to the shore and<br />

dove into the sea. He swam up to the boy and took him to the shore.<br />


Séimí McElarney<br />

Co Dublin

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